Authors: Martin Gurtner Lukas Hamacek Pavel Pisa Michal Sojka
The project has been initiated and is maintained by: Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Electrical Engineering Department of Control Engineering
The aim of this target is to allow Simulink to generate code that runs in real-time on Linux, preferably with fully preemptive kernel. This target tries to be minimalist in the sense that it reuses as much as possible from Simulink built-in targets.
In Matlab prompt execute:
cd <root>/ert_linux/ert_linux
From now on, Code Generation pane of Simulink Model Configuration
Parameters should offer ert_linux.tlc
as System Target File (after
pressing "Browse...." button).
In order to cross-compile the generated source, modify the "Make command" in Code Generation pane to set the CC variable (and/or CPP for C++ compiler). For example:
make_rtw CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc
Pointers to more ERT Linux target documentation can be found at the project SourceForge page
In addition to the target documentation, there are documented applications (PMSM control, CAN etc.) and related packages for SocketCAN, Humusoft MF624 data acquisition boards and more at related Lintarget site
Michal Sojka's blogpost about the actual version can be found at
Newest version of this project can be found at
This target has been tested with Matlab R2019b and Humusoft MF624 cards with Linux kernels up to 4.19 RT on 64-bit x86 Debian GNU/Linux system, ARM based Xilinx Zynq systems and AArch64 Nvidia based systems. Experimental support for NuttX RTOS for small MCUs is included as well.
Big thanks for help with update to R2019b and other advices to Jan Houska .