Python framework for dataflow-style programs.
Users of this framework structure their code into blocks with named inputs and outputs that are connected by channels. A typical application will have one or more data generator/importer blocks which then pass their data through various blocks which apply filters or tranforms to operate on the data.
For other similar projects, see:
conduit is free software and is released under the terms of the MIT license (, as specified in the accompanying LICENSE.txt file.
Contributors: Submit pull requests on github to request that your changes be added to the repository.
Maintainers: To release a new version:
- Increment release number in
- Run 'python sdist' to create a new distribution.
- Using a virtualenv, run 'pip install dist/conduit-.tar.gz' to locally install for testing purposes.
- Run the nose tests via: % cd <virtualenv_dir>/lib/python2.7/site-packages/conduit/test % nosetests
- Upload new package via: % python sdist upload