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Fill My Suitcase Build Status License

Fill My Suitcase is a web application for keeping a packing list for traveling. The goal is to make it easy to bring exactly what you need when you pack luggage for a trip.

This software runs the site


The application is built on Laravel 8 and AngularJS 1.7. It requires Apache or Nginx running PHP 8.0+ and the MCrypt PHP extension. It also requires a database server with a PDO driver. The default configuration uses PostgreSQL.

Development and deploying require Node.js and NPM. NVM is recommended for managing Node and NPM versions. Once you have installed NVM, you can install the correct Node version with these commands, run from the root of the repository:

$ nvm install
$ nvm use

Installation Steps

  1. Download the code from Github.

  2. Navigate to the directory with the code in a command prompt and execute ./composer.phar install.

  3. Run these commands in a command prompt to compile the static assets:

    $ npm install
    $ npm run prod
  4. Set up your web server.

    • If you're using Apache, create a new virtual host and point the root of the vhost to the /public subdirectory of the Fill My Suitcase code. Make sure mod_rewrite is enabled and that .htaccess files are allowed to override settings in the vhost.
    • If you're using Nginx, create a new server configuration. You can use the nginx-fillmysuitcase.conf file in the root directory of the Fill My Suitcase code as a starting point. Update the server_name and root directives to fit your environment.
  5. Set the file permissions on the code so the web server can read all files and write to the storage and cache files. For example, if your web server runs under the www-data user, you can execute these commands from the top level directory of the Fill My Suitcase code:

    $ sudo chgrp -R www-data *
    $ chmod -R 775 storage/
    $ chmod -R 775 bootstrap/cache/
  6. Create a fillmysuitcase database on your database server and add a user with access to the database. If you're using PostgreSQL, you can use these commands:

    $ sudo su - postgres
    $ psql
    postgres-# CREATE USER fillmysuitcase WITH PASSWORD '{RANDOM_PASSWORD}';
    postgres-# CREATE DATABASE fillmysuitcase OWNER fillmysuitcase;
    postgres-# \q
  7. Copy the .env.example file in the top-level directory of the Fill My Suitcase code to a file named .env.

  8. On the console, run php artisan key:generate. This will generate a random encryption key and store it as the APP_KEY in the .env file.

  9. Update all the other values in .env to match your environment. If you are not using PostgreSQL, add the DB_CONNECTION variable and set it to the correct value (e.g. mysql).

  10. Run php artisan migrate from the top-level directory of the Fill My Suitcase code.

  11. Visit your new vhost in a web browser and create a new user by clicking "Log In" and "Create Account".

At this point you should be logged in and you can use the site normally.


During local development, it's faster to load the JS libs from local files instead of from a CDN. You can enable this behavior by adding this line to your .env file:


If you have NVM installed, run nvm use to use the same version of Node as on the Travis CI server.


The functional and integration tests run against an SQLite database, so you will need to have the PHP SQLite extension installed. On newer Debian-derived Linux systems (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04+), you can install it with this command:

$ sudo apt-get install php-sqlite3

The Dusk tests use Selenium controlling Chrome with ChromeDriver, so you'll need to install Chrome, then run these commands:

$ touch database/database.sqlite
$ chmod a+w database/database.sqlite
$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan dusk:chrome-driver

Before running the Dusk tests, you need to start the PHP server in a separate window with this command:

$ php artisan serve --env=testing

Then you can run all the tests with artisan:

$ php artisan test

If you want to watch the browser tests as they run, you can edit the file tests/DuskTestCase.php and comment out this line:



A deploy script is already set up to use Deployer, but you will need to customize it for your server. First, edit deploy.php and change the server() details. Once you have it configured, run this command to deploy:

$ ./deployer.phar deploy production


Fill My Suitcase is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in this directory for the full license text.


A web app that reminds you what to pack.







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