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Floco Packages Modules

aameen-tulip edited this page Jan 3, 2023 · 26 revisions

Floco Packages Modules

Configuration Options

Scope used for configuring flocoPackages framework.

Type: submodule

Declared by:


Package Options ( Builders )

Collection of built/prepared packages and modules.

Type: attribute set of attribute set of (submodule)

Declared by:


Causes the built lifecycle stage to be blocked by successful lint checking ( required lint to be non-null ).

This is recommended for projects which are under active development.

If preferMultipleOutputDerivations is enabled this is implemented by making the lint derivation an input of the built derivation. Otherwise this will cause a preBuild phase to run lint checks, killing the builder if the check fails.

NOTE: if built is an alias of source, this causes either installed or prepared to depend on lint instead.

See Also: lint, installDependsOnTest

Type: boolean

Default: false

Declared by:


“Built” form of a package/module which is ready for distribution as a tarball ( build and prepublish scripts must be run if defined ).

By default the dev tree is used for this stage.

If no build is required then this option is an alias of source.

XXX: If a build script produces executable scripts you should NOT patch shebangs yet - patching should be deferred to the prepared stage.

Type: package

Declared by:


A function that checks if stdenv.hostPlatform or a system pair can support a package. This uses translated sysInfo records.

Type: function that evaluates to a(n) boolean

Default: <function, args: {platform?, stdenv?, system?}>

Declared by:


Produce a distributable tarball suitable for publishing using the built form of a package.

This target should never be enabled for packages whose source is already a registry tarball ( those with ltype of file ).

The contents of this tarball will attempt to unpatch scripts using the original source package’s contents - but if you produce any executables during your build it is your responsibility to ensure that they remain unpatched ( patching should be performed later during the prepare event instead ).

Type: null or package

Default: null

Declared by:


Globally installed form of a package which uses conventional POSIX installation prefixes such as lib/node_modules/ and bin/.

Globally installed packages will carry their full runtime dependency tree as a subdir, allowing executables to resolve any necessary modules, and symlinks into other node_modules/ directories to behave as they would with other Node.js package management tools.

NOTE: If a project has dependency cycles it may be necessary to enable the option preferMultipleOutputDerivations to allow any build or install stages to run.

Type: package

Declared by:


Causes the installed lifecycle stage to be blocked by successful test checking ( required test to be non-null ).

This is recommended for projects which are under active development.

If preferMultipleOutputDerivations is enabled this is implemented by making the test derivation an input of the installed derivation. Otherwise this will cause a phase to run test checks before install events, killing the builder if the check fails.

NOTE: if installed is an alias of built, this causes either prepared to depend on test instead.

See Also: test, buildDependsOnLint

Type: boolean

Default: false

Declared by:


“Installed” form of a package/module which is ready consumption as a module in a node_modules/ directory, or global installation for use as a package.

This stage requires that any install scripts have been run, which conventionally means “run node-gyp to perform system dependant compilation or setup”.

By default the prod tree is used for this stage.

If no install is required then this option is an alias of built.

XXX: If an install script produces executable scripts you should NOT patch shebangs yet - patching should be deferred to the prepared stage.

Type: package

Declared by:


Unique key used to refer to this package in tree submodules and other floco configs, metadata, and structures.

Type: string

Declared by:


Run lints against the source of a package. By default this executes any lint scripts defined in package.json using the dev tree.

As an optimization you may explicitly define treeInfo.lint allowing to be reduced to the subset of dependencies required to build, and treeInfo.lint to be reduced to the subset of dependencies required to run lints. This approach is STRONGLY encouraged especially if you use jest, webpack, or babel since these packages’ all fail to properly adhere to Node.js resolution specifications for symlinks, and often require you to copy a massive pile of files into the sandbox.

This target should never be enabled for packages/modules whose source was a distributed tarball ( those with ltype or file ) since these have already been linted as a part of their pre-release process.

See Also: test

Type: null or package

Default: null

Declared by:


Package’s declared metadata normalized as pdef submodule.

Type: submodule

Declared by:


Whether builders should prefer preparing sources with a single multiple output derivation vs. multiple single output derivations.

Setting this to false is sometimes useful for breaking dependency cycles for global packages or to intentionally introduce additional cache breakpoints in projects with excessively long build or install phases ( this may avoid rebuilds for certain types of changes to the dependency graph ).

In general it is faster to use multiple output derivations, since most Node.js lifecycle stages execute relatively quickly, and splitting them requires a full sandbox to be created for each stage.

Type: unspecified value

Default: false

Declared by:


Fully prepared form of package/module tree making it ready for consumption as either a globally installed package, or module under a node_modules/ tree.

Generally this option is an alias of a previous stage; but this also provides a useful opportunity to explicitly define additional post-processing routines that don’t use default built or installed stage builders ( for example, setting executable bits or applying shebang patches to scripts ).

Type: package

Declared by:


Unpacked source tree used as the basis for package/module preparation.

It is strongly recommended that you use config.pdef.sourceInfo here unless you are intentionally applying patches, filters, or your package resides in a subdir of sourceInfo.

XXX: This tree should NOT patch shebangs yet, since this would deprive builders which produce distributable tarballs or otherwise “un-nixify” a module of an “unpatched” point of reference to work with.

Type: package

Declared by:


A filtered form of treeInfo which drops unsupported optional dependencies.

Type: null or (attribute set of (attribute set of boolean))

Default: null

Declared by:


Whether the dependency is required ONLY during pre-distribution phases. This includes common tasks such as building, testing, and linting.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Declared by:


Unique key used to refer to this package in tree submodules and other floco configs, metadata, and structures.

Type: string

Declared by:


Run tests against the built form of a package. By default this executes any test scripts defined in package.json using the dev tree.

As an optimization you may explicitly define treeInfo.test allowing to be reduced to the subset of dependencies required to build, and treeInfo.test to be reduced to the subset of dependencies required to run tests. This approach is STRONGLY encouraged especially if you use jest, webpack, or babel since these packages’ all fail to properly adhere to Node.js resolution specifications for symlinks, and often require you to copy a massive pile of files into the sandbox.

This target should never be enabled for packages/modules whose source was a distributed tarball ( those with ltype or file ) since these have already been tested as a part of their pre-release process.

See Also: lint

Type: null or package

Default: null

Declared by:


Package Definition Options ( Translations )

List of pdef metadata records for all known pacakges and modules. These records are used to generate build recipes and build plans.

Type: attribute set of attribute set of (submodule)

Default: { }


  "@babel/cli" = {
    "7.20.7" = {
      "..." = "...";
      key = "@babel/cli/7.20.7";
  lodash = {
    "4.17.21" = {
      "..." = "...";
      key = "lodash/4.17.21";

Declared by:


Package identifier/name as found in

Type: string matching the pattern (@[^@/]+/)?[^@/]+

Example: "@floco/foo"

Declared by:


Unique key used to refer to this package in tree submodules and other floco configs, metadata, and structures.

Type: string

Example: "@floco/foo/4.2.0"

Declared by:


Package “lifecycle type”/”pacote source type”. This option effects which lifecycle events may run when preparing a package/module for consumption or installation.

For example, the file ( distributed tarball ) lifecycle does not run any scripts.[pre|post]build phases or result in any devDependencies being added to the build plan - since these packages will have been “built” before distribution. However, scripts.[pre|post]install scripts ( generally node-gyp compilation ) does run for the file lifecycle.

This option is effectively a shorthand for setting lifecycle defaults, but may also used by some fetchers and scrapers.

See Also: lifecycle, fetchInfo

Type: one of “file”, “link”, “dir”, “git”

Default: "file"

Declared by:



Indicates files or directories which should be prepared for use as executable scripts.

Type: submodule


  binDir = null;
  binPairs = { };

Declared by:


Relative path to a subdir from which all files should be prepared as executables. Executable names will be defined as the basename of each file with any extensions stripped.

Type: null or string

Default: null

Declared by:


Pairs of { <EXE-NAME> = <REL-PATH>; ... } declarations mapping exposed executables scripts to their associated sources.

Type: attribute set of string

Default: { }

Declared by:



Information regarding dependency modules/packages. This record is analogous to the various package.json:.[dev|peer|optional|bundled]Dependencies[Meta] fields.

These config settings do note necessarily dictate the contents of the treeInfo configs, which are used by builders, but may be used to provide information needed to generate trees if they are not defined.

Type: attribute set of (attribute set of boolean)

Default: { }

Declared by:


Whether the dependency is distributed in registry tarballs alongside the consumer.

This is sometimes used to include patched modules, but whenver possible bundling should be avoided in favor of tooling like esbuild or webpack because the effect bundled dependencies have on resolution is fraught.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Declared by:


Descriptor indicating version range or exact source required to satisfy a dependency.

The value "*" allows any version or source to be used, as long as it has the same identifier ( name ).

Type: string

Default: "*"

Declared by:


Whether the dependency is required during pre-distribution phases. This includes common tasks such as building, testing, and linting.

Type: boolean

Default: true

Declared by:


Whether the dependency may be omitted from the node_modules/ tree.

Conventionally this is used to mark dependencies which are only required under certain conditions such as platform, architecture, or engines. Generally optional dependencies carry sysInfo conditionals, or postinstall scripts which must be allowed to fail without blocking the build of the consumer.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Declared by:


An exact version number or URI indicating the “resolved” form of a dependency descriptor.

This will be used for treeInfo formation, and is available for usage by extensions to floco.

Type: null or string

Default: null

Declared by:


Whether the dependency is required at runtime. Other package management tools often refer to these as “production mode” dependencies.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Declared by:



Arguments passed to fetcher. By default any `builtins.fetchTree’ or `builtins.path’ argset is supported, and the correct fetcher can be inferred from these values.

If set to `null’, `sourceInfo’ must be set explicitly.

Type: attribute set of (null or string or signed integer or boolean)

Declared by:



Indicates information about a package that must be scraped from its source tree, rather than a conventional config file.

It is not recommended for users to manually fill these fields; rather we expect these to be informed by a cache or lockfile. You’re welcome to explicitly define them, but I don’t want to see anyone griping about these options in bug reports.

Type: submodule


  dir = ".";
  gypfile = false;
  shrinkwrap = false;

Declared by:


Relative path from sourceInfo.outPath to the package’s root. This field is analogous to a flake input’s dir field, and is used in combination with fetchInfo in exactly the same way as a flake input.

You should almost never need to set this field for distributed tarballs ( only if it contains bundled dependencies ).

While this field is useful for working with monorepos I strongly recommend that you avoid abusing it. Its use inherently causes rebuilds of all projects in associated with a single sourceInfo record for any change in the subtree. It is much more efficient to split a subtree into multiple sources, but I’ve left you enough rope to learn things the hard way if you insist on doing so. Consider yourself warned.

Type: string

Default: "."

Declared by:


Whether binding.gyp exists in the project root. May be explicitly overridden by declarations in package.json.

WARNING: You must not set this field based on ANY metadata pulled from a registry. There is a bug in NPM v8 that caused thousands of registry packuments and vinfo records to be poisoned, and in addition to that there is conflicting reporting rules for this field in POST requests by various package managers such that you should effectively disregard the value entirely.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Declared by:


Whether npm-shrinkwrap.json exists in the project root. This is distributed form of package-lock.json which may be used to install exact dependencies during global installation of packages. For module/workspace installation this file takes precedence over package-lock.json if it exists.

The use of npm-shrinkwrap.json is only recommended for executables.

NOTE: floco does not use npm-shrinkwrap.json at this time, so this field exists as a stub.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Declared by:



Enables/disables phases executed when preparing a package/module for consumption or installation.

Executing a phase when no associated script is defined is not necessarily harmful, but has a drastic impact on performance and may cause infinite recursion if dependency cycles exist among packages.

See Also: ltype

Type: attribute set of boolean


  build = false;
  install = false;

Declared by:


Whether a package or module requires build scripts to be run before it is prepared for consumption.

This field should never be set to true when consuming registry tarballs even if they define build scripts, since they are distributed after being built by authors and maintainers.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Declared by:


Whether a package or module requires [pre|post]install scripts or node-gyp compilation to be performed before a distributed tarball is prepared for consumption.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Declared by:



Set of propagated dependencies that consumers of this package/module must provide at runtime.

Often peer dependencies are used to enforce interface alignment across a set of modules but do not necessarily imply that the requestor depends on the declared peer at build time or runtime - rather it states “my consumers depend on the declared peer as a side effect of their dependence on me”.

NOTE: For the purposes of treeInfo and the construction of a node_modules/ tree, if a module declares a peer then that peer must be placed in a “sibling” or parent node_modules/ directory, and never as a subdirectory of the requestor! The “sibling” case is why the term “peer” is used, indicating that these modules must be “peers” living in the same node_modules/ directory; in practice a parent directory also works, but you get the idea.

Type: attribute set of (submodule)

Default: { }

Declared by:


Descriptor indicating version range or exact source required to satisfy a peer dependency.

The value "*" allows any version or source to be used, as long as it has the same identifier ( name ).

Type: string

Default: "*"

Declared by:


Whether consumers are required to provide the declared peer.

Optional peer declarations are conventionally used to handle platform or architecture dependant modules which are only required for certain systems - in general this field should be interpreted as “this peer dependency is required under certain conditions”. Often these conditions are audited using postinstall scripts, and as an optimization it may be worthwhile to ignore those audits if their conditions can be asserted in Nix ( for example if you know system, there’s no reason to use a derivation to run some JavaScript that probes and audits cpu and os ).

Type: boolean

Default: false

Declared by:



Information about the source tree a package resides in. This record is analogous to that returned by builtins.fetchTree for flake inputs.

Used in combination with fetchInfo and fsInfo.dir, these three nuggets of metadata are isomorphic with a flake input.

However, unlike flake inputs, sourceInfo.outPath may set to a derived store path if and only if fetchInfo is explicitly set to null. In this case fsInfo.dir is still used to identify a pacakage/module’s root directory where we will attempt to read package.json ( must exist ) and similar metadata files will be read from ( if they exist ).

In this case you may avoid IFD by explicitly setting top level fields, specifically lifecycle, sysInfo, binInfo, and treeInfo or depInfo which are required by builders.

Alternatively you may explicitly set metaFiles.{pjs,plock,plent,trees} fields directly - but keep in mind that these fields are never guaranteed to be stable and their schema may change at any time ( so set the top level ones unless you`re up for the maintenance ).

Type: attribute set of (boolean or signed integer or string)

Declared by:


A Nix Store path containing the unpacked source tree in which this package/module resides. The package need not be at the root this path; but when the project root is a subdir the option `fsInfo.dir` must be set in order for `package.json` and other metadata to be translated.

Type: path

Declared by:



Indicates platform, arch, and Node.js version support.

Type: submodule


  cpu = [
  engines = {
    node = "*";
  os = [

Declared by:


List of supported CPU architectures. The string "*" indicates that all CPUs are supported.

Type: list of (one of “*”, “x86_64”, “i686”, “aarch”, “aarch64”, “powerpc64le”, “mipsel”, “riscv64”, “unknown”)



Declared by:


Indicates supported tooling versions.

Type: attribute set of string


  node = "*";

Declared by:


Supported Node.js versions.

Type: string

Default: "*"

Example: ">=14"

Declared by:


List of supported operating systems. The string "*" indicates that all operating systems are supported.

Type: list of (one of “*”, “darwin”, “freebsd”, “netbsd”, “linux”, “openbsd”, “sunprocess”, “win32”, “unknown”)



Declared by:



node_modules/ trees used for various lifecycle events. These declarations are analogous to the package.* field found in package-lock.json(v2/3) files. This means that these fields should describe both direct and indirect dependencies for the full dependency graph.

Tree declarations are expected to be pairs of node_modules/ paths to “keys” ( matching the key field in its Nix declaration ):

  "node_modules/@foo/bar" = {
    key = "@foo/bar/1.0.0";
    dev = true;
  "node_modules/@foo/bar/node_modules/baz" = {
    key = "baz/4.2.0";
    dev = false;

In practice we expect users to explicitly define this field only for targets which they actually intend to create installables from, and we recommend using a package-lock.json(v2/3) to fill these values.

Type: null or (attribute set of (attribute set of boolean))

Default: null

Declared by:


Whether the dependency is required ONLY during pre-distribution phases. This includes common tasks such as building, testing, and linting.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Declared by:


Unique key used to refer to this package in tree submodules and other floco configs, metadata, and structures.

Type: null or string

Default: null

Declared by:


Whether the dependency may be omitted from the node_modules/ tree.

Conventionally this is used to mark dependencies which are only required under certain conditions such as platform, architecture, or engines. Generally optional dependencies carry sysInfo conditionals, or postinstall scripts which must be allowed to fail without blocking the build of the consumer.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Declared by:


Package version as found in package.json:.version.

Type: string matching the pattern (0|[1-9][[:digit:]]*)(\.(0|[1-9][[:digit:]]*)(\.(0|[1-9][[:digit:]]*))?)?(-((0|[1-9][[:digit:]]*)|[0-9]*[[:alpha:]-][[:alnum:]-]*)(\.((0|[1-9][[:digit:]]*)|[0-9]*[[:alpha:]-][[:alnum:]-]*))*)?(\+[[:alnum:]-]+(\.[[:alnum:]]+)*)?

Example: "4.2.0"

Declared by:
