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Tree Info and Strategies

Alex Ameen edited this page Mar 2, 2023 · 1 revision

Tree Info

The treeInfo record is used to define the filesystem hierarchy of the node_modules/ tree used for various preparation stages. This is practically the most important part of pdef record, and understanding the various strategies used to generate them can have a large impact on build performance.

We’ll start with a short summary of “install strategies” used by npm and yarn to provide context for the strategies used in floco.


You can read the full schema documentation for the treeInfo record in the Modules Manual, but we’ll refresh your memory a bit here.

treeInfo.<PATH> is analogous to package-lock.json:.packages.<PATH> entries but are trimmed down to refer to packages using a key. This slimmer schema makes it easier to write trees by hand, and generate them programatically without fussing with “manifest” and fetchInfo metadata.

An example:

  "node_modules/@floco/project-a" = {
    key  = "@floco/project-a/4.2.0";  # `key' is "<IDENT>/<VERSION>"
    dev  = true;   # `true'  -> only required in "build"/test phases.
                   # `false' -> required at runtime and build/test phases.
    link = false;  # `true'  -> symlink the globally installed package.
                   #            no subpaths can be declared under links.
                   # `false' -> copy the prepared package without any deps.
                   #            subpaths may be declared to provide deps.
    optional = false;  # `true'  -> if the package is not compatible with the
                       #            host system, it may be skipped.
                       # `false' -> install the package regardless of whether
                       #            or not it is compatible with the host.

  # Because `node_modules/@floco/project-a' is not a link, we are allowed to
  # declare subpaths.
  "node_modules/@floco/project-a/node_modules/lodash" = {
    key  = "lodash/4.17.21";
    dev  = false;  # Required at runtime and for build/test phases.
    link = true;   # Symlink the package instead of copying.

  "node_modules/@floco/project-b" = {
    key = "@floco/project-b/4.2.0";
    # We can also define arbitrary boolean fields for use by extensions:
    testOnly = true;
    ignored  = true;
    foo      = true;
    bar      = true;

    # Default fields are used for the rest when undeclared:
    #   dev = false;  link = false;  optional = false;

  # Because this module is a link, we must not declare subpaths.
  "node_modules/pacote" = {
    key  = "pacote/13.3.0";
    link = true;

Install Strategies in Other Tools

npm and yarn install strategies are a useful foundation to understand.


Every direct dependency is placed in then node_modules/ subdir of every consumer.
Cycle Breaking
A symlink to a parent may be added to node_modules/<IDENT> to break cycles.
  • Pros
    • Easy to move modules around safely.
  • Cons
    • Large number of redundant modules.
    • Breaks some bundlers and “source maps”.


Places transitive dependencies in root node_modules/ directory if possible. Otherwise adds dependencies to subdirs of consumers.
Cycle Breaking
Hoisting largely eliminates the need to break cycles by relying on the Node.js resolution system. A cycle with the root package may cause a node_modules/<IDENT> symlink to be created - this requires cycle members to be copies.
  • Pros
    • Significantly reduces redundant modules. Strongly preferred if modules are copied.
    • Reduces the risk of resolving different but compatible versions of a module in disparate parts of the node_modules/ tree.
    • Source maps and bundlers “just work”.
  • Cons
    • Incredibly difficult to move modules.
    • Projects often forget to declare direct dependencies but avoid crashing because a sibling in the tree requested it.
      • This largely effects local projects; but it indirectly aggravates attempts by floco to run builds in isolation.
    • Large projects struggle to manage conflicting peerDependency requests properly.
      • This is completely manageable by folks with experience; but for beginners it’s easy to make mistakes.

Shallow ( “Global” )

A hybrid between “nested” and “hoisted” which only places direct dependencies in the root node_modules/ directory, but uses the “hoisted” install strategy for subdirs. This strategy is equivalent to globally installing a module and copying/symlinking it into your node_modules/ directory.
Cycle Breaking
Same idea as “hoisted”.
  • Pros
    • Easy to move trees.
    • Preserves some of the deduplication benefits seen in “hoisted”.
    • When direct dependencies lack peerDependencies, symlinks to shared global installs are possible.
  • Cons
    • Some modules are still duplicated, which may effect bundlers and “source maps”.
    • Will not work if the root package fails to handle peerDependencies correctly.
    • If direct dependencies have peerDependencies they must be copied, not symlinked in order to resolve properly.
    • If tools literally copy/symlink from globally installed directories, compatibility between transitive dependencies can become an issue.

Plug and Play ( PnP )

Essentially bundles dependencies into a single file, or uses source maps to refer to shared installs.
Cycle Breaking
Graph nodes are merged ( bundled ) into a common namespace, dissolving the issue of cycles altogether.
  • Pros
    • Fixes a large number of issues with the fundamental design of the node_modules/ approach to dependency management.
    • Source maps generally work ( PnP is basically a giant source map ).
    • Can deduplicate dependencies system/workspace wide by sharing a single copy.
      • Very similar to the nested symlink strategy used by floco.
  • Cons
    • Experimental, may not be ready for use in production code and not standardized.
    • Requires patching core parts of node. It’s a wide sweeping change that may misbehave in unexpected ways.
    • Not supported or problematic with many common tools and libraries.
    • Struggles with sanitation of *.node bindings and platform portability ( yarn specifically ).


Groups of projects share node_modules/ directories placed in parent directories. Similar to “hoisted” strategy, except devDependencies of workspace members can be installed. Symlinks are used to resolve.
Cycle Breaking
Same idea as “hoisted”.
  • Pros
    • Improves on the deduplication benefits of “hoisted”.
    • Further reduces the risk of “compatible but different version” resolution for workspace members.
  • Cons
    • Implementations by yarn and npm feel experimental in quality.
      • Difficult to debug.
      • Conflicting lockfiles and unexpected effects of an existing node_modules/ tree on the filesystem make it easy to shoot your foot off.
    • Further aggravates issues related to peerDependencies that effect “hoisted” strategy, especially concerning devDependencies.
    • No standardized way to drive/order builds among workspace members.
      • npm doesn’t support his at all, and yarn attempts to support this are fraught.
    • Installing closures and subtrees is difficult and buggy.
      • Running builds in isolation is aggravated.

treeInfo Requirements

The treeInfo scheme strictly works with subtrees placed in the node_modules/ directory of “the project being built”, so “workspaces” with dependencies placed in parent directories must be moved into subdirs, and pruned to contain only the closure of packages required for a particular preparation stage.

Symlinks to other projects point to the globally installed form of a package so any projects with peerDependencies are not suitable candidates for symlinking unless they also directly depend on the same version of a dependency marked as a peer. treeInfo paths marked for symlinking must not declare any subpaths. If dependency cycles exist between packages it is necessary to break these cycles by explicitly declaring at least one treeInfo member in such a way that copies are used to avoid two global installs from depending on one another.

The optional and devOptional fields are interpreted as applying only to the path that sets them. Subpaths do not automatically inherit these settings. ( TODO: Fix this ).

Scraping treeInfo from package-lock.json (v2/3)

This is currently the recommended method of creating treeInfo records for a project and is the process used by both the fromPlock and fromRegistry “updaters” to produce pdefs.{nix,json} files.

Inclusion of the root project’s treeInfo, as well as depInfo.<IDENT>.pin fields can be enabled/disabled using the flags --[no-]tree and --[no-]pins. We’ll cover when you might prefer each combination of flags in the sections below.

npm Install Strategy Flags

In the case of fromPlock it’s possible to pass additional flags to npm such as --install-strategy=(nested|hoisted|shallow) ( defaults to hoisted ), as well as --workspaces=(true|false) ( defaults to true ), and --legacy-peer-deps ( not recommended ) if it is necessary.

Folks working with multiple local projects may find the argument --install-links useful to force references to local paths to be treated as tarballs ( ltype = "file"; ). This will ensure that you get the runtime dependencies of those projects in your treeInfo record without a link = true; field.

For fromRegistry we use --install-strategy=shallow with --legacy-peer-deps on a dummy project, and extract the subtree placed under node_modules/<IDENT>. While you can manually set --install-strategy=nested if desired, you shouldn’t use “hoisted” because you’ll end up with an empty subtree.

Note that we do not recommend using fromPlock with workspaces for generating treeInfo records unless you understand that they require post-processing to “focus” them into subtrees.

Scraping depInfo.<IDENT>.pin from yarn.lock (v5)

There is a functional, but experimental yarn.lock translator that can provide pins and pdefs ( but not treeInfo ).

We won’t cover it’s usage in detail here because it is going to be refactored soon; but for those who want to use it now it is located under <floco>/modules/ylockToPdefs/implementation.nix. This file is a regular function ( which is why it needs a rewrite ) which takes lockDir, pkgs ( for yq ), and lib as arguments.

You’ll be relying on the global symlink strategy ( described in the next section ) to produce trees unless you provide explicit definitions, so you’ll need to deal with cycles in transitive dependencies by using fromRegistry to generate those treeInfo records ( which can be imported or copy/pasted ).

Deriving treeInfo from Pins

I’ll preface this section by saying that a routine which produces hoisted treeInfo records from pins is currently being written ( currently works but doesn’t mark optional, dev, or devOptional fields ). Until this routine is complete the only trees we can derive from pins are “shallow” trees using symlinks to globally installed forms of depdencies.

This “shallow links” strategy is great for local development, but will not behave correctly for peerDependencies declared in your direct depencies, so you’ll need to use fromRegistry -- --tree or fromPlock -- --tree in those cases.