This task consisted on predicting dcat:theme of dcat:Datasets based on dc:description property. The implementation was done using WEKA
You can run the application with the default values with mvn clean install
and mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="tools.Main" -Dexec.args="-c j48 -ngrams 1" -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false
The result of the evaluation of the cross-validation of the training data and the evaluation of the test data is printed to console.
The following arguments can be provided:
-c {naive, j48}, default it j48
-ngrams {1,...,n}, default is 1
-query, sparql query default is
SELECT * WHERE { ?s a <> ; <> ?o ; <> ?d FILTER ( lang(?d) = "en" ) } LIMIT 300
-endpoint, sparql endpoint, default is:
The following steps were taken:
- Removed punctuation
- Converted all text to lower case
- Tokenization and Lemmatization
- Removed the standard english stop words if either the lemma or the original word coincides
The standard TF-IFD word vectors were computed.
In the interest of time and since the approach is slow, the classifier was trained with 160 instances. That number might be too small to be representative.
The following accuracy was obtained for the cross-validation method with 4 folds:
Classifier | 1-gram | 2-gram | 3-gram | 4-gram |
J48 | 75,625% | 59,375% | 59,375% | 59,375% |
NaiveBayes | 47,5% | 31,875% | 36,875% | 35% |
The following accuracy was obtained for the evaluation of the test data.
Classifier | 1-gram | 2-gram | 3-gram | 4-gram |
J48 | 62,07% | 50% | 59,09% | 55,32% |
NaiveBayes | 28,09% | 29,35% | 27,59% | 28,05% |