Classical Image Deblurring and Denoising Methods
Implemented in MATLAB algorithms provided in the following papers:
(tvrof) Leonid I. Rudin, Stanley Osher, Emad Fatemi, Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms, 1992
(shock filter) Stanley Osher and Leonid I. Rudin, Feature-Oriented Image Enhancement Using Shock Filters, 1990
(semi-blind) James H. Money, Sung Ha Kang, Total Variation Semi-Blind Deconvolution Using Shock Filters, 2006
Denoising by minimizing the total variation of an image.
Enhancing edges.
Solving Euler-Lagrange equiations to find the blur kernel and the crisp image by the Lagged Diffusivity Fixed Point Method with a shock filtered image as the initial input and the conjugate gradient method.