A turtlebot navigation simulation in Gazebo using uncertainty maps.
The uncertainty maps used in this demo environment are constructed according to:
F. Verdoja, J. Lundell, and V. Kyrki, “Deep Network Uncertainty Maps for Indoor Navigation,” arXiv:1809.04891 [cs, eess], Sep. 2018.
Please refer to that paper for more details about the map building process.
First, you need to start a simulated turtlebot in an empty gazebo environment:
roslaunch uncertain_turtlebot_navigation turtlebot-sim-empty.launch
If you don't want the gazebo gui to launch, add
. -
Then, launch the navigation you prefer:
For normal slam navigation:
roslaunch uncertain_turtlebot_navigation slam_navigation.launch
For uncertain navigation:
roslaunch uncertain_turtlebot_navigation uncertain_navigation.launch
The default uncertainty map in this case will be the one using a Laplace model, in alternative you can use the argument
to select the uncertainty map to be used.
Now you can either plan by setting navigation goals through rviz or by executing a set of sample navigation goals by using:
roslaunch uncertain_turtlebot_navigation execute_navigation_goals.launch
Once you have run the navigation and stored the trajectories in the folder /data/trajectories, you can analyze the results, that is compute the number of collisions that occured, by running the script
in the matlab folder.