Releases: aardvarkxr/aardvark
Installation and start/stop fixes
- Added an installer that installs to program files (by default), registers a firewall rule for Node, and registers Aardvark with SteamVR.
- Added register and unregister batch files in the Aardvark directory in case the user wants to do those things without uninstalling/reinstalling.
- Added an app icon.
Aardvark lifetime bug fixes
Fixed Aardvark ending up in a broken-but-mostly-running state when the renderer process crashed. All of Aardvark now exits when that happens.
Fixed Aardvark's renderer process being killed by SteamVR when SteamVR itself exits. This was triggering the bug above in that scenario. Now it just exits cleanly when it gets VREvent_Quit.
Added landscape and portrait app images to the app manifest for Aardvark.
Optional desktop window
As of this build, the desktop window in Aardvark is optional. Run avrenderer.exe with -showWindow to make the window show up again.
Now with crash dumps
Added crash dump logging for most kinds of Aardvark crashes. This should help track down crashes as they happen in the wild. (#54)
Messageboxes and bug fixes
New messageboxes and an API to spawn them from gadgets:
- Added messagebox API. Add an AvMessagebox component to your gadget and catch a ref to it. Call the promise-based API on that object to show the user messageboxes and get responses. See the test panel for an example.
- Added confirmation box to Add Favorite from the default landing page.
Default landing page now shows a Start Gadget button in addition to Add Favorite. This is somewhat limited at the moment because of #139.
Bug fixes:
- Removed extra slash in gadget manifest URLs when requested from the default landing page. #138
Desktop windows!
This release adds a fourth tab to the gadget menu for desktop windows. This is a pretty experimental feature and has a ways to go, but early feedback on this feature would be appreciated.
Gadget landing pages and install-from-web
Added default landing page component and hooked that component up in the builtin gadgets. This landing page appears when these gadgets are loaded in a browser and show some information about the gadget, allow it to be favorited, and allow Aardvark to be started if it isn't running.
Constraints while grabbing
- Added the ability to constrain grabbed object transforms within an AABB on the original parent, or to gravity-align the resulting transform.
Whiteboard example:
- Applied a gravity-alignment constraint to the whiteboard.
- Changed the markers to return to their default position when released instead of sticking in space.
Now with more grabbing!
Two new features for a superior grabbing experience:
- If you pull slightly on the trigger you'll get a ray coming out of the front of your hand. Point that at any grabbable to grab it at a distance.
- While grabbing anything that lets you grab it from various angles (which is currently everything but the gadget scanner) push forward or back on the thumbstick to move the object toward or away from you.
Revamped gadget menu
Gadget menu changes:
- The "hold it to show the menu" gadget menu has been completely replaced by a control on your left hand that toggles a menu that sits in the room in front of you.
- Replace the concept of "installs" with "favorites". These are offered to you in the gadget menu. Using avcmd install will add that gadget to your favorites the next time you start Aardvark.
- Added a global gadget registry. If you want your gadget to appear in the registry, please submit a pull request against this file:
- Added a gadget scanner tool that appears when the gadget menu is up. Point this at a gadget to kill or favorite that gadget.
Other fixes:
- Fixed local storage and cookies not saving.