Latest Build: 2017-03-24
Note: This project is still in progress, but welcome for any issues encountered
A starter template that supports multi-tenant (Frontend / Admin Panel / API) website in a single application.
This repository is developed upon the following tools:
- CodeIgniter (v3.1.3) - PHP framework
- CodeIgniter HMVC Extensions - modular structure by wiredesignz
- codeigniter-base-model - more advanced CRUD functions for models by jamierumbelow
- codeigniter-restserver - base setup for API module
- Ion Auth - authentication library for CodeIgniter by Ben Edmunds
- Bootstrap (v3.3.7) - popular frontend framework
- Grocery CRUD (v1.5.8) - feature-rich library to build CRUD tables
- Image CRUD (v0.6) - CRUD library for image management
- AdminLTE (v2.3.11) - bootstrap theme for Admin Panel
This repository contains setup for rapid development:
- Multi-tenant (e.g. Frontend Website, Admin Panel, API) website in single application
- Modular design by CodeIgniter HMVC extension
- Custom config files (sites.php, locale.php) for easy configuration of website behavior
- Admin Panel with AdminLTE v2 theme, and Grocery CRUD integration
- Admin Panel includes usage of Sortable library
- API Site with Swagger UI integrated, via annotations supported by swagger-php library
- API Site to handle RESTful endpoints, with shortcut functions to grab parameters and display results
- User authentication for Frontend Website (Sign Up, Login, Forgot Password, etc.)
- User authentication for Admin Panel (Login, Change Password, etc.)
- Preset layouts and templates
- Preset asset pipeline (e.g. minify scripts, image optimization) via gulp (reference from gulp-starter)
- Preset data structure for Blogging (with pagination) and Cover Photos (carousel), which can be managed from Admin Panel
- Form Builder library to help with form rendering with Bootstrap theme, form validation, etc.
- Breadcrumb and Pagination handling fit with Bootstrap theme
- Custom 404 pages for Frontend Website and Admin Panel
- Multilingual support
- Email config setup
- Functions to be called from CLI (e.g. daily cron job, database backup)
- ... more coming!
A demo repository can be found from:
Below configuration are preferred; other environments are not well-tested, but still feel free to report and issues.
- PHP 5.6+
- Apache 2.2+ with rewrite mod enabled
- MySQL 5.5+ (not tested on MariaDB)
- git clone this repo
- Create a database (e.g. named "ci_bootstrap_3"), then import /sql/latest.sql into MySQL server
- Make sure the database config (/application/config/database.php) is set correctly
- You should be able to access Frontend Website, Admin Panel and API Site (with Swagger Doc) respectively
- Visit the Demo Controllers (exist in both Frontend / Admin Panel / API) for sample usage
Note For more advanced workflow (includes repo upgrade), please have a look on my suggestion in this issue. After release the v1.0 version, I will try to keep the upgrade procedure more developer friendly.
There are 4 preset users for Admin Panel:
- Webmaster (default username & password are both "webmaster", belongs to the webmaster group)
- Admin (default username & password are both "admin", belongs to the admin group)
- Manager (default username & password are both "manager", belongs to the manager group)
- Staff (default username & password are both "staff", belongs to the staff group)
Explanation on the folder structure which supports HMVC (only showing the highlighted folders and files).
application/ --- Main CodeIgniter source files
production/ --- Configuration when ENVIRONMENT is set as "production"
autoload.php --- By default, some files are loaded for this repo
ci_bootstrap.php --- Core configuration file for all sites
database.php --- Need to verify to ensure connection with MySQL database
email.php --- Created to centralize email configuration (default: using Mailgun)
form_validation.php --- Created to centralize validation forms for all forms, include ReCAPTCHA settings
routes.php --- Changed default controller from Welcome to Home
controllers/ --- Controllers for Frontend Website; extends from MY_Controller (except Cli)
Cli.php --- Utility function that can only be called from command line
Home.php --- Default controller for Frontend Website
core/ --- Extending CodeIgniter core classes; can also be used within modules
MY_Controller.php --- Important class which contains shared logic of all controllers
MY_Loader.php --- Required for HMVC extension
MY_Model.php --- Contains shared function for model classes
MY_Router.php --- Required for HMVC extension
helpers/ --- Contains custom helper functions being used throughout this repo
language/ --- Preset language files
libraries/ --- Custom libraries (e.g. Form Builder, System Message)
MY_Email.php --- Enhanced email library, includes work with Mailgun API
models/ --- Sample model extending from MY_Model
modules/ --- Each module can be accessed by http://{base_url}/{module_name}/{module_controller}/, etc.
admin/ --- Module for Admin Panel
config/ --- Configuration for Admin Panel (overriding application/config/)
controllers/ --- Controllers for Admin Panel; also extends from MY_Controller
libraries/ --- Libraries specific for Admin Panel
models/ --- Models only being used in Admin Panel
views/ --- Views for Admin Panel; can reuse Frontend views, or override by using same path/filename
adminlte/ --- Module with AdminLTE widgets
api/ --- Another module specific for API endpoints
third_party/ --- 3rd party files (HMVC extension, Grocery CRUD, Rest Server, etc.)
views/ --- Views for Frontend Website, can also be used by modules unless overrided
assets/ --- Folder for public files
api/ --- Swagger UI assets
dist/ --- Post-processed scripts and images via gulp tasks (don't manually edit files here!)
grocery_crud/ --- Asset files from Grocery CRUD library
image_crud/ --- Asset files from Image CRUD library
uploads/ --- Default folder for upload files, where permission should set as writable
gulpfile.js/ --- Task runner following gulp-starter practice
tasks/ --- Gulp tasks
config.js --- Configuration for Gulp tasks
screenshots/ --- Screenshot images for preview
sql/ --- MySQL files
backup/ --- Files which will be created when backup database from CLI
core/ --- Files contains core data (e.g. Ion Auth)
latest.sql --- Latest version of all preset data
src/ --- Folder for non-public source files
css/ --- Custom CSS files append to each site
images/ --- Source image files before optimization
js/ --- Custom CSS files append to each site
sass/ --- SASS files for styling
theme/ --- Default folder for additional theme files
system/ --- CodeIgniter core files (unchanged as clean CI3 installation)
.htaccess --- URL rewrite for Apache web server (require mod enabled)
The gulpfile.js folder is prepared with following tasks available:
- default: run build task first, then watch for file change
- build: run imagemin, cssmin and uglify tasks in parallel
- rebuild: run clean task first, then copy, imagemin, cssmin and uglify tasks in parallel
- clean: remove all files inside the dist folder (default: /assets/dist)
- copy: copy required files to dist folder
- cssmin: concat and minify CSS files
- imagemin: optimize images (jpg, png, gif, svg) and output to dist folder (default: /assets/dist/images)
- uglify: concat and minify (uglify) JS files
- watch: monitor JS / CSS / image files and execute specific tasks upon changes
Frontend - Home:
Admin Panel - Home:
More screenshots can be viewed from the screenshots folder under this repository.
- Changelog file
- Better documentation (e.g. on Gitbook)
- Enhance Form Builder library to support more field types
- Grocery CRUD / Image CRUD file upload - add Amazon S3 integration
- Grocery CRUD / Image CRUD image upload - add cropping feature