- ✍️ Registration
- 👨🦰 Login
- 🔑 Change password
- 📃 JSON:API compliant
- ⚙️ Customizable
- ⭕ Semantic.works ready
- 💻 Written 100% in Javascript
This service makes it easy to quickly setup an application where users can register and login to their account. It is made with the semantic.works framework in mind. The service is kept simple so you can easily extend it with your own functionality like 2FA. Tutorials on how to add add certain functionality will be made available in this repo's wiki in the near future.
- Add the following service to your docker-compose.yml file:
image: aatauil/mu-node-authentication-service
- "logging=true"
restart: always
logging: *default-logging
- Add the following routes to your config/dispatcher/dispatcher.ex file:
post "/accounts/*path" do
Proxy.forward conn, path, "http://authentication/accounts/"
delete "/accounts/current/*path" do
Proxy.forward conn, path, "http://authentication/accounts/current/"
patch "/accounts/current/changePassword/*path" do
Proxy.forward conn, path, "http://authentication/accounts/current/changePassword/"
match "/sessions/*path" do
Proxy.forward conn, path, "http://authentication/sessions/"
- Create a file called master-account-domain.lisp under config/resources and paste the following code into the file:
(define-resource account ()
:class (s-prefix "foaf:OnlineAccount")
:properties `((:email :string ,(s-prefix "account:email")))
:resource-base (s-url "http://mu.semte.ch/vocabularies/accounts/")
:on-path "accounts")
- In your config/resources/repository.lisp file, add the following prefixes
(add-prefix "foaf" "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/")
(add-prefix "account" "http://mu.semte.ch/vocabularies/account/")
- Finally add the following line to your config/resources/domain.lisp file
(read-domain-file "master-account-domain.lisp")
- When that is done, run
docker-compose up -d
If you set this up locally then by default your app will be made available onhttp://localhost:80
If you use semantic.works then it does not really matter which frontend framework you use but for this Getting Started we will be using EmberJS as a template has already been build and is ready to be used.
- Clone the following EmberJS frontend https://github.com/aatauil/ember-mu-auth-boilerplate
- Navigate to the newly cloned repository and run
npm i
- After that is finished, run
ember serve --proxy http://localhost:80
- After your ember app has been succesfully served, you should be able to access the frontend in your browser at
More information about the frontend can be found in the README of the frontend template.
The url entered after --proxy
in the serve step needs to point to your backend in case you did not use the premade backend mentioned above.
ENV | Description | default | required |
SESSIONS_GRAPH | Graph where session related information will be stored in. | http://mu.semte.ch/application |
ACCOUNTS_GRAPH | Graph where account related information will be stored in. | http://mu.semte.ch/application |
HASH_STRENGTH | The salt to be used to hash the password. Learn more | 12 |
This image uses the mu-javascript-template as base image (see Dockerfile). Therefor all functions and environment variables that the mu-javascript-template provides are also available in this image. Its highly advisable to read through the readme of the mu-javascript-template as it will show you how to setup a development environment where you can take advatage of logging, debugging, live reload and many functions.
Quick example on how your docker-compose.yml file for this service will look like in development mode:
image: aatauil/mu-node-authentication-service
- 8888:80
- 9229:9229
NODE_ENV: "development"
- virtuoso:db
- /path/to/local/cloned/mu-node-authentication-service/folder/:/app/
- "logging=true"
restart: always
logging: *default-logging
When using mu-authorization, you probably will want your requests to go through there first instead of straight to 'virtuoso'. In the yaml file above we see that 'db' is linked directly to 'virtuoso'. Change this to the name of the authorization service (e.g. database) if you need it to go through mu-authorization first.
- database:db
Everyone can open an issue or send in a pull request.
This project is MIT licensed.