Add @MyXpensesBot on telegram.
- Create a telegram bot using BotFather.
- Optional. If using webhook, register the domain of the server you are hosting this bot on.
- A postgres database and init the database with the init.sql.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Create local env file
cd telegram-expense-bot
touch .env.local
- Edit and save local env file with your own configurations
vim .env.local
- Run the server and bot
go run main.go
Without docker
export .env.local
go run main.go
With docker
This bot does not store any personal information other than your telegram user id.
- Sign up as a new user from new chat with bot
- Add a transaction as current user
- Selection of category when adding transaction
- Delete last entry by using /undo command
- Calculate transaction per month
- Triggered from /stats, default fetch from current month.
- /stats [month] [year]
- View transactions by using /list command
- Allow user to change timezone. (default Asia/Singapore)
- Allow user to change currency. (default SGD)
- Export transactions to file
- Fix image deployed on github container repository not reachable by telegram server
- Don't return cancel button when next and prev button is not returned. (for transaction list)
- Show page number in transaction list
- Delete message context stored in database after a period of time
- Store data of inline keyboard somewhere else to bypass the 64 bytes size limit
- Consolidate SQL to the latest schema
- Prepare docker compose for self hosted guide
- Prepare self hosted guide
If you have any questions or problems, email me at