The purpose of this application is to compute simple user-generated equations. This application should be able to compute equations having integers and floats. In addition to that, this program should be able to add to, subtract from, multiply, and divide an equation.
- Colorama >=0.4.4
- For Output Text Coloring
Patch Notes:
- Version 1.0
- 7th January 2021
- Features:
- Allow users to add numbers to the equation
- Allow users to remove numbers to the equation
- Allow users to calculate equation their equation
- Allow for computing equations with numbers with decimals
- Change output text color to red
- Add program summary within code
- Add comments
- Format code
- Add
- Version 1.1
- 7th January 2021
- Features:
- Added a list of usable operaters when user is asked to input operater
Name: Ali Azam