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Enable Perimeter Security: Enable Knox to work with kerberos enabled cluster to enable perimeter security using single end point

Configure Knox to use IPA
  • Add the below to HDFS config via Ambari and restart HDFS:
hadoop.proxyuser.knox.groups = users, admin, sales, marketing, legal, hr
hadoop.proxyuser.knox.hosts = 
  • (Optional) If you wanted to restrict a group (e.g. hr) from access via Knox simply remove from hadoop.proxyuser.knox.groups property. In such a scenario, attempting a webdhfs call over Knox (see below) will fail with an impersonation error like below:
{"RemoteException":{"exception":"SecurityException","javaClassName":"java.lang.SecurityException","message":"Failed to obtain user group information: User: knox is not allowed to impersonate hr1"}}
  • Recall that a WebHDFS request without Knox uses the below format it goes over HTTP (not HTTPS) on port 50070 and no credentials needed
  • Start Knox using Ambari (it comes pre-installed with HDP 2.2 onwards). Note you may need to start the demo LDAP from Ambari under Knox -> Service actions as shown below Image

  • Try out a WebHDFS request through Knox now. The guest user is defined in the demo LDAP that Knox comes with which is why this works. notice it goes over HTTPS (not HTTP) on port 8443 and credentials are needed

curl -iv -k -u guest:guest-password
  • Confirm that the demo LDAP has this user by going to Ambari > Knox > Config > Advanced users-ldif Image

  • To configure Knox to use IPA LDAP instead of the demo one, in Ambari, under Knox > Configs > Advanced Topology:

    • First, modify the below <value>entries:
    • Then, add these params directly under the above params (before the </provider> tag):
  • Restart Knox via Ambari

  • Re-try the WebHDFS request. After the above change we can pass in user credentials from IPA.

curl -iv -k -u ali:hortonworks
  • Notice the guest user no longer works because we did not create it in IPA
curl -iv -k -u guest:guest-password
  • Next lets setup Ranger plugin for Knox
Pre-requisite steps
  • Export certificate to ~/knox.crt
cd /var/lib/knox/data/security/keystores
keytool -exportcert -alias gateway-identity -keystore gateway.jks -file ~/knox.crt
#hit enter
  • Import ~/knox.crt
cd ~
. /etc/ranger/admin/conf/

cp $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts cacerts.withknox
keytool -import -trustcacerts -file knox.crt   -alias knox  -keystore cacerts.withknox
#Enter changeit as password
#Type yes
  • Copy cacerts.withknox to ranger conf dir
cp cacerts.withknox /etc/ranger/admin/conf
  • vi /etc/ranger/admin/conf/
export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS${certs_with_knox}"
  • Restart service
chmod +x /etc/ranger/admin/conf/
service ranger-admin stop
service ranger-admin start
  • verify that property was applied
ps -ef | grep proc_rangeradmin
Setup Knox repo
  • In the Ranger UI, under PolicyManager tab, click the + sign next to Hbase and enter below to create a Hbase repo:
Repository Name: knox_sandbox
Username: rangeradmin@HORTONWORKS.COM
Password: hortonworks


  • Click Test (its ok if it gives an error). Then add the repository.

  • Install Knox plugin Note: if this were a multi-node cluster, you would run these steps on the host running Knox

cd /usr/hdp/


  • Enable Ranger Knox plugin
  • To enable Ranger Knox plugin, in Ambari, under Knox > Configs > Advanced Topology, add the below under <gateway>
  • Restart Knox via Ambari

  • Find out your topology name e.g. default

ls /etc/knox/conf/topologies/*.xml
Knox WebHDFS audit exercises in Ranger
  • Submit a WebHDFS request to the topology using curl (replace default with your topology name)
curl -iv -k -u ali:hortonworks
curl -iv -k -u paul:hortonworks

-These should result in HTTP 403 error and should show up as Denied results in Ranger Audit Image

  • Add policy in Ranger PolicyManager > hdfs_knox > Add new policy

    • Policy name: test
    • Topology name: default
    • Service name: WEBHDFS
    • Group permissions: sales and check Allow
    • User permissions: ali and check Allow
    • Save > OK
    • Image
  • While waiting 30s for the policy to be activated, review the Analytics tab Image

  • Re-run the WebHDFS request and notice this time it succeeds

curl -iv -k -u ali:hortonworks
curl -iv -k -u paul:hortonworks


Setup Hive to go over Knox
  • In Ambari, under Hive > Configs > set the below and restart Hive component. Note that in this mode you will not be able to run queries through Hue
hive.server2.transport.mode = http
  • give users access to jks file. This is ok since it is only truststore - not keys!
chmod a+rx /var/lib/knox
chmod a+rx /var/lib/knox/data
chmod a+rx /var/lib/knox/data/security
chmod a+rx /var/lib/knox/data/security/keystores
chmod a+r /var/lib/knox/data/security/keystores/gateway.jks

Knox exercises to check Hive setup

  • Run beehive query connecting through Knox. Note that the beeline connect string is different for connecting via Knox
su ali
!connect jdbc:hive2://;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=/var/lib/knox/data/security/keystores/gateway.jks;trustStorePassword=knox;transportMode=http;httpPath=gateway/default/hive
#enter ali/hortonworks
  • This fails with HTTP 403. On reviewing the attempt in Ranger Audit, we see that the request was denied Image

  • To fix this, we can add a Knox policy in Ranger:

    • Policy name: knox_hive
    • Topology name: default
    • Service name: HIVE
    • User permissions: ali and check Allow
    • Click Add
    • Image
  • Review the Analytics tab while waiting 30s for the policy to take effect.

  • Now re-run the connect command above and run some queries:

su ali
!connect jdbc:hive2://;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=/var/lib/knox/data/security/keystores/gateway.jks;trustStorePassword=knox;transportMode=http;httpPath=gateway/default/hive
#enter ali/hortonworks

#these should pass
desc sample_08;
select * from sample_08;
select code, description from sample_07;

#these should fail
desc sample_07;
select * from sample_07;


Download data over HTTPS via Knox/Hive

  • On windows machine, install Hive ODBC driver from and setup ODBC connection

    • name: securedsandbox
    • host:
    • port:8443
    • database:default
    • Hive server type: Hive Server 2
    • Mechanism: HTTPS
    • HTTP Path: gateway/default/hive
    • Username: ali
    • pass: hortonworks
    • Image
  • In Excel import data via Knox by navigating to:

    • Data tab
    • From other Datasources
    • From dataconnection wizard
    • ODBC DSN
    • ODBC name (e.g. securedsandbox)
    • enter password hortonworks and ok
    • choose sample_07 and Finish
    • Click Yes
    • Properties
    • Definition
    • you can change the query in the text box
    • OK
    • OK
  • Notice in the Knox repository Ranger Audit shows the HIVE access was allowed

  • With this we have shown how HiveServer2 can transport data over HTTPS using Knox for existing users defined in enterprise LDAP, without them having to request kerberos ticket. Also authorization and audit of such transactions can be done via Ranger

  • For more info on Knox you can refer to the doc: