- Final group project (Back-End Module 2 out of 4) for Turing School of Software Design. This project was created with Ruby on Rails as an online e-commerce platform to sell lightsabers and facilitate online ordering.
- Utilizing TDD in developing a Rails application
- Using a PORO for cart items
- Implementing Authentication/Authorization
- Designing schema with one-to-many and many-to-many relationships
- Styling with SASS
- Practicing agile workflow
- Deploying with Heroku
- Gabe Afflitto
- Alex Barnes
- Lee Chow
- Ilana Corson
- Ali Schlereth
- Rails 5.1.4
- Ruby 2.4.1
- RSpec with Capybara gem
- FactoryBot gem
- Launchy gem
- git clone repo and then run 'rspec' in terminal
- Deployed via Heroku at: https://grievous-lightsaber-emporium.herokuapp.com/