Works with the GOVUK Prototype Kit. Allows you to branch user journeys from radio buttons without writing logic in the routes file.
You can tell the prototype to redirect to a page if a radio button is selected by adding a tilde(~) to the value in the HTML.
For example, the following code would cause the application to redirect to /page1
if the Yes
radio button was selected:
<input class="govuk-radios__input" name="test" type="radio" value="yes~/page1">
The tilde(~) and the link are not stored in the session. So if you called {{data.test}}
in the view it will only contain the value of yes
, not yes~/page1
If you don't add a tilde(~) nothing changes and everything just defaults to the original prototype kit behaviour.
First, install the package to your prototype. In terminal run the following command:
npm install radio-button-redirect
Next, open your routes file at app/routes.js
and add the following lines below const router = express.Router()
const radioButtonRedirect = require('radio-button-redirect')
Set the values of your radio buttons to contain a tilde(~) and a link. It will work with either the Nunjucks macros or the plain HTML.
{{ govukRadios({
classes: "govuk-radios--inline",
idPrefix: "married",
name: "married",
fieldset: {
legend: {
text: "Are you married?",
isPageHeading: true,
classes: "govuk-fieldset__legend--l"
items: [
value: "yes~/married",
text: "Yes"
value: "no~/not-married",
text: "No"
}) }}