Preparing for a JavaScript interview can be a challenging task, as it requires a solid understanding of the language's concepts and techniques. To help you excel in your next interview, we have compiled a set of JavaScript programming questions commonly asked during technical assessments. Whether you're a beginner seeking an entry-level position or an experienced developer aiming for a senior role, these questions will assess your knowledge and problem-solving abilities. Let's dive into the world of JavaScript and equip yourself with the necessary tools to succeed.
In this Article, we will cover a range of topics, including Basic Programs, Numbers Based Programs, Array Based Programs, String Based Programs, Converters Print the Series. Each question will be explained in a concise and clear manner, ensuring you grasp the core concepts and can confidently discuss them during your interview. Additionally, we'll provide sample code snippets and explanations to enhance your understanding and enable you to apply these concepts in real-world scenarios.
By familiarizing yourself with these JavaScript programming questions, you'll gain the confidence to tackle technical interviews and impress potential employers. Remember, the key to success lies in practice and continuous learning. So, let's embark on this journey together and sharpen your JavaScript skills for your next interview.
- Basic Programs
- Numbers Based Programs
- Array Based Programs
- String Based Programs
- Converters
- Print the Series
- Special Function
function checkEvenOrOdd(number) {
if (number % 2 === 0) {
return "Even";
} else {
return "Odd";
//Example usage:
console.log(checkEvenOrOdd(4)); // Output: Even
console.log(checkEvenOrOdd(7)); // Output: Odd
function calculateFactorial(number) {
if (number === 0 || number === 1) {
return 1;
} else {
let factorial = 1;
for (let i = 2; i <= number; i++) {
factorial *= i;
return factorial;
//Example usage:
console.log(calculateFactorial(5)); // Output: 120
console.log(calculateFactorial(0)); // Output: 1
In the above program, the calculateFactorial function takes a number as an argument and calculates its factorial. If the number is 0 or 1, the factorial is 1. Otherwise, a for loop is used to iterate from 2 to the given number, multiplying each number to the factorial variable. The final factorial value is returned.
You can test the program by calling the calculateFactorial function with different numbers. In the example above, it is called with 5 and 0, and it returns the factorial values of 120 and 1, respectively.
Factorial Using Recursion
In mathematics, the factorial of a positive integer n,
denoted by n!, is the product of all positive integers
less than or equal to n:
n! can be written as
n! = 1 * 2 * 3 * .... * (n-1) * n;
n! can also be written as
n! = n * (n-1)!
This approach helps to calculate using Recursion
5! = 5 * 4!
4! = 4 * 3!
3! = 3 * 2!
2! = 2 * 1!
1! = 1
function calculateFactorialRecursive(number) {
if (number === 0 || number === 1) {
return 1;
} else {
return number * calculateFactorialRecursive(number - 1);
// Example usage:
console.log(calculateFactorialRecursive(5)); // Output: 120
console.log(calculateFactorialRecursive(0)); // Output: 1
function swapNumbers(a, b) {
a = a + b;
b = a - b;
a = a - b;
return [a, b];
// Example usage:
let x = 10;
let y = 5;
console.log("Before swapping: x =", x, "and y =", y);
[x, y] = swapNumbers(x, y);
console.log("After swapping: x =", x, "and y =", y);
In the above function, the swapNumbers function takes two numbers a and b as arguments. The swapping is done using arithmetic operations without using a third variable.
We first assign a + b to a. This step stores the sum of the two numbers in a. We then assign a - b to b. This step stores the original value of a in b. Finally, we assign a - b to a. This step stores the original value of b in a. After calling the swapNumbers function, the values of x and y will be swapped. In the example above, the initial values are x = 10 and y = 5. After swapping, the values become x = 5 and y = 10.
function checkPositiveNegative(number) {
if (number > 0) {
return "Positive";
} else if (number < 0) {
return "Negative";
} else {
return "Zero";
// Example usage:
console.log(checkPositiveNegative(5)); // Output: Positive
console.log(checkPositiveNegative(-7)); // Output: Negative
console.log(checkPositiveNegative(0)); // Output: Zero
In the checkPositiveNegative function, the number is compared to 0 using the greater than (>) and less than (<) operators. If the number is greater than 0, it is considered positive. If the number is less than 0, it is considered negative. If the number is equal to 0, it is considered zero. The corresponding string is returned based on the comparison result.
You can call the checkPositiveNegative function with different numbers to test whether they are positive, negative, or zero. In the example above, it is called with the numbers 5, -7, and 0, and it returns the corresponding results.
function isLeapYear(year) {
if ((year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0) {
return "Leap year";
} else {
return "Not a leap year";
// Example usage:
console.log(isLeapYear(2020)); // Output: Leap year
console.log(isLeapYear(2021)); // Output: Not a leap year
console.log(isLeapYear(2000)); // Output: Leap year
console.log(isLeapYear(1900)); // Output: Not a leap year
In the above program, the isLeapYear function takes a year as an argument.
It checks two conditions to determine whether the year is a leap year:
- If the year is divisible by 4 and not divisible by 100, it is a leap year.
- If the year is divisible by 400, it is also a leap year.
If either of these conditions is satisfied, the function returns "Leap year". Otherwise, it returns "Not a leap year".
function isLeapYear(year) = > year % 4 === 0;
// Example usage:
console.log(isLeapYear(2020)); // Output: true
console.log(isLeapYear(2021)); // Output: false
console.log(isLeapYear(2000)); // Output: true
console.log(isLeapYear(1900)); // Output: false
for (let number = 1; number <= 10; number++) {
// Each digit of the given number will be printed on a separate line.
function printDigits(number) {
if (number < 10) {
} else {
printDigits(Math.floor(number / 10));
console.log(number % 10);
// Example usage:
// Each digit of the given number will be printed on a separate line.
In this program, the printDigits function takes a number as an argument. It uses a recursive approach to print the digits of the number.
The function first checks if the number is less than 10. If so, it directly prints the number as it is a single-digit number.
If the number is greater than or equal to 10, it divides the number by 10 using Math.floor(number / 10) to remove the rightmost digit. It then calls printDigits recursively with the truncated number to print the remaining digits.
After the recursive call, it uses number % 10 to extract and print the rightmost digit.
By calling the printDigits function with a given number, it will print each digit of the number on separate lines.
function printFactors(number) {
console.log("Factors of", number + ":");
for (let i = 1; i <= number; i++) {
if (number % i === 0) {
// Example usage:
Factors of 24:
In this program, the printFactors function takes a number as an argument. It uses a loop to iterate from 1 to the given number.
Inside the loop, it checks if the current number i is a factor of the given number. This is done by checking if the remainder of dividing the given number by i is 0. If the remainder is 0, it means i evenly divides the given number and is a factor.
If i is a factor, it is printed to the console using console.log.
By calling the printFactors function with a given number, it will print all the factors of that number.
function sumOfDigits(number) {
let sum = 0;
while (number > 0) {
sum += number % 10;
number = Math.floor(number / 10);
return sum;
// Example usage:
console.log(sumOfDigits(12345)); // Output: 15
In this program, the sumOfDigits function takes a number as an argument. It initializes a variable sum to store the sum of the digits, initially set to 0.
A while loop is used to iterate until the number becomes 0. In each iteration, the remainder of dividing the number by 10 (number % 10) is added to the sum variable. This extracts the rightmost digit of the number and adds it to the sum.
After adding the digit, the number is divided by 10 (number = Math.floor(number / 10)) to remove the rightmost digit. This process continues until all the digits have been processed.
Q 11. Write a JavaScript Program to find the smallest of 3 numbers (a,b,c) without using < or > symbol?
function findSmallest(a, b, c) {
if (a <= b && a <= c) {
return a;
} else if (b <= a && b <= c) {
return b;
} else {
return c;
// Example usage:
console.log(findSmallest(4, 7, 2)); // Output: 2
console.log(findSmallest(9, 3, 5)); // Output: 3
console.log(findSmallest(1, 6, 8)); // Output: 1
//another Method
function findSmallest(a, b, c) {
return Math.min(...arguments);
// Example usage:
console.log(findSmallest(4, 7, 2)); // Output: 2
console.log(findSmallest(9, 3, 5)); // Output: 3
console.log(findSmallest(1, 6, 8)); // Output: 1
In this program, the findSmallest function takes three numbers (a, b, and c) as arguments. It uses a series of if and else statements to compare the numbers and determine the smallest one.
The function checks the following conditions:
- If a is less than or equal to both b and c, then a is the smallest number.
- If b is less than or equal to both a and c, then b is the smallest number. Otherwise, c is the smallest number.
In 2nd approach, the findSmallest function takes three numbers (a, b, and c) as arguments. It uses the spread operator (...) along with the Math.min function to find the smallest number among the arguments.
The spread operator ...arguments expands the three arguments into separate values, which are then passed to the Math.min function. The Math.min function returns the smallest value among the provided arguments.
By calling the findSmallest function with three numbers, it will return the smallest number among them using the spread operator and the Math.min function.
This approach provides a concise way to find the smallest of three numbers without the need for explicit comparisons using if or else statements.
function reverseNumber(number) {
let reversed = 0;
while (number !== 0) {
reversed = reversed * 10 + (number % 10);
number = Math.floor(number / 10);
return reversed;
// Example usage:
console.log(reverseNumber(12345)); // Output: 54321
console.log(reverseNumber(9876)); // Output: 6789
console.log(reverseNumber(100)); // Output: 1
In this program, the reverseNumber function takes a number as an argument. It initializes a variable reversed to store the reversed number, initially set to 0.
A while loop is used to iterate until the number becomes 0. In each iteration, the rightmost digit of the number (number % 10) is extracted and added to the reversed variable by multiplying it by 10 and then adding the digit.
After adding the digit, the number is divided by 10 (number = Math.floor(number / 10)) to remove the rightmost digit. This process continues until all the digits have been processed.
* Find GCD of two numbers
* GCD :: Greatest Common Divisor
* The HCF or GCD of two numbers is the largest number
* that can divide both numbers without reminder.
* Number a = 45 = 3 * 3 * 5
* Number b = 75 = 3 * 5 * 5
* GCD is = 3 * 5 = 15
function findGCD(a, b) {
while (b !== 0) {
let temp = b;
b = a % b;
a = temp;
return a;
// Example usage:
console.log(findGCD(12, 18)); // Output: 6
console.log(findGCD(9, 28)); // Output: 1
console.log(findGCD(24, 36)); // Output: 12
In this program, the findGCD function takes two numbers (a and b) as arguments. It uses the Euclidean algorithm to find the GCD of the two numbers.
The algorithm starts by initializing a temporary variable temp to store the value of b. Then, b is updated with the remainder of dividing a by b using the modulo operator (%). Finally, a is updated with the value stored in temp.
This process continues until b becomes zero, indicating that the GCD has been found. At that point, the GCD is stored in a and returned.
* LCM - Least Common Multiple
* The LCM of two integers is the smallest
* positive integer that is perfectly divisible
* by both the numbers without a reminder.
* (means reminder should be zero)
* say n1 = 12 and n2 = 15
* 12 & 15 can divide 60, 120, 180 ...
* but the smallest number is 60
* LCM of 12 & 15 is 60
* steps
* 1. get the minimum of n1 & n2
* 2. assume the maximum is LCM
* 3. increment the lcm upto both n1 & n2
* perfectly divides the LCM.
* n1 = 10 and n2 = 6
* 10 and 6 can divide 30, 60, 90 ...
* but the smallest number is 30
* LCM of 10 & 6 is 30
function findLCM(a, b) {
let max = Math.max(a, b);
let lcm = max;
while (true) {
if (lcm % a === 0 && lcm % b === 0) {
lcm += max;
return lcm;
// Example usage:
console.log(findLCM(12, 18)); // Output: 36
console.log(findLCM(9, 28)); // Output: 252
console.log(findLCM(24, 36)); // Output: 72
In this program, the findLCM function takes two numbers (a and b) as arguments. It starts by finding the maximum of the two numbers using the Math.max function and assigns it to the variable max.
The initial value of the LCM is set to max. The program enters a while loop that continues until the LCM is found.
Within each iteration, it checks if the LCM is divisible by both a and b using the modulo operator (%). If it is, it means that the current LCM is the least common multiple, and the loop is exited.
If the LCM is not divisible by both a and b, it is incremented by max. This process continues until the LCM is found.
* LCM - Least Common Multiple
* The LCM of two integers is the smallest
* positive integer that is perfectly divisible
* by both the numbers without a reminder.
* (means reminder should be zero)
* say n1 = 12 and n2 = 15
* 12 & 15 can divide 60, 120, 180 ...
* but the smallest number is 60
* LCM of 12 & 15 is 60
function findLCM(a, b) {
// Find prime factors of both numbers
const primeFactorsA = findPrimeFactors(a);
const primeFactorsB = findPrimeFactors(b);
// Merge prime factors from both numbers
const allPrimeFactors = mergePrimeFactors(primeFactorsA, primeFactorsB);
// Calculate LCM using prime factors
let lcm = 1;
for (const prime in allPrimeFactors) {
lcm *= Math.pow(prime, allPrimeFactors[prime]);
return lcm;
function findPrimeFactors(num) {
const primeFactors = {};
for (let i = 2; i <= num; i++) {
while (num % i === 0) {
if (primeFactors[i]) {
} else {
primeFactors[i] = 1;
num /= i;
return primeFactors;
function mergePrimeFactors(factorsA, factorsB) {
const mergedFactors = { ...factorsA };
for (const prime in factorsB) {
if (mergedFactors[prime]) {
mergedFactors[prime] = Math.max(mergedFactors[prime], factorsB[prime]);
} else {
mergedFactors[prime] = factorsB[prime];
return mergedFactors;
// Example usage:
console.log(findLCM(12, 18)); // Output: 36
console.log(findLCM(9, 28)); // Output: 252
console.log(findLCM(24, 36)); // Output: 72
In this program, we have three functions:
The findLCM function takes two numbers (a and b) as arguments. It first finds the prime factors of both numbers using the findPrimeFactors function. Then it merges the prime factors using the mergePrimeFactors function.
The findPrimeFactors function takes a number (num) as an argument and returns an object containing the prime factors and their frequencies. It iterates from 2 up to the given number and checks if the number is divisible by the current iteration. If it is, it adds the prime factor to the object and reduces the number by dividing it. This process repeats until the number becomes 1.
The mergePrimeFactors function takes two prime factor objects (factorsA and factorsB) and merges them into a single object. It starts by creating a copy of factorsA. Then it iterates over the prime factors in factorsB and checks if they exist in the merged object. If they do, it updates the frequency to the maximum of the two. If they don't, it adds the prime factor to the merged object.
Finally, the findLCM function calculates the LCM by iterating over the merged prime factors. It multiplies each prime factor raised to its corresponding frequency to calculate the LCM.
* Palindrome Check
* Check the given number is Palinndrome Number or NOT
* A palindrome number is a number that remains the same when
* its digits are reversed.
* Say N = 16461
* reverse of N = 16461
* N and reverse of N are same
* So 16461 is Palindrome number
* Other examples are
* 12321, 1001, 10101
* NOT a Palindrome
* 100, 123, 2020
function isPalindrome(number) {
const originalNumber = number;
let reversedNumber = 0;
while (number > 0) {
const digit = number % 10;
reversedNumber = reversedNumber * 10 + digit;
number = Math.floor(number / 10);
if (originalNumber === reversedNumber) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
//Another method
function isPalindrome(number) {
const str = number.toString();
const reversedStr = str.split("").reverse().join("");
return str === reversedStr;
// Example usage:
console.log(isPalindrome(12321)); // Output: true
console.log(isPalindrome(12345)); // Output: false
console.log(isPalindrome(1221)); // Output: true
console.log(isPalindrome(123)); // Output: false
console.log(isPalindrome("abccba")); // Output: true
console.log(isPalindrome("abc")); // Output: false
In this program, the isPalindrome function takes a number as an argument and checks whether it is a palindrome.
First, we store the original number in a variable originalNumber for comparison later. Then, we initialize reversedNumber to 0.
We use a while loop to reverse the number. In each iteration, we extract the last digit of the number using the modulo operator (%) and add it to reversedNumber after multiplying it by 10. Then, we update the number by removing the last digit using integer division (Math.floor(number / 10)).
After the loop finishes, we compare originalNumber with reversedNumber. If they are equal, it means the number is a palindrome, and the function returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.
function printPrimeFactors(number) {
let factor = 2;
while (number > 1) {
if (number % factor === 0) {
number /= factor;
} else {
// Example usage:
printPrimeFactors(24); // Output: 2 2 2 3
printPrimeFactors(56); // Output: 2 2 2 7
printPrimeFactors(100); // Output: 2 2 5 5
printPrimeFactors(97); // Output: 97
- The printPrimeFactors function takes a number as its parameter.
- Inside the function, we initialize a variable factor to 2. This will be the first number we check for divisibility.
- The while loop runs as long as number is greater than 1. The loop will continue until the number becomes 1, meaning we have divided out all the prime factors.
- Inside the loop, we check if number is divisible evenly by the current factor using the modulo operator (%). If the remainder is 0, it means that factor is a prime factor of number.
- If factor is a prime factor, we print it using console.log(factor). We also divide number by factor to reduce its value.
- If factor is not a prime factor, we increment it by 1 and continue the loop to check the next number.
- The loop continues until number becomes 1, at which point all the prime factors have been found and printed.
function isPrime(number) {
// Check if the number is less than 2
if (number < 2) {
return false;
// Check for divisibility from 2 to the square root of the number
for (let i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(number); i++) {
if (number % i === 0) {
return false;
return true;
console.log(isPrime(17)); // Output: true
console.log(isPrime(28)); // Output: false
- Check if the number is less than 2. If it is, then it is not a prime number, so we return false.
- Iterate from 2 to the square root of the number. For each number i in this range, check if the number is divisible by i. If it is, then it is not a prime number, so we return false.
- If the number is not divisible by any number in the range, it is a prime number, so we return true.
function isPrime(number) {
if (number < 2) {
return false;
for (let i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(number); i++) {
if (number % i === 0) {
return false;
return true;
function printPrimeNumbers(N) {
for (let number = 2; number <= N; number++) {
if (isPrime(number)) {
// output
// 2
// 3
// 5
// 7
// 11
// 13
// 17
// 19
In this program, we have two functions. The first function, isPrime, checks whether a given number is prime or not. It follows the same logic as explained in the previous response about checking prime numbers.
The second function, printPrimeNumbers, takes a number N as input and prints all the prime numbers from 1 to N. It uses a for loop to iterate from 2 to N. For each number in this range, it calls the isPrime function to check if the number is prime. If it is, it is printed using console.log().
In the example, the number N is set to 20 to test the function. You can replace it with any other positive integer to print the prime numbers from 1 to that number. The program will print the prime numbers in the given range.
* Armstrong Number
* A positive number is called Armstrong number
* if it is equal to the
* sum of cubes of its digits
* for example 0, 1, 153, 370, 371, 407 etc.
* 153 = 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 1 + 125 + 27 = 153
* 370 = 3^3 + 7^3 + 0^3 = 27 + 343 + 0 = 370
* 371 = 3^3 + 7^3 + 1^3 = 27 + 343 + 1 = 371
function isArmstrongNumber(number) {
const digits = [];
let temp = number;
const numLength = number.toString().length;
while (temp > 0) {
const digit = temp % 10;
temp = Math.floor(temp / 10);
const sum = digits.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + Math.pow(curr, numLength), 0);
return sum === number;
// Test the function
const number = 153;
if (isArmstrongNumber(number)) {
console.log(`${number} is an Armstrong number.`);
} else {
console.log(`${number} is not an Armstrong number.`);
// 153 is an Armstrong number.
- Convert the number to a string and determine the number of digits in the number by using the length property.
- Initialize an empty array called digits to store the individual digits of the number.
- Extract each digit from the number using the modulo operator (%) and divide the number by 10 in each iteration until the number becomes 0. Store the digits in the digits array.
- Calculate the sum of each digit raised to the power of the number of digits using the reduce method.
- Finally, check if the sum is equal to the original number. If it is, then the number is an Armstrong number.
* Perfect Number
* ---------------
* Perfect number is a positive integer that is
* equal to the sum of its proper positive divisors,
* that is, the sum of its positive divisors excluding
* the number itself.
* Following are the examples of perfect number.
* 6 = 1+2+3
* 28= 1+2+4+7+14
* 496= 1+2+4+8+16+31+62+124+248
function isPerfectNumber(number) {
if (number <= 0) {
return false;
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 1; i < number; i++) {
if (number % i === 0) {
sum += i;
return sum === number;
// Example usage
const number = 28;
if (isPerfectNumber(number)) {
console.log(number + " is a perfect number.");
} else {
console.log(number + " is not a perfect number.");
In this program, the isPerfectNumber function takes a number as input and checks whether it is a perfect number or not. A perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors (excluding the number itself).
The function first checks if the number is less than or equal to 0, in which case it immediately returns false. Then, it initializes a variable sum to 0, which will be used to store the sum of the proper divisors.
The program uses a for loop to iterate through all the numbers from 1 to number - 1. For each iteration, it checks if number is divisible by the current number i. If it is, then i is a proper divisor, so it adds it to the sum variable.
Finally, the function checks if the sum is equal to the number. If they are equal, it means that the number is a perfect number, and the function returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.
In the example usage, we check whether the number 28 is a perfect number using the isPerfectNumber function and log the result to the console.
function isPerfectNumber(number) {
if (number <= 0) {
return false;
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 1; i < number; i++) {
if (number % i === 0) {
sum += i;
return sum === number;
function printPerfectNumbers(start, end) {
console.log(`Perfect numbers between ${start} and ${end}:`);
for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {
if (isPerfectNumber(i)) {
// Example usage
printPerfectNumbers(1, 1000);
In this program, we have the isPerfectNumber function, which we used in the previous solution. It checks whether a given number is a perfect number or not.
The printPerfectNumbers function takes two arguments, start and end, which represent the range of numbers to check for perfect numbers. It iterates through the numbers from start to end and calls the isPerfectNumber function for each number. If the number is a perfect number, it is printed to the console.
In the example usage, we call the printPerfectNumbers function with the arguments 1 and 1000 to print all the perfect numbers between 1 and 1000. The program outputs the perfect numbers to the console.
* Calculate the Average of Given Array
* -------------------------------------
* This is one basic program using array.
* Steps
* 1. Declare a variable sum with 0
* 2. Iterate the array and add with sum variable
* 3. Divide the sum with array length
* array = {10, 10, 10, 10, 10};
* sum is 50
* array length is 5
* average is 10
* array = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100};
* sum is 550
* array length is 10
* average is 55
function calculateAverage(arr) {
if (arr.length === 0) {
return 0; // To avoid division by zero
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
sum += arr[i];
const average = sum / arr.length;
return average;
// Example usage:
const numbers = [4, 8, 6, 2, 9];
const average = calculateAverage(numbers);
console.log(average); // Output: 5.8
We first check if the array is empty (arr.length === 0). If it is, we return 0 to avoid division by zero.
Next, we initialize a variable sum to store the sum of all the elements in the array.
We then use a for loop to iterate through each element of the array and add it to the sum variable.
After the loop, we calculate the average by dividing the sum by the length of the array (arr.length).
Finally, we return the calculated average.
In the example usage, we define an array of numbers numbers and call the calculateAverage function with this array. The average is stored in the average variable and printed to the console, which will output 5.8 in this case.
function findSecondLargest(arr) {
if (arr.length < 2) {
return "Array should have at least two numbers";
let largest = -Infinity;
let secondLargest = -Infinity;
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] > largest) {
secondLargest = largest;
largest = arr[i];
} else if (arr[i] > secondLargest && arr[i] < largest) {
secondLargest = arr[i];
if (secondLargest === -Infinity) {
return "There is no second largest number";
return secondLargest;
// Example usage:
const numbers = [4, 8, 6, 2, 9];
const secondLargest = findSecondLargest(numbers);
console.log(secondLargest); // Output: 8
First, we perform a check to ensure that the array has at least two numbers. If the length of the array is less than 2, we return a message indicating that the array should have at least two numbers.
Next, we initialize two variables, largest and secondLargest, to store the largest and second largest numbers in the array, respectively. We initialize them with -Infinity to handle cases where the array contains negative numbers.
We then loop through each element in the array. If an element is greater than the current largest, we update secondLargest with the previous value of largest, and update largest with the new element.
If an element is greater than the current secondLargest but smaller than largest, we update secondLargest with the new element.
After the loop, we check if secondLargest remains as -Infinity, which means there is no second largest number in the array. In that case, we return a message indicating that there is no second largest number.
Otherwise, we return the secondLargest number.
In the example usage, we define an array of numbers numbers and call the findSecondLargest function with this array. The second largest number is stored in the secondLargest variable and printed to the console, which will output 8 in this case.
function findSecondMinimum(arr) {
if (arr.length < 2) {
return "Array should have at least two numbers";
let minimum = Infinity;
let secondMinimum = Infinity;
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] < minimum) {
secondMinimum = minimum;
minimum = arr[i];
} else if (arr[i] < secondMinimum && arr[i] !== minimum) {
secondMinimum = arr[i];
if (secondMinimum === Infinity) {
return "There is no second minimum number";
return secondMinimum;
// Example usage:
const numbers = [4, 8, 6, 2, 9];
const secondMinimum = findSecondMinimum(numbers);
console.log(secondMinimum); // Output: 4
First, we perform a check to ensure that the array has at least two numbers. If the length of the array is less than 2, we return a message indicating that the array should have at least two numbers.
Next, we initialize two variables, minimum and secondMinimum, to store the minimum and second minimum numbers in the array, respectively. We initialize them with Infinity to handle cases where the array contains large positive numbers.
We then loop through each element in the array. If an element is smaller than the current minimum, we update secondMinimum with the previous value of minimum, and update minimum with the new element.
If an element is smaller than the current secondMinimum but not equal to minimum, we update secondMinimum with the new element.
After the loop, we check if secondMinimum remains as Infinity, which means there is no second minimum number in the array. In that case, we return a message indicating that there is no second minimum number.
Otherwise, we return the secondMinimum number.
In the example usage, we define an array of numbers numbers and call the findSecondMinimum function with this array. The second minimum number is stored in the secondMinimum variable and printed to the console, which will output 4 in this case.
function findMissingNumber(arr) {
const n = arr.length + 1; // The length of the array is missing one number
const totalSum = (n * (n + 1)) / 2; // Sum of numbers from 1 to N
let arraySum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arraySum += arr[i];
const missingNumber = totalSum - arraySum;
return missingNumber;
// Example usage:
const numbers = [1, 2, 4, 5, 6];
const missingNumber = findMissingNumber(numbers);
console.log(missingNumber); // Output: 3
We calculate the expected sum of numbers from 1 to N using the formula (N * (N + 1)) / 2, where N is the length of the array plus one since it is missing one number.
Next, we iterate through each element in the array and calculate the sum of all the numbers in the array.
The missing number can be found by subtracting the sum of the array from the total expected sum.
Finally, we return the missing number.
In the example usage, we define an array of numbers numbers and call the findMissingNumber function with this array. The missing number is stored in the missingNumber variable and printed to the console, which will output 3 in this case.
function findIntersection(arr1, arr2) {
let i = 0; // Pointer for arr1
let j = 0; // Pointer for arr2
const intersection = [];
while (i < arr1.length && j < arr2.length) {
if (arr1[i] === arr2[j]) {
} else if (arr1[i] < arr2[j]) {
} else {
return intersection;
// Example usage:
const array1 = [1, 3, 4, 5, 8];
const array2 = [3, 5, 7, 9];
const result = findIntersection(array1, array2);
console.log(result); // Output: [3, 5]
In this program, we use two pointers i and j to iterate through arr1 and arr2 respectively. We compare the values at these pointers and move the pointers accordingly.
If the values at arr1[i] and arr2[j] are equal, we found an intersection, so we add it to the intersection array and move both pointers forward.
If arr1[i] is smaller than arr2[j], we increment i to move to the next element in arr1.
If arr1[i] is larger than arr2[j], we increment j to move to the next element in arr2.
We repeat this process until we reach the end of either arr1 or arr2. Finally, we return the intersection array.
In the example usage, we define two sorted arrays array1 and array2 and call the findIntersection function with these arrays. The result is stored in the result variable and printed to the console, which will output [3, 5] in this case.
function findIntersection(arr1, arr2) {
let i = 0; // Pointer for arr1
let j = 0; // Pointer for arr2
const intersection = [];
while (i < arr1.length && j < arr2.length) {
if (arr1[i] === arr2[j]) {
} else if (arr1[i] < arr2[j]) {
} else {
return intersection;
// Example usage:
const array1 = [1, 3, 4, 5, 8];
const array2 = [3, 5, 7, 9];
const result = findIntersection(array1, array2);
console.log(result); // Output: [3, 5]
In this program, we use two pointers i and j to iterate through arr1 and arr2 respectively. We compare the values at these pointers and move the pointers accordingly.
If the values at arr1[i] and arr2[j] are equal, we found an intersection, so we add it to the intersection array and move both pointers forward.
If arr1[i] is smaller than arr2[j], we increment i to move to the next element in arr1.
If arr1[i] is larger than arr2[j], we increment j to move to the next element in arr2.
We repeat this process until we reach the end of either arr1 or arr2. Finally, we return the intersection array.
In the example usage, we define two sorted arrays array1 and array2 and call the findIntersection function with these arrays. The result is stored in the result variable and printed to the console, which will output [3, 5] in this case.
* Union Of Two Arrays
* -------------------
* The Union of Two Arrays Array1, Array2 is the
* new array which contains all the elements which are
* either in array1 or in array2, or in both arrays.
* array1 = {17, 23, 31, 14, 25, 26};
* array2 = {23, 44, 14, 8, 17};
* 17, 14 and 23 are present in both arrays
* UnionArray should contain only one time
* 31, 25 & 26 are present only in array1
* all these elements should present in UnionArray
* 44 & 8 are present only in array2
* all these elements should present in UnionArray
* UnionArray = {17, 23, 31, 14, 25, 26, 44, 8};
function findUnion(arr1, arr2) {
const union = [...arr1]; // Copy arr1 to union array
// Add elements from arr2 to union if they are not already present
for (let i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) {
if (!union.includes(arr2[i])) {
return union;
// Example usage:
const array1 = [1, 3, 4, 5, 8];
const array2 = [3, 5, 7, 9];
const result = findUnion(array1, array2);
console.log(result); // Output: [1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 7, 9]
In this program, we create a new array union and initially copy all the elements from arr1 to union using the spread operator ([...arr1]).
Next, we iterate through each element in arr2. If the element is not already present in union (checked using the includes method), we add it to the union array using the push method.
After processing all the elements in arr2, we have a new array union containing all the unique elements from both arr1 and arr2.
Finally, we return the union array.
In the example usage, we define two arrays array1 and array2 and call the findUnion function with these arrays. The union of the arrays is stored in the result variable and printed to the console, which will output [1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 7, 9] in this case.
function moveZerosToEnd(arr) {
let count = 0; // Count of non-zero elements
// Traverse the array and move non-zero elements to the front
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] !== 0) {
arr[count] = arr[i];
// Fill the remaining positions with zeros
while (count < arr.length) {
arr[count] = 0;
return arr;
// Example usage:
const numbers = [0, 5, 0, 3, 8, 0, 9];
const result = moveZerosToEnd(numbers);
console.log(result); // Output: [5, 3, 8, 9, 0, 0, 0]
We traverse the array using a loop. If the current element is non-zero, we move it to the front of the array by assigning it to the position indicated by the count variable. Then, we increment the count.
After moving all non-zero elements to the front, we fill the remaining positions of the array with zeros using another loop that starts from the count variable and goes up to the length of the array.
Finally, we return the modified array with zeros moved to the end.
In the example usage, we define an array of numbers numbers and call the moveZerosToEnd function with this array. The modified array with zeros moved to the end is stored in the result variable and printed to the console, which will output [5, 3, 8, 9, 0, 0, 0] in this case.
function moveZerosToStart(arr) {
let count = arr.length - 1; // Count of non-zero elements starting from the end
// Traverse the array from the end and move non-zero elements to the back
for (let i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (arr[i] !== 0) {
arr[count] = arr[i];
// Fill the remaining positions from the start with zeros
while (count >= 0) {
arr[count] = 0;
return arr;
// Example usage:
const numbers = [0, 5, 0, 3, 8, 0, 9];
const result = moveZerosToStart(numbers);
console.log(result); // Output: [0, 0, 0, 5, 3, 8, 9]
We traverse the array using a loop that starts from the end and goes backwards. If the current element is non-zero, we move it to the back of the array by assigning it to the position indicated by the count variable. Then, we decrement the count.
After moving all non-zero elements to the back, we fill the remaining positions of the array from the start with zeros using another loop that starts from the count variable and goes down to 0.
Finally, we return the modified array with zeros moved to the start.
In the example usage, we define an array of numbers numbers and call the moveZerosToStart function with this array. The modified array with zeros moved to the start is stored in the result variable and printed to the console, which will output [0, 0, 0, 5, 3, 8, 9] in this case.
function reverseArray(arr) {
const reversed = arr.reverse();
return reversed;
// Example usage:
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const result = reverseArray(numbers);
console.log(result); // Output: [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
// Another approach
function reverseArray(arr) {
const reversed = [];
const length = arr.length;
for (let i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return reversed;
// Example usage:
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const result = reverseArray(numbers);
console.log(result); // Output: [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
In this program, we use the reverse() method to reverse the given array. The reverse() method modifies the original array in place and returns the reversed array.
We call the reverse() method on the arr array and store the reversed array in a variable called reversed.
Finally, we return the reversed array.
In the example usage, we define an array of numbers numbers and call the reverseArray function with this array. The reversed array is stored in the result variable and printed to the console, which will output [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] in this case.
function mostFrequent(arr, n) {
let maxcount = 0;
let element_having_max_freq;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
let count = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < n; j++) {
if (arr[i] == arr[j]) count++;
if (count > maxcount) {
maxcount = count;
element_having_max_freq = arr[i];
return element_having_max_freq;
// Output
let arr = [40, 50, 30, 40, 50, 30, 30];
let n = arr.length;
console.log(mostFrequent(arr, n)); //30
function findMostFrequentElement(arr, n) {
let maxCount = 0;
let elementWithMaxFreq;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
let count = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < n; j++) {
if (arr[i] == arr[j]) count++;
if (count > maxCount) {
maxCount = count;
elementWithMaxFreq = arr[i];
return { element: elementWithMaxFreq, frequency: maxCount };
// Example usage:
const arr = [40, 50, 30, 40, 50, 30, 30];
const n = arr.length;
const result = findMostFrequentElement(arr, n);
console.log(result); // Output: { element: 30, frequency: 3 }
In this code, we have modified the mostFrequent function to calculate the frequency count of each element in the array.
We introduced two variables: maxCount to keep track of the maximum count and elementWithMaxFreq to store the element with the highest frequency.
We used two nested loops to compare each element with every other element in the array and count the occurrences.
If the count is greater than the current maxCount, we update both maxCount and elementWithMaxFreq accordingly.
Finally, we return an object containing the most frequent element and its occurrence count.
In the example usage, we defined an array arr and its length n. We called the findMostFrequentElement function with these parameters. The most frequent element and its occurrence count are stored in the result variable and printed to the console, which will output { element: 30, frequency: 3 } in this case.
function Rotate_and_Print(arr, d, n) {
//Initializing array temp with size n
var temp = new Array(n);
let k = 0;
// Storing the n - d elements of
// array arr[] to the front of temp[]
for (let i = d; i < n; i++) {
temp[k] = arr[i];
// Storing the first d elements of array arr[]
// into temp
for (let i = 0; i < d; i++) {
temp[k] = arr[i];
//Printing the temp array which stores the result
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
console.log(temp[i] + " ");
let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
let n = arr.length;
let d = 2; //number of times rotating the array
Rotate_and_Print(arr, d, n); // 3 4 5 6 7 1 2
- initialize a temporary array(temp[n]) of length same as the original array
- Initialize an integer(k) to keep a track of the current index
- Store the elements from the position d to n-1 in the temporary array
- Now, store 0 to d-1 elements of the original array in the temporary array 5. Lastly, copy back the temporary array to the original array
function reverseString(str) {
// Split the string into an array of characters, reverse the array, and join the characters back into a string
return str.split("").reverse().join("");
// Example usage
const originalString = "Abhishek";
const reversedString = reverseString(originalString);
console.log("Reversed string:", reversedString); // "Reversed string:", "kehsihbA"
//Another Approach
function reverseString(str) {
let reversedStr = "";
for (let i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
reversedStr += str[i];
return reversedStr;
// Example usage
const originalString = "Abhishek";
const reversedString = reverseString(originalString);
console.log("Reversed string:", reversedString); // "Reversed string:", "kehsihbA"
function sortString(str) {
// Convert the string into an array of characters
let arr = str.split("");
// Sort the array in alphabetical order
// Convert the sorted array back into a string
let sortedStr = arr.join("");
return sortedStr;
// Test the function
let stringToSort = "Abhishek";
let sortedString = sortString(stringToSort);
console.log(sortedString); //Abehhiks
function countWords(str) {
// Remove leading and trailing white spaces
str = str.trim();
// If the string is empty, return 0
if (str === "") {
return 0;
// Split the string into an array of words
const words = str.split(/\s+/);
// Return the number of words in the array
return words.length;
// Example usage:
const inputString = "Hello, my name is abhishek and i love javascript";
const wordCount = countWords(inputString);
console.log("Number of words:", wordCount); // "Number of words:", 9
- It trims the string to remove any leading or trailing white spaces.
- If the trimmed string is empty, it returns 0 as there are no words.
- Otherwise, it splits the string into an array of words using the regular expression /\s+/, which matches one or more consecutive white spaces.
- Finally, it returns the length of the array, which represents the number of words in the string.
function countVowels(str) {
// Convert the string to lowercase
str = str.toLowerCase();
// Define an array of vowels
const vowels = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"];
// Initialize a count variable for vowels
let vowelCount = 0;
// Iterate over each character in the string
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
// Check if the current character is a vowel
if (vowels.includes(str[i])) {
// If it is, increment the vowel count
// Return the total count of vowels
return vowelCount;
// Example usage:
const inputString = "Hello, my name is abhishek and i love javascript";
const vowelCount = countVowels(inputString);
console.log("Number of vowels:", vowelCount); // "Number of vowels:", 15
- It converts the string to lowercase using the toLowerCase() method. This ensures that both uppercase and lowercase vowels are counted.
- It defines an array called vowels which contains all the vowel characters.
- It initializes a variable vowelCount to keep track of the count of vowels.
- It iterates over each character in the string using a for loop.
- For each character, it checks if it is included in the vowels array using the includes() method.
- If the character is a vowel, it increments the vowelCount.
- Finally, it returns the total count of vowels.
const maxChar = (str) => {
const strObj = {};
let maxCount = 0;
let maxChar = "";
for (let char of str) {
strObj[char] = strObj[char] + 1 || 1;
for (let key in strObj) {
if (strObj[key] > maxCount) {
maxCount = strObj[key];
maxChar = key;
return maxChar;
// a
// another approach
const maxChar = (str) => {
const strObj = {};
for (let char of str) {
strObj[char] = strObj[char] + 1 || 1;
return strObj;
console.log(maxChar("abhishek")); //{ a: 1, b: 1, e: 1, h: 2, i: 1, k: 1, s: 1}
We will keep track of two variables: maxCount & maxChar. Then, we will loop through the object and compare the value of each key to maxCount. If the value is greater than the value of maxCount, then, we will assign that value to maxCount and the key to maxChar. At the end of the loop, maxChar will be the most common character in the input string.
function printCombinations(str) {
// Create an array to store the combinations
const combinations = [];
// Recursive function to generate combinations
function generateCombinations(prefix, remaining) {
if (remaining.length === 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < remaining.length; i++) {
const newPrefix = prefix + remaining[i];
const newRemaining = remaining.slice(0, i) + remaining.slice(i + 1);
generateCombinations(newPrefix, newRemaining);
// Start the recursion with an empty prefix and the original string
generateCombinations("", str);
// Print the combinations
for (let combination of combinations) {
// Example usage:
const inputString = "abc";
// "abc"
// "acb"
// "bac"
// "bca"
// "cab"
// "cba"
- It creates an empty array (combinations) to store the generated combinations.
- It defines a recursive function (generateCombinations) that takes a prefix and the remaining characters as input.
- If there are no remaining characters (remaining.length === 0), it means a combination has been formed, so the prefix is added to the combinations array.
- Otherwise, it iterates over each character in the remaining string and performs the following steps: 4.1 It creates a new prefix by appending the current character to the existing prefix. 4.2 It creates a new remaining string by removing the current character from the remaining string. 4.3 It recursively calls the generateCombinations function with the new prefix and new remaining string.
- The recursion starts with an empty prefix and the original string (generateCombinations("", str)).
- After generating all the combinations, it prints each combination by iterating over the combinations array.
function decimalToBinary(decimalNumber) {
// Use toString() with radix 2 to convert decimal to binary
const binaryNumber = decimalNumber.toString(2);
return binaryNumber;
// Example usage:
const decimal = 10;
const binary = decimalToBinary(decimal);
console.log("Binary representation:", binary);
- It uses the toString() method on the decimalNumber to convert it to a string representation.
- The toString() method accepts an optional radix parameter, which specifies the base of the number system. In this case, we pass the radix value of 2 to indicate binary representation.
- The function then returns the binary representation of the decimal number.
function binaryToDecimal(binaryNumber) {
// Use parseInt() with radix 2 to convert binary to decimal
const decimalNumber = parseInt(binaryNumber, 2);
return decimalNumber;
// Example usage:
const binary = "1010";
const decimal = binaryToDecimal(binary);
console.log("Decimal representation:", decimal);
- It uses the parseInt() function to parse the binaryNumber as an integer.
- The parseInt() function accepts an optional radix parameter, which specifies the base of the number system. In this case, we pass the radix value of 2 to indicate binary representation.
- The function then returns the decimal representation of the binary number.
function decimalToOctal(decimalNumber) {
// Use toString() with radix 8 to convert decimal to octal
const octalNumber = decimalNumber.toString(8);
return octalNumber;
// Example usage:
const decimal = 25;
const octal = decimalToOctal(decimal);
console.log("Octal representation:", octal);
- It uses the toString() method on the decimalNumber to convert it to a string representation.
- The toString() method accepts an optional radix parameter, which specifies the base of the number system. In this case, we pass the radix value of 8 to indicate octal representation.
- The function then returns the octal representation of the decimal number.
function octalToDecimal(octalNumber) {
// Use parseInt() with radix 8 to convert octal to decimal
const decimalNumber = parseInt(octalNumber, 8);
return decimalNumber;
// Example usage:
const octal = "37";
const decimal = octalToDecimal(octal);
console.log("Decimal representation:", decimal);
- It uses the parseInt() function to parse the octalNumber as an integer.
- The parseInt() function accepts an optional radix parameter, which specifies the base of the number system. In this case, we pass the radix value of 8 to indicate octal representation.
- The function then returns the decimal representation of the octal number.
function decimalToHexadecimal(decimalNumber) {
// Use toString() with radix 16 to convert decimal to hexadecimal
const hexadecimalNumber = decimalNumber.toString(16);
return hexadecimalNumber;
// Example usage:
const decimal = 255;
const hexadecimal = decimalToHexadecimal(decimal);
console.log("Hexadecimal representation:", hexadecimal);
- It uses the toString() method on the decimalNumber to convert it to a string representation.
- The toString() method accepts an optional radix parameter, which specifies the base of the number system. In this case, we pass the radix value of 16 to indicate hexadecimal representation.
- The function then returns the hexadecimal representation of the decimal number.
function hexadecimalToDecimal(hexadecimalNumber) {
// Use parseInt() with radix 16 to convert hexadecimal to decimal
const decimalNumber = parseInt(hexadecimalNumber, 16);
return decimalNumber;
// Example usage:
const hexadecimal = "FF";
const decimal = hexadecimalToDecimal(hexadecimal);
console.log("Decimal representation:", decimal);
- It uses the parseInt() function to parse the hexadecimalNumber as an integer.
- The parseInt() function accepts an optional radix parameter, which specifies the base of the number system. In this case, we pass the radix value of 16 to indicate hexadecimal representation.
- The function then returns the decimal representation of the hexadecimal number.
function hexadecimalToDecimal(hexadecimalNumber) {
// Use parseInt() with radix 16 to convert hexadecimal to decimal
const decimalNumber = parseInt(hexadecimalNumber, 16);
return decimalNumber;
// Example usage:
const hexadecimal = "FF";
const decimal = hexadecimalToDecimal(hexadecimal);
console.log("Decimal representation:", decimal);
- It uses the parseInt() function to parse the hexadecimalNumber as an integer.
- The parseInt() function accepts an optional radix parameter, which specifies the base of the number system. In this case, we pass the radix value of 16 to indicate hexadecimal representation.
- The function then returns the decimal representation of the hexadecimal number.
function octalToBinary(octalNumber) {
let binaryNumber = "";
// Iterate over each octal digit
for (let i = 0; i < octalNumber.length; i++) {
const octalDigit = parseInt(octalNumber[i], 8);
// Convert octal digit to 3-digit binary representation
const binaryDigit = octalDigit.toString(2).padStart(3, "0");
// Concatenate binary digit to the binary number
binaryNumber += binaryDigit;
return binaryNumber;
// Example usage:
const octal = "73";
const binary = octalToBinary(octal);
console.log("Binary representation:", binary);
- It initializes an empty string (binaryNumber) to store the binary representation.
- It iterates over each octal digit in the octalNumber.
- For each octal digit, it parses it as an integer using parseInt() with a radix of 8 to get the decimal value of the digit.
- It converts the decimal value of the octal digit to its 3-digit binary representation using toString() with a radix of 2.
- If the binary representation is less than 3 digits, it pads it with leading zeros using padStart() to ensure it has exactly 3 digits.
- It concatenates the binary representation of each octal digit to the binaryNumber string.
- Finally, it returns the resulting binary number.
// 1. Group the binary digits in sets of three digits starting from the rightmost side.
// 2. Convert each set of three binary digits to their equivalent octal digit.
// 3. Concatenate the octal digits to form the octal number.
function binaryToOctal(binaryNumber) {
let octalNumber = "";
// Pad the binary number with leading zeros to make it divisible by 3
const paddingLength =
binaryNumber.length % 3 === 0 ? 0 : 3 - (binaryNumber.length % 3);
const paddedBinaryNumber = "0".repeat(paddingLength) + binaryNumber;
// Group the binary digits in sets of three from right to left
for (let i = paddedBinaryNumber.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 3) {
const binaryDigits = paddedBinaryNumber.substring(
Math.max(i - 2, 0),
i + 1
const octalDigit = parseInt(binaryDigits, 2).toString(8);
octalNumber = octalDigit + octalNumber;
return octalNumber;
// Example usage:
const binary = "101010";
const octal = binaryToOctal(binary);
console.log("Octal representation:", octal);
- It initializes an empty string (octalNumber) to store the octal representation.
- It pads the binaryNumber with leading zeros to make it divisible by 3 using the paddingLength variable.
- It iterates over the padded binary number in sets of three digits from right to left.
- For each set of three binary digits, it converts them to their equivalent decimal value using parseInt() with a radix of 2.
- It converts the decimal value to its octal representation using toString() with a radix of 8.
- It concatenates the octal digit to the octalNumber string.
- Finally, it returns the resulting octal number.
function printEvenSeries(limit) {
for (let i = 2; i <= limit; i += 2) {
// Example usage:
const limit = 10;
console.log("Even number series:");
// "Even number series:"
// 2
// 4
// 6
// 8
// 10
function printOddSeries(limit) {
console.log("Odd number series:");
for (let i = 1; i <= limit; i += 2) {
// Example usage:
const limit = 10;
// Odd number series:
// 1
// 3
// 5
// 7
// 9
Q 3. Write the JavaScript Program to print the following series Pattern Series 3, 33, 333, 3333, 33333, 333333 ....
function printPatternSeries(n) {
let pattern = "";
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
pattern += "3";
// Example usage:
const n = 5;
// 3
// 33
// 333
// 3333
// 33333
function printGeometricProgression(a, r, n) {
console.log("Geometric progression series:");
let term = a;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
term *= r;
// Example usage:
const initialTerm = 1;
const commonRatio = 2;
const numberOfTerms = 10;
printGeometricProgression(initialTerm, commonRatio, numberOfTerms);
// "Geometric progression series:"
// 1
// 2
// 4
// 8
// 16
// 32
// 64
// 128
// 256
// 512
function printFibonacciSeries(n) {
let series = [];
// First two terms of the series
series[0] = 0;
series[1] = 1;
// Generate the Fibonacci series
for (let i = 2; i < n; i++) {
series[i] = series[i - 1] + series[i - 2];
// Print the series
console.log("Fibonacci series:");
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// Example usage:
const numberOfTerms = 10;
// Fibonacci series:
// 0
// 1
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 5
// 8
// 13
// 21
// 34
In this program, the printFibonacciSeries function takes a parameter n that specifies the number of terms in the Fibonacci series to print. It initializes an array series to store the Fibonacci series.
The program starts with the first two terms of the series, 0 and 1. Then, using a for loop, it generates the Fibonacci series by adding the previous two terms. Each new term is the sum of the two preceding terms.
Finally, it prints the Fibonacci series using another for loop.
In the example usage, the program prints the Fibonacci series with 10 terms. You can modify the value of numberOfTerms to generate a different number of terms in the series.
function isPrime(num) {
if (num <= 1) {
return false;
for (let i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(num); i++) {
if (num % i === 0) {
return false;
return true;
function printPrimeSeries(n) {
console.log("Prime number series:");
let count = 0;
let number = 2;
while (count < n) {
if (isPrime(number)) {
// Example usage:
const numberOfPrimes = 10;
// Prime number series:
// 2
// 3
// 5
// 7
// 11
// 13
// 17
// 19
// 23
// 29
In this program, we define a helper function isPrime to check if a number is prime or not. It takes a number num as an argument and checks if it is divisible by any number from 2 to the square root of the number. If it is divisible by any number, it returns false; otherwise, it returns true.
The printPrimeSeries function takes a parameter n that specifies the number of prime numbers to print. It uses a while loop to iterate until the desired count of prime numbers is reached. It checks if each number is prime using the isPrime function and prints it if it is.
In the example usage, the program prints the prime number series with 10 prime numbers. You can modify the value of numberOfPrimes to generate a different number of prime numbers in the series.
const arr1 = [1, 2, 3];
const arr2 = [4, 5, 6];
const result = arr1.concat(arr2);
console.log(result); //Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
Concatenates two or more arrays
const arr = ["a", "b", "c"];
const iterator = arr.entries();
console.log(; //Output: [0 ,'a'];
console.log(; //Output: [1 ,'b'];
console.log(; //Output: [2 ,'c'];
Returns an iterator object that contains the key value pairs for each index in the array
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const allEven = arr.every((num) => num % 2 === 0);
console.log(hasEvenNumber); //Output: false
Tests whether all elements in the array pass the provided function.
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const allEven = arr.every((num) => num % 2 === 0);
console.log(hasEvenNumber); //Output: false
Fills all elements in the array with a static value.
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const evenNumbers = arr.filter((num) => num % 2 === 0);
console.log(hasEvenNumber); //Output: [2,4]
Creates a new array with all elements that pass the provided function's test
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const foundNumber = arr.find((num) => num > 3);
console.log(foundNumber); //Output: [4]
Returns the first element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function.
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const foundNumber = arr.findIndex((num) => num > 3);
console.log(foundNumber); //Output: [3]
Returns the index of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function.
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const index = arr.indexOf(3);
console.log(index); //Output: 2
Returns the first index at which a specified element is found in an array
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const index = arr.lastIndexOf(2);
console.log(index); //Output: 4
Returns the last index at which a specified element is found in an array
const arr = [1, 2, [3, 4, [5, 6]]];
const flattened = arr.flat(2);
console.log(flattened); //Output: [1,2,3,4,5,6]
Creates a new array with all sub array elements concatenated into it recursively up to the specified depth
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const doubledAndFlattened = arr.flatMap((num) => [num * 2]);
console.log(doubledAndFlattened); //Output: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
Maps each element using a mapping function, then flattens the result into a new array
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const includesThree = arr.includes(3);
console.log(includesThree); //Output: true
Checks if an array contains a specific element
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
arr.forEach((num) => {
// Output:
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
// 5
Executes a provided function once for each array element.
const arr = Array.from("JavaScript");
console.log(arr); //Output ["J", "a", "v", "a", "S", "c", "r", "i", "p", "t"]
Allows you to convert an iterable object (such as a string, Set, Map, etc or an array like object (such as the arguments object) into a new array
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const joined = arr.join("-");
console.log(joined); //Output: "1-2-3-4-5"
Joins all elements of an array into a string
const arr = ["a", "b", "c"];
const iterator = arr.keys();
console.log(; //Output:0;
console.log(; //Output:1;
console.log(; //Output:2;
Returns a new Array Iterator object that contains the keys for each index in the array.
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const doubled = => num * 2);
console.log(doubled); //Output: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
Creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the array.
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const lastElement = arr.pop();
console.log(doubled); //Output: 5
console.log(arr); //Output: [1,2,3,4]
Removes the last element from an array and returns that element
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
console.log(arr); //Output: [1,2,3,4,5,6]
Adds one or more elements to the end of an array and returns the new length of the array
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const firstElement = arr.shigt();
console.log(firstElement); //Output: 1
console.log(arr); //Output: [2,3,4,5]
Removes the first element from an array and returns that element
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
console.log(arr); //Output: [0,1,2,3,4,5]
Adds one or more elements to the beginning of an array and returns the new length of the array
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const sum = arr.reduce((acc, num) => acc + num, 0);
console.log(sum); //Output: 15
Applies a function against an accumulator and each element in the array (from left to right) to reduce it to a single value
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const sum = arr.reduceRight((acc, num) => acc + num, 0);
console.log(sum); //Output: 15
Applies a function against an accumulator and each element in the array (from right to left) to reduce it to a single value
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
console.log(arr); //Output: [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
Reverses the order of the elements in an array
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const sliced = arr.slice(1, 4);
console.log(sliced); //Output: [2,3,4]
Extracts a section of an array and returns a new array
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const removed = arr.slice(2, 2);
console.log(removed); //Output: [3,4]
console.log(arr); //Output: [1,2,5]
Changes the contents of an array by removing, replacing,or adding elements
const arr = [3, 1, 5, 2, 4];
console.log(arr); //Output: [1,2,3,4,5]
Sorts the elements of an array in place and returns the sorted array
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const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const str = arr.toString();
console.log(arr); //Output: '1,2,3,4,5'
Returns a string representing the specified array and its elements
const arr = ["a", "b", "c"];
const iterator = arr.values();
console.log(iterator.nect().value); //Output: 'a'
console.log(iterator.nect().value); //Output: 'b'
console.log(iterator.nect().value); //Output: 'c'
Returns a new Array Iterator object that contains the values for each index in the array
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
arr.copyWithin(0, 3, 5);
console.log(arr); //Output:[4,5,3,4,5]
Copies a portion of an array to another location within the same array
const array = Array.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
console.log(array); //Output:[1,2,3,4,5]
const singleElementArray = Array.of(10);
console.log(singleElementArray); //Output:[10]
is a built in method in JavaScript that is used to convert the elements of an array into localized strings based on the current locale settings