#Welcome to use fastcgi_cpp
fastcgi_cpp is a modern lightweight c++ web framework base on the fastcgi official C++ library package, it's simple and easy to use and powerful. Combined with nginx and fastcgi_cpp you can quickly develop a highly efficient and flexible web application.
Support request/response/session/cookie/file upload/...
Easy interface
for example, Http_Request::get_parameter(..) support both GET and POST
Register handle by class name
Http_Application::add_mapping(const std::string& uri, const std::string& handle_class_name)
High performance, every line of code is the most efficient
- percent_decode() for url decode is the most high performnace implement
- use a std::unordered_map and a std::list to maintenance HttpSession which make session timeout expired in O(1)
- uploaded files were written into temporary file
here is a turial written in Chinese
###0.体系架构 欲知fastcgi程序的体系统架构,请访问这篇文章(此文画的图实在是太好了!) 点我访问
###1.安装nginx nginx官网下载地址 下载稳定版,而后编译安装。参考如下步骤
#make install
###2.安装spawn-fcgi 下载地址 spawn-fcgi是用来启动fastcgi程序的,我们开发好的可执行程序需要用这个工具来启动。 下载后请编译并安装
###3.安装fastcgi官方库 下载地址 下载后编译并安装
#make install
编译好的动态库位于 libfcgi/.libs ,并且已复制到 /usr/local/lib/目录下。如果某些情况程序找不到动态库,则需要配置LD_LIBRARY_PATH指向此目录。
###4.使用fastcgi_cpp fastcgi_cpp提供了Http_Application、Http_Request、Http_Response、 Http_Session等几个类,业务开发只需从Http_Handle_Base继承实现handle并注册即可。我们来看一个Hello World:
#include "fastcgi_cpp.h"
using namespace fastcgi_cpp;
class Hello_World : public Http_Handle_Base
virtual void on_request(Http_Request& req, Http_Response& rsp)
rsp.write_data("hello world<br>");
rsp.write_data("fastcgi_cpp is a modern c++ web framework base on fastcgi<br>");
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Http_Application app;
app.add_mapping("hello_world.cgi", "Hello_World");//url访问地址与Handler绑定,可实现从配置文件中加载
短短几行代码一个WEB程序就写好了。 fastcgi_cpp只有头文件,但编译时需要链接到fastcgi官方库的动态库,Makefile请参考如下:
g++ -o hello hello.cpp -std=c++11 -lfcgi
###5.程序部署 到此,我们已安装好了nginx和spawn-fcgi, 并且已经有一个hello可执行程序。
- -->首先配置nginx的配置文件, 启动nginx:
[root@localhost /]# which nginx
[root@localhost /]# cd /usr/local/nginx/conf
编辑 nginx.conf 这个文件, 加入
location ~ \.cgi$ {
root html;
fastcgi_index index.cgi;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME html$fastcgi_script_name;
include fastcgi_params;
这样, nginx就会把收到的请求转发到 9002 端口。nginx.conf的完整版请参考附件中的nginx.conf。然后启动nginx
- -->用spawn-fcgi 启动应用程序
#spawn-fcgi -a -p 9002 ./hello
- -->使用浏览器测试程序
[root@localhost .libs]# curl
hello world<br>fastcgi_cpp is a modern c++ web framework base on fastcgi<br>
###6.更多例子 请参考fastcgi_test.cpp,共有6个demo