Magento 2 FAQ Extension - FREE - Ready to GO
Please contact me if you need more details
cd app/code;
mkdir Godogi;
cd Godogi;
git clone;
mv magento2-faq Faq;
cd ../..
php bin/magento setup:upgrade;
php bin/magento setup:di:compile;
Create a folder named "Godogi" in app/code
Create a folder named "Faq" inside "Godogi" folder
Upload this extension code to Godogi/Faq
-- Godogi
-- -- Faq
-- -- -- Block
-- -- -- Helper
-- -- -- Controller
-- -- -- Model
-- -- -- Setup
-- -- -- Ui
-- -- -- etc
You can manage questions / answers and topics from admin panel, to do that go to:
You can have access to the FAQs page by visiting the following link: