This project concerns technological advancements to the automobile industry in the division of customized vehicle requisition. The aim of this proposal is to ease the user experience when purchasing vehicles from dealerships and showrooms by making the entire process online. A web application is developed from scratch having all the necessary functionalities including registration, JWT security, 3D models, minimal interface, admin side panel, customizable selections, document cloud upload and status display. This would reduce the energy and time of purchase for the customers as well as make it easier for the employees to streamline the traffic. Since the entire process of requisition will be online, the user would not be obligated to visit the dealership even once, unless some issue has to be resolved physically. A visual representation of customizable features would provide an intuitive understanding to the user about his decisions. Apart from this, introduction of online security would not only be reliable but also cheaper in comparison to offline security. Hence this project would be the next step for the innovative revolution of the automotive industry
Our problem statement is to develop an online vehicle requisition web application to do the following tasks:
1- Add customizable selective features to the vehicle along with interactive 3D models to choose from.
2- Sign in to the server with proper security, authorization and authentication.
3- Upload signed documents to the cloud server and display them.
4- Create an admin side panel to administer and validate user activity.
5- Make payments using payment gateway secured with cryptographic algorithms.
Uploaded document is just for demo purpose