- Add mongodb.key in .gitignore file.
- Update code to:
- Set the threshold for CPU, memory, and Disk space utilization to 85%.
- Create locals to define AWS VPC private subnets along with their length.
- Select the correct AWS VPC private subnet ID even if there are fewer subnets than the number of AWS EC2 instances.
- Select the correct private AWS Route 53 hosted zone if both public and private exist with the same name/domain.
- Set correct AWS ECS cluster name under dimensions for AWS CloudWatch metric alarms.
- Fix Terraform code with respect to the AWS Terraform provider v4.65.0.
- Update backups AWS S3 bucket's lifecycle policy rules to set a rule for INTELLIGENT_TIERING.
- Add code to wait for the first AWS EC2 instance to be running and complete status checks.
- Refactor the whole Terraform code.
- Update the README accordingly.
- Prepare Release for v1.1.0.