Unofficial Jackett with CloudProxy integration. Need to install CloudProxy locally on the same machine.
CloudProxy API URL example:
On same machine:
Based on tag 'v0.16.2207'
- e2359d7 Merge branch 'master' into feature/cloudproxy
- a92cc8a Merge tag 'v0.16.2207'
- 2be45b6 hdforever: add info about tokens to config. Jackett#10225
- 8443bc0 haidan: fix no results and invalid dates
- 76cacb1 kickasstorrent: broken. removed. resolves Jackett#3593
- a1d3687 corsarored: broken. removed. resolves Jackett#3593
- 8fc91fa skytorrentsclone2: new domain www.* resolves Jackett#10000
- 3241688 torrentproject: fix 06cae85 resolves Jackett#10239
- d736ce1 xfsub: broken. removed. resolves Jackett#8351
- 2f657e6 scenefz, icetorrent: update descritpion. Jackett#10226
See More
- 7986763 torrent9: remove *.li domain (Jackett#10237)
- 06cae85 torrentproject: add indexer (Jackett#10231)
- 9000e0a greekdiamond: new layout resolves Jackett#9407
- 95a33db xtremezone: refresh cats
- e4fd274 scenefz: refresh cats
- 28e5e78 xtremezone: new domain speedapp.io
- 262e95b scenefz: new domain speedapp.io
- e2defbc torrent9: add sort option and *.li proxy
- 610e22e IceTorrent: refresh cats
- 66c40a9 icetorrent: new domain speedapp.io
- 84d2cb0 btsow: new domain *.store
- 2fca6bf assorted yml: code tidy
- 0c56474 assorted: add torrentbay proxies (Jackett#10224)
- 56f151b assorted: update unblockninja proxies (Jackett#10223)
- e7e12ba assorted yml: code tidy
This list of changes was auto generated.