hw1 contains all the files needed for a profit calculation application for an internet service provider. The program will randomly generate a town with different types of users. The program simulates a one year billing cycle to determine how the user demographics change and how much of a profit is made. The main method is in the file ISPBusiness.java
hw2 contains contains four different sorting algorithms and the files that compare the sorting times. The program sorts coordinate points using Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, and Quicksort. The main method is in CompareSorters.java.
hw3 contains all the program files needed to convert an infix expression to a postfix expression. There are a couple of failed cases that can occur. This project was done without any skeleton files. The main method is in Infix2Postfix.java.
hw4 contains messages encoded in binary and the program files necessary to decode those messages using a binary tree algorithm. The 1's and 0's represent branches in the tree and the payloads in the leafs are given by the decoding sequence. The main method is in the file ArchivedMessageReconstruction.java.