Implementing GoogleSignIn and custom Email SignIn and SignUp using Firebase
- Migrate the app to AndroidX from libraries Or create project with flutter create --androidx project_name
- Add the following dependencies to your pubspec.yaml firebase_auth, google_sign_in and flutter_auth_buttons(optional)
- Go to Firebase website, create an account
- Create project in the Firebase Console and follow the steps shown there
- Download the JSON file adn paste it in your app_name/android/app folder
- Do the changes in project-level and app-level build.gradle file
- sync the changes in gradle files using an IDE (example-AndroidStudio)
- For Google sign in you need to add your sha1 fingerprint to your app in Firebase Console / Project Setting
- Do not skip any steps
- Must know the basic of Object-Oriented-Programming
- Clear your queries on StackOverFlow
- Manu Abhay Singhal (