version_check("version to be checked","from versioin", "to version", "Boolean to include boundry or not" )
"to version", "Boolean to include boundry or not" are optional arguments
by default boundry for the versions are included
example version_check("1.65","1.64") returns true
version_check("1.63","1.64") returns false
version_check("1.65","1.64","1.45") returns false
version_check("1.65","1.64","1.65",true) returns true
version_check("1.65","1.64","1.65",false) returns false
version_check("1.65a","1.64a","1.65",false) returns true
version_check("1.64.1a","1.64.1b","1.65",true) returns false
Handles alfa and beta version aslo