Android Library to easily integrate Dialogflow based chatbots into an existing application with Chat screen.
// Chatbot - Java V2
implementation 'com.tyagiabhinav:androiddialogflowchatbot:<latest version>' //0.1.9
implementation ''
implementation 'io.grpc:grpc-okhttp:1.31.1'
packaging options under android tag
// Chatbot - Java V2
packagingOptions {
android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar" />
Generate a Google Credential JSON file for your Dialogflow Agent and save it under res->raw-><credential_file.json>
public void openChatbot(View view) {
// provide your Dialogflow's Google Credential JSON saved under RAW folder in resources
ChatbotSettings.getInstance().setChatbot( new Chatbot.ChatbotBuilder()
// .setDoAutoWelcome(false) // True by Default, False if you do not want the Bot to greet the user Automatically. Dialogflow agent must have a welcome intent to handle this
// .setChatBotAvatar(getDrawable(R.drawable.avatarBot)) // provide avatar for your bot if default is not required
// .setChatUserAvatar(getDrawable(R.drawable.avatarUser)) // provide avatar for your the user if default is not required
.setShowMic(true) // False by Default, True if you want to use Voice input from the user to chat
Intent intent = new Intent(<CALLING ACTIVITY>.this, ChatbotActivity.class);
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
// provide a UUID for your session with the Dialogflow agent
bundle.putString(ChatbotActivity.SESSION_ID, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
In your application, add following colours and replace the default values
<color name="userAvatarBG">#666666</color>
<color name="chatPrimary">#CC0000</color>
<color name="chatPrimaryFocus">#DD0000</color>
<color name="chatPrimaryPressed">#A60000</color>
<color name="chatPrimaryDisabled">#66cc0000</color>
<color name="chatBGnText">#FFFFFF</color>
<color name="chatSecondary">#FFFFFF</color>
<color name="chatSecondaryFocus">#F1F1F1</color>
<color name="chatSecondaryPressed">#E9E9E9</color>
<color name="chatSecondaryDisabled">#66FFFFFF</color>
<color name="botBGBubbleStroke">#FFCCCC</color>
<color name="botBGBubble">#FFCCCC</color>
<color name="userBGBubbleStroke">#CAE4F5</color>
<color name="userBGBubble">#CAE4F5</color>
<color name="checkbox">#161616</color>
<color name="statusBarColor">@color/chatPrimaryPressed</color>
-keep public class** {
public protected *;
7. Interacting with webhook to show simple text, text message with buttons, checkboxes or navigating to other activities
Get the sample NodeJS webhook code from the SampleDialogflowWebhook
- Create a common intent and assign an event name like "android_event"
- Enable webhook fulfillment for the intent
Enable webhook fulfillment for all these intents
Code to send from webhook
const params = <Depending on Interaction Type Change params here>;
const param_context = {name: "param_context", lifespan: 10, parameters: params};
agent.add('This is a message section for showing text'); // Text message to be shown to the user
- Simple Text
const params = {"template": "text"};
- Text with Buttons
const params = {"template": "button", "buttonItems":[{"uiText":"Action 1", "actionText":"action 1 selected", "isPositive": true},{"uiText":"Action 2", "actionText":"action 2 selected", "isPositive": false}], "align": "h", "size":"l", "eventToCall":"android_event" };
captured response in the event capture intent
"name": "projects/<project name>/agent/sessions/<sessionID>/contexts/android_event",
"parameters": {
"selectedButton": {
"isPositive": true,
"actionText": "action 1 selected",
"uiText": "Action 1"
- Text with Card
const params = {"template": "card", "cardItems":{"imgUrl":"", "title":"<b>Image Title</b><i>(optional)</i>", "description":"<i>Image description. (optional)</i>"}, "buttonItems":[{"uiText":"Yes", "actionText":"process selected", "isPositive": true},{"uiText":"No", "actionText":"cancel", "isPositive": false}], "align": "h", "size":"l", "eventToCall":"android_event" };
captured response in the event capture intent
"name": "projects/<project name>/agent/sessions/<sessionID>/contexts/android_event",
"parameters": {
"selectedButton": {
"uiText": "Yes",
"isPositive": true,
"actionText": "process selected"
- Text with Checkboxes
const params = {"template": "checkbox", "checkboxItems":[{"uiText":"item 1<br> this item is best", "id":"1"},{"uiText":"item 2<br> this item is OK", "id":"2"},{"uiText":"item 3", "id":"3"}], "buttonItems":[{"uiText":"Yes", "actionText":"process selected", "isPositive": true},{"uiText":"No", "actionText":"cancel", "isPositive": false}], "align": "h", "size":"l", "eventToCall":"android_event" };
captured response in the event capture intent
"name": "projects/<project name>/agent/sessions/<sessionID>/contexts/android_event",
"parameters": {
"selectedButton": {
"uiText": "Yes",
"isPositive": true,
"actionText": "process selected"
"template": "checkbox",
"selectedItems": [
"id": "1",
"uiText": "item 1<br> this item is best"
- Text with Carousel
const params = {"template": "carousel", "carouselItems":[{"id":"1","imgUrl":"", "title":"<b>Image Title</b><i>(optional)</i>", "description":"<i>Image description. (optional)</i>","toast":"selected Dog (optional)"},{"id":"2","imgUrl":"", "title":"<b>Image Title</b><i>(optional)</i>","toast":"selected Cat (optional)", "description":"<i>Image description. (optional)</i>"},{"id":"3","imgUrl":"", "title":"<b>Image Title</b><i>(optional)</i>", "description":"<i>Image description. (optional)</i>","toast":"selected Owl (optional)"}], "buttonItems":[{"uiText":"Select", "actionText":"process selected", "isPositive": true},{"uiText":"Cancel", "actionText":"cancel", "isPositive": false}], "align": "h", "size":"l", "eventToCall":"android_event" };
captured response in the event capture intent
"name": "projects/<project name>/agent/sessions/<sessionID>/contexts/android_event",
"parameters": {
"selectedButton": {
"isPositive": true,
"uiText": "Select",
"actionText": "process selected"
"selectedItems": [
"toast": "selected Cat",
"imgUrl": "",
"id": "2",
"description": "<i>Image description. (optional)</i>",
"title": "<b>Image Title</b><i>(optional)</i>"
"description": "<i>Image description. (optional)</i>",
"title": "<b>Image Title</b><i>(optional)</i>",
"toast": "selected Owl",
"id": "3",
"imgUrl": ""
"template": "carousel"
- Text with Buttons to Navigate to other activities or URL
const params = {"template": "hyperlink", "linkItems":[{"uiText":"Next Activity", "linkType":"internal", "navigateAndroid":"com.tyagiabhinav.dialogflowchat.NavTestActivity", "navigateIOS":"", "isPositive": true},{"uiText":"Google", "linkType":"external", "navigateAndroid":"", "navigateIOS":"", "isPositive": false}], "align": "v", "size":"l" };
params attribute information
- template - to show what UI you want on Android chat
- *items - list of interactable UI components
- uiText - text shown for the item on Android like Button text, Text for checkbox. Simple HTML formatting will work for Checkboxes
- actionText - text to be shown when a button is clicked as input from user in the chat
- isPositive - for colour scheme
- align - for horizontal or vertical layout of buttons. takes values h/v
- size - text size for button. takes values s,m,l (s=10, m=14, l=18)
- eventToCall - event name provided in the Dialogflow Intent to capture user interaction result from Android like "android_event"
- id - unique number for identification
- linkType - within app or outside app navigation. takes value internal/external
- navigateAndroid - complete class name or URL to navigate
- imgUrl - image URL for the card/carousel
- title - image title for the image(optional)
- description - image description for the image(optional)
- toast - message to be shown in toast when user selects the image