A sequence of scripts that need to be executed before submitting the JOBS.
- radsamp.py - Python script that generates uniform random data and stores it in pts_out.dat file. Currently does it for 4 parameters M_1, M_2, M_u and tan(beta). Sampling is uniform in log after |10| GeV except for tan(beta). Edit file for sampling range and number of data points.
- python radsamp.py
- mkslhain.py - Python script used to generate slha input files for SoftSusy. This uses the pts_out.dat file and replaces the tags in in.slha.tmpl to generate a new input file for each data point.
- python mkslhain.py in.slha.tmp pts_out.dat --nmin --nmax --outdir --offset
--nmin - minimum index --nmax - maxnimum index --outdir - output directory --offset - set offset default is 10000 i.e (nmin/nmax+10000)
- mkslhaout.sh - Bash script to generate slha output files from slha inpit files (uses softsusy.x)
- ./mkslhaout.sh
- gen_scripts.sh - generates scripts to run prospino jobs for each of the slha out files. These scripts are stored in shs/ folder. Note that before generating one must edit the run.sh file. There the working directories need to be specified. By default slhaout/ contains the slha output files while out/ stores the prospino out files.
- ./gen_scripts.sh
Command to submit jobs:-
- for i in {30000..40000}; do echo $i; qsub -q medium6 ../shs/run_$i.sh; done
run_batch.sh and gen_scripts_batch.sh are used for submitting a batch of runs.