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HiCtrans is a pipeline to call translocations from Hi-C data

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This is an updated version of HiCtrans program. HiCtrans can scan inter-chromosomal Hi-C matrix and report translocations, their breakpoints at restriction site or at any lower resolution.
Check the paper for details about the method.

Changes made from previous version:

1. No requirement of genome feature file. 
2. Given a starting Hi-C data, HiCtrans now can scan for translocations at different resolutions and report a translocation observed at multiple resolutions.
3. Users can also check potential translocations at different resolutions.
4. No requirement of perl and its associted libraries.
5. Error handling.
6. Faster.

Result description:

A successfull HiCtrans run will generate the following result files and folders

		       .	....


NOTE: MultiResolution_supported_Translocations folder is only created when there are such cases.

Once finished check the <prefix>_<resolution>.<chrA>_<chrB>.MultiResolution_Filtered.Translocation.txt file for possible translocations.
<prefix>_<resolution>.<chrA>_<chrB>.MultiResolution_Filtered.Translocation.txt provides strong support for the translocation any anomaly in the intra Hi-C data.
If there is no multi-resolution supported translocations, users can check the <prefix>_<resolution>.<chrA>_<chrB>.preCluster.txt file 'Translocations' folder.
This file will have all the translocations (BreakPoints and Translocation boxes) found in the chromosomal pair data at different resolutions. 
Users can check the highest resolution in the 'resolution column' (lower the value higher the resolution) for further investigation.
The zscore column repersents the enrichment of counts within the box associated with the translocation. The 'count' column is simply the hic count of the
breakpoint detected within the enriched box. Users can ignore the 'id' column.

For detailed help use the following

Rscript hictrans.v3.R --help

Usage: hictrans.v3.R [options]

                An upper triangular Hi-C sparse matrix
                It should have the following columns

                <indexA> <indexB> <count>

                1 1 300
                1 2 30
                1 3 10
                2 2 200
                2 3 20
                3 3 200

                Bed file with index information
                It should have the following columns

                <chr> <start> <end> <index>

                chr1 1 40000 1
                chr1 40000 80000 2
                chr1 80000 120000 3

                Chromosome A name. It will represent the rows in the inter-chromosomal matrix. It should be the <indexA> chromosome.

                Chromosome B name. It will represent the columns in the inter-chromosomal matrix. It should be the <indexB> chromosome.

                Prefix of the output file <prefix.chrA_chrB>. All the output files and folders will be generated with this prefix.

                Quantile value to be subtracted from one dimensional trans-coverage profile [trans.coverage - quantile(trans.coverage, covq)] [default 0.10].

                Bins with very low coverage values are removed with this filter.
                Increasing <covq> value will keep only the most stringent bins in the two chromosome.

                Minimum Zscore of a possible translocation box to be retained [default is 1].

                HiCtrans will find enriched boxes within the inter-chromosomal matrix as potential translocation box.
                The enrichment is calculated as Z-score against a background with all possible similar sized boxes in the inter-chromosomal matrix.
                Increasing <minzscore> value will keep the most enriched trans interacting boxes.

                Top percentile to be reported as possible breakpoints within a translocation box [default top 0.1%]

                For each enriched translocated boxes, HiCtrans will report top <locq>% interacting pairs (Weighted by the frequency of total interaction).
                Decreasing <locq> will reduce the number of reported breakpoints within an enriched trans interacting box. A <locq> value of 0 will report only the top interacting pair

                Minimum count of a possible breakpoint to be retained when compared to all possible chrA-chrB interaction [default cutoff is 10].

                This is an absolute minimum count cutoff to filter out breakpoints detected at any resolution.
                Increasing <mincount> value will keep only the most stringent interacting pair.

                Percentile value for minimum count cutoff at each resolution [default cutoff is at top 0.1% of the count distribution].

                This is a relative count cutoff based on the inter-chromosomal count distribution determined for each resolution independently.
                Increasing <glbq> value keep only the most stringent interacting pair.

                Comma separated list of integers to be multiplied with the starting Hi-C resolution to get the lower resolutions [default 2,4,5,10].

                HiCtrans will search for enriched trans-interacting boxes and breakpoint finding at different resolutions.
                Provide only integer values in a comma separated list.

                Number of Hi-C resolutions at which the breakpoint should be supported with [default is at least 2 different resolutions].

                HiCtrans wiil find enriched trans-interacting boxes and subsequent breakpoints at different resolutions. The ultimate goal is to find a true translocation supported by multiple resolutions.
                Increasing <multires> value will keep only the enriched boxes and breakpoints supported by at least <multires> number of different resolution.

                Maximum resolution upto which the breakpoint is kept after multi-resolution filtering [default is 3 X user provided Hi-C resolution].

                HiCtrans wiil find enriched trans-interacting boxes and subsequent breakpoints at different resolutions. The ultimate goal is to find a true translocation supported by the highest resolutions.
                Increasing <maxres> value will keep only the enriched boxes and breakpoints supported by upto <maxres> X starting Hi-C resolutions.

                Should the breakpoints be refined upto restriction-level resolution [default is 'No'; If 'Yes', the following parameters are MUST]

                Restriction Fragment file [MUST].

                chr1    0       16007   HIC_chr1_1      0       +
                chr1    16007   24571   HIC_chr1_2      0       +
                chr1    24571   27981   HIC_chr1_3      0       +

                Chromosome size file [MUST].

                chr1    249250621
                chr2    243199373
                chr3    198022430
                chr4    191154276

                Valid pair file of the HiC data [MUST].

                SRR6213722.1    chr11   124331538       -       chr11   124345246       -
                SRR6213722.2    chr1    198436365       -       chr1    199923196       +

                Distance threshold in basepairs to cluster the nearby breakpoints obtained from multi-resolution filtered (MultiResolution_Filtered.Translocation.txt) or individual Translocations_jcbx.txt files [Default 1Mb]

                Extend -(ve) bp of the 5' HMM segment border of chromosome A for breakpoint identification. Default 100Kb.

                Extend +(ve) bp of the 3' HMM segment border of chromosome A for breakpoint identification. Default 100Kb.

                Extend -(ve) bp of the 5' HMM segment border of chromosome B for breakpoint identification. Default 100Kb.

                Extend +(ve) bp of the 3' HMM segment border of chromosome B for breakpoint identification. Default 100Kb.

        -h, --help
                Show this help message and exit

Users need to run each chromosome pair independently. This is a helper function to generate all the combination of chromosomal pairs and run hictrans.R
perl -e '@F=`cat $ARGV[0]`; for($i=0; $i<$#F; $i++){chomp $F[$i]; for($j=$i+1; $j<=$#F; $j++){chomp $F[$j]; print "Rscript hictrans.v3.R --mat $ARGV[1] --bed $ARGV[2] --chrA $F[$i] --chrB $F[$j] --prefix <prefix> --resolutions 2,3,4,5,6,8,10 --covq 0.1\n";}}' chrom.names matrix bed

Here, chrom.names is a signle column file with chromsome names; matrix and bed files are names of the Hi-C sparse matrix and the associated bed files.
To generate the sparse matrix use the 'build_matrix.cpp' file (compile this program by running 'g++ build_matrix.cpp -o build_matrix' in your command prompt). 
For details of the program check the repository.
The input to the build_matrix program is a validpair file described in the help section. 

If you are staring with HiCUP, then use hicup_filter to create valid Hi-C read pairs (generally ends with a name filt.bam or filt.sam).
Then use the following command to generate a validpair file from the filt.bam file
samtools view filt.bam| awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $1,$3,$4,"+"}' |paste - - |awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$6,$7,$8}' > hictrans.validpair

NOTE: The bam file should be sorted based on read name.

R library requirements:
data.table, hashmap, changepoint, hashmap, 
optparse, Rcpp, caTools, depmixS4 DEoptimR

For troubleshoot:
Abhijit Chakraborty (


HiCtrans is a pipeline to call translocations from Hi-C data






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  • C++ 36.8%