Julia bindings for OpenCV.
Install OpenCV, then:
Download or build the MinGW 64-bit binaries of OpenCV and add the bin
directory to PATH
environment variable.
Clone the package from julia prompt.
Add deps/windows
directory to the PATH
environment variable.
The code of calculating histogram that use OpenCV Julia binding is like this:
img = cv2.imread("/home/sun/workspace/Lena.jpg")
# split image by each channel
images = cv2.split(img)
# make an empty image to draw histogram
histImage = cv2.zeros(300, 256, cv2.matType(img))
# prepare the x coordinate of each bin
bins = reshape(1:256, 256)
#Three color of BGR
color = [ (255,0,0),(0,255,0),(0,0,255) ]
# draw the histogram for each channel by cv.polylines
for i = 1:3
# calculate histogram for each channel
hist = cv2.calcHist([images[i]], [0], [256], [0.0, 255.0])
# an custom function, normarlize the hist value to 0-255
hist = cv2.normarlizeT(hist)
# make the histogram draw in image from down to top
for j = 1:length(hist)
hist[j] = 300 - hist[j]
# stack two array by column, I don't know whether there has
# similar function in Julia
pts = cv2.columnStack(bins, hist)
# draw each hist, represent to a polyline
cv2.polylines(histImage, pts, false, color[i])
cv2.imshow("HistImage", histImage)
Here is the output that generated in Julia by the binding: