#CipherSolver Abhinav Mehta, Akshay Singhal, Pankaj Gupta
#Description This module serves in encrypting and decrypting english text via many cipher algorithms like Substitution, caeserian shift, RSA etc. We are also trying on adding cipher cracking to module by using various machine learning and AI techniques.
#Usage For Substitution(both encode and decode)
import CipherSolver
main = do
let message = "something written here"
let key = "zxcvbnmasdfghjklqwertyuiop"
let cipher = substitutionEncode key message
For frequency analysis of substitution cipher
let cipher = "something written here"
let letterfreq = freqtuple cipher
let wsorted = sortedwords cipher
let digrams = digramslist cipher
For Caeser cipher encoding:
let cipher = caeserEncode key message
let message = caeserDecode key cipher
auto decrypt:
let message = solveCaeser bigdata (words cipher)
where bigdata represents dictionary words. you can read that from our dictionary folder.
For Affine cipher encoding:
let cipher = affineEncode a b message
let message = affineDecode a b cipher
For Atbash cipher encoding:
let cipher = atbash message
let message = atbash cipher
For Morse-code encoding:
let cipher = morseEncode message
let message = morseDecode cipher
For PlayFair cipher encoding:
let cipher = playFairEncode key message
let message = playFairDecode key cipher
For Vigenere cipher encoding:
let cipher = vigenereEncode key message
let message = vigenereDecode key cipher