This repository contains the homebrew formula for OpenFPM and it dependencies.
brew tap abhinavsns/homebrew-openfpm
brew install openfpm
After successful compilation, we have to create the file in the $HOME
folder as
. This can be done by running
from the repo. In a future release this will be eliminated via CMake:
and can be configured using the CMake command that brew outputs during the installation.
Whenever compiling an OpenFPM example, please edit the makefile to modify the line include
with include ~/
To compile again from a fresh clone but using brew dependencies, the following cmake command can be used inside a build folder.
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(brew --prefix) -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=($HOME)/.local/ofp_install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DSE_CLASS1=OFF -DSE_CLASS2=OFF -DSE_CLASS3=OFF -DTEST_COVERAGE=OFF -DSCAN_COVERTY=OFF -DTEST_PERFORMANCE=OFF -DENABLE_ASAN=OFF -DENABLE_NUMERICS=ON -DENABLE_GARBAGE_INJECTOR=OFF -DENABLE_VCLUSTER_GARBAGE_INJECTOR=OFF -DCUDA_ON_BACKEND=NONE -DMPI_VENDOR=openmpi -DMPI_ROOT=$(brew --prefix openmpi) -DPETSC_ROOT=$(brew --prefix petsc) -DBOOST_ROOT=$(brew --prefix boost@1.85) -DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=ON -DLIBHILBERT_ROOT=$(brew --prefix libhilbert) -DBLITZ_ROOT=$(brew --prefix blitz) -DALGOIM_ROOT=$(brew --prefix algoim) -DPARMETIS_ROOT=$(brew --prefix parmetis) -DMETIS_ROOT=$(brew --prefix metis) -DVc_ROOT=$(brew --prefix vc) -DOPENBLAS_ROOT=$(brew --prefix openblas) -DEIGEN3_ROOT=$(brew --prefix eigen) -DSUITESPARSE_ROOT=$(brew --prefix suitesparse) -DBLAS_ROOT=$(brew --prefix openblas) -DHDF5_ROOT=$(brew --prefix hdf5-mpi)
Only tested on MacOS Sonoma with Xcode 15 toolchain. Compiles the latest develop branch of OpenFPM.
After successful compilation, it creates the file in the $HOME
folder as
. Whenever compiling an OpenFPM example, please edit the makefile to modify the line include
with include ~/
During the install, brew outputs the cmake command that could be used to reconfigure the retreived source.
Sourcing environment variables is not required for an homebrew installation.
If you encouter issues with cmake and hdf5, please unlink hdf5 and try the installation again.
brew unlink hdf5