In this project we explore human recognition system to identify 7 types of emotions by using FER2013 dataset. We aim to classify the emotion on a person's face into one of seven categories, using CNN model features to a Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM) networks. This dataset consists of 35887 grayscale, 48x48 sized face images with seven emotions - angry, disgusted, fearful, happy, neutral, sad and surprised.
The repository is currently compatible with tensorflow-2.0
and makes use of the Keras API using the tensorflow.keras
- The original FER2013 dataset in Kaggle is available as a single csv file.
First, the haar cascade method is used to detect faces in each frame of the webcam feed.
The region of image containing the face is resized to 48x48 and is passed as input to the CNN.
Then we extract features from CNN and pass into LSTM Model.
The network outputs a list of softmax scores for the seven classes of emotions.
The emotion with maximum score is displayed on the screen.