This project aims to learn and find different ML models that can be used to classify flowers into 3 distinct species: virginica, setosa, or Versicolor. The problem is a supervised learning task as there is data from Kagle. As this is a multi-class classification task, performance will be measured based on how accurate the model is when classifying the flowers. We are aiming for an accuracy of at least 85%.
The dataset used is from Kaggle. Link:
The dataset is a collection of flower samples that contain statistics on the petal length/width and sepal length/width. The measurements are in centimeters and each sample belongs to one of three species: Iris-setosa, Iris-versicolor, or Iris-virginica. The dataset has 150 samples, 50 of each species, thus making it well-balanced and a great dataset.
I used 3 different machine learning algorithms using Sci-kit Learn’s library. These models include: Decision Tree, Random Forest Classification, and K Nearest Neighbors Classification.
The Iris dataset has features that can easily split the data into classes, making Decision Trees a good choice, as they can handle both numerical and categorical data.
Random Forests are a more robust model that generalizes better to unseen data. Random Forests also handle overfitting well, which can be a problem with Decision Trees.
The KNN doesn’t make any assumptions about the underlying data which is good for the Iris dataset as it doesn’t necessarily follow any known distribution.
I used two different evaluation metrics: accuracy score and F1 score.
The accuracy score was the base evaluation metric but since it isn’t good to only rely on the accuracy metric, I also used the F1 score metric which is useful in scenarios where false positives and false negatives have similar costs
All the models scored extremely well on the test case as they got an accuracy score of 100% and an F1 score of 1.