It like on a simple pocket IDE on the Android device. It is the script which install the YouCompleteMe Vim plugin into the Ubuntu Linux into the Termux command line on the Android 9. It is based on The OS is changed from the Arch to the Ubuntu, because the faster install. Also, no compilation, all these from the repos, so faster install too. The Android9PocketDevEnv need more than 1 hour for the install and 2 Gb disk space. But the Android9PocketDevEnvUbuntu need 5 minutes and 1 Gb disk space. Also, the Vam plugin manager for the Vim is used because the apt-package vim-youcompleteme
depend on the Vam.
The Termux from the GooglePlay is the powerful command line, it like on an almost usual Linux OS. Also, you need some experience working with the Bash and the Vim.
Open the Termux app.
Press Acquire wakelock
on the push notification of the Termux.
In the Termux:
pkg install git
git clone
cd Android9PocketDevEnvUbuntu
After install you are in the Ubuntu. You can go to the Termux by exit
, and out from the Termux by second exit
. And you can press Release wakelock
on the push notification of the Termux. So now you can study the usage.
Open the Termux app.
Input ./
Edit a code by the Vim. If you need an autocomplete for some word, input a part of word and press Ctrl+Space
. You can install additional compilers and tools by the apt.
Previous version
The Vim is the text editor
Vam is the plugin manager
The YouCompleteMe is the autocomplete tool to develop in the Vim like on an IDE
The Hacker's Keyboard or can be useful.
Also the F-Droid has free plugins for the Termux, but can stuck on the update, so it can be unstable.