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LRUJ plot (#280)
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* Here's the version that's giving me the error I sent in Teams.

* Mmkay

* A working file now. Generates a plot.

* Ploot modifications.

* Changed this file, actually...
  • Loading branch information
lmacenul authored Nov 30, 2023
1 parent 674ad48 commit 8f47905
Showing 1 changed file with 134 additions and 33 deletions.
167 changes: 134 additions & 33 deletions abipy/electrons/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,23 +44,31 @@
# self.r = r = EtsfReader(filepath)

class LrujResults:
This object stores the results produced by lruj.
natom: int
npert: int
maxdeg: int
ndata: int
pawujat: int
macro_uj: int
dmatpuopt: int
diem_token: str
diem: float
alphas: np.ndarray
occ_unscr: np.ndarray
occ_scr: np.ndarray
chi0_coefficients: dict
chi_coefficients: dict
maxdeg: int
dmatpuopt: int
pert_name: str
parname: str
metric: str
fit_df: pd.DataFrame

def from_file(cls, filepath: PathLike):
Expand All @@ -81,12 +89,27 @@ def from_file(cls, filepath: PathLike):

if in_doc and line.startswith("..."):
data = yaml_safe_load("".join(yaml_lines))
print("data:", data)

if in_doc:

natom = data['natom']
ndata = data['ndata']
pawujat = data['pawujat']
macro_uj = data['macro_uj']
diem_token = data['diem_token']
diem = data['diem']
npert = ndata - 1
if macro_uj==4:
pert_name = r"$\beta$"
metric = r"M $(n^{\uparrow} - n^{\downarrow})$"
parname = 'J'
pert_name = r"$\alpha$"
metric = r"N $(n^{\uparrow} + n^{\downarrow})$"
parname = 'U'

chi0_coefficients = {}
chi_coefficients = {}
for k, v in data.items():
Expand All @@ -99,7 +122,6 @@ def from_file(cls, filepath: PathLike):
degree = int(k.replace(magic, ""))
chi_coefficients[degree] = v


def find(header, dtype=None):
Expand All @@ -110,12 +132,8 @@ def find(header, dtype=None):
return i, after
raise ValueError(f"Cannot find {header=} in {filepath=}")

_, npert = find("Number of perturbations detected:", dtype=int)
_, maxdeg = find("Maximum degree of polynomials analyzed:", dtype=int)
_, pawujat = find("Index of perturbed atom:", dtype=int)
_, macro_uj = find("Value of macro_uj:", dtype=int)
_, dmatpuopt = find("Value of dmatpuopt:", dtype=int)
_, diem = find("Mixing constant factored out of Chi0:", dtype=float)

# Parse the section with perturbations and occupations.
Expand All @@ -126,18 +144,25 @@ def find(header, dtype=None):
0.0000000000 8.6380182458 8.6380182458
-0.1500000676 8.6964981922 8.6520722003
Perturbations Magnetizations
--------------- -----------------------------
beta [eV] Unscreened Screened
--------------- -----------------------------
i, _ = find("alpha [eV] Unscreened Screened")
i += 2
i, _ = find("Perturbations",dtype=None)
i += 4
vals = []
for ipert in range(npert):
for ipert in range(ndata):
vals.append([float(t) for t in lines[i+ipert].split()])
vals = np.reshape(vals, (npert, 3))
vals = np.reshape(vals, (ndata, 3))
alphas, occ_unscr, occ_scr = vals[:,0], vals[:,1], vals[:,2]
RMS Errors
Regression Chi0 [eV^-1] Chi [eV^-1] U [eV] | Chi0 [eV^-1] Chi [eV^-1] U [eV]
Regression Chi0 [eV^-1] Chi [eV^-1] J [eV] | Chi0 [eV^-1] Chi [eV^-1] J [eV]
Linear: -0.8594082 -0.0949434 9.3689952 | 0.0023925 0.0000878 0.1139297
Quadratic: -0.8574665 -0.0955791 9.2963099 | 0.0023777 0.0000129 0.0681722
Expand All @@ -146,53 +171,129 @@ def find(header, dtype=None):
i, _ = find("Regression Chi0 [eV^-1]")
i += 2
keys = ["Chi0", "Chi", "U", "rms_Chi0", "rms_Chi", "rms_U"]
keys = ["Chi0", "Chi", "HP", "rms_Chi0", "rms_Chi", "rms_HP"]
dict_list = []
for irow in range(maxdeg):
l = lines[i+irow].replace("|", " ")
tokens = l.split()
d = dict(zip(keys, [float(t) for t in tokens[1:]]))
d = dict(zip(keys, [float(t) for t in tokens[-6:]]))
d["degree"] = irow + 1

fit_df = pd.DataFrame(dict_list)
#print("fit_df:\n", fit_df)

# Build instance from locals dict.
data = locals()
return cls(**{k: data[k] for k in [ for field in dataclasses.fields(cls)]})
_data = locals()
return cls(**{k: _data[k] for k in [ for field in dataclasses.fields(cls)]})

def plot(self, ax=None, fontsize=12, **kwargs) -> Figure:
def plot(self, ax=None, degrees="all", inset=True, insetdegree=1, insetlocale="lower left", ptcolor0='k', ptcolor='k', gradcolor1='#3575D5',gradcolor2='#FDAE7B', ptitle="default", fontsize=12, **kwargs) -> Figure:
ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
degrees: List of degrees to plot. If None, no polynomials are plotted.
ptcolor0: Color of unscreened response data points (default: black)
ptcolor: Color of screened response data points (default: black)
gradcolor1: Hex code of linear regression color (default: Blue #3575D5)
gradcolor2: Hex code of color of regression of maximum degree in list <degrees> (default: Salmon #FDAE7B)
ptitle: Plot title (default: "Linear Response for atom <pawujat>)
inset: Plots inset with LR parameter for polynomial fit of degree <insetdegree> (default: True)
insetdegree: Degree of polynomial fit information printed in the inset (default: 1)
insetlocale: Position of inset in the plot. Standard matplotlob locations. (default: "lower left")
import seaborn as sns
ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)

# Plot raw data.
ax.scatter(self.alphas, self.occ_unscr, marker="o", c="b", label="Unscreened")
ax.scatter(self.alphas, self.occ_scr, marker="x", c="r", label="Screened")
ax.axvline(x=0.0, color="k", linestyle="--", lw=0.5)
# Plot data
yshift = self.occ_unscr[np.where(self.alphas == 0.0000)] * (self.diem - 1.0)
data0 = 1.0/self.diem * (self.occ_unscr + yshift)
ax.scatter(self.alphas, data0, s=70, color=ptcolor0, facecolors='none', linewidths=2, label="Unscreened")
ax.scatter(self.alphas, self.occ_scr, s=70, color=ptcolor, label="Screened")
ax.axvline(x=0.0, color="white", linestyle="--", lw=0.5)

# Plot regression fit (only linear part)
xstart, xstop = self.alphas.min(), self.alphas.max()
xstart, xstop = 0.9 * xstart, 1.1 * xstop
# Generate mesh for polynomial functions
xstart, xstop = 1.1 * self.alphas.min(), 1.1 * self.alphas.max()
xs = np.arange(xstart, xstop, step=0.01)
#for ideg in range(maxdeg):
# ax.plot(xs, lin_coeff * xs, color=, label="Degree {ideg}")

#Prepare colors and coefficients for polynomials the use wants to plot
if degrees == "all":
degrees = self.chi0_coefficients.keys()

def hex_to_RGB(hex_str):
return [int(hex_str[i:i+2], 16) for i in range(1,6,2)]

def get_color_gradient(c1, c2, n):
assert n > 1
c1_rgb = np.array(hex_to_RGB(c1))/255
c2_rgb = np.array(hex_to_RGB(c2))/255
mix_pcts = [x/(n-1) for x in range(n)]
rgb_colors = [((1-mix)*c1_rgb + (mix*c2_rgb)) for mix in mix_pcts]
return ["#" + "".join([format(int(round(val*255)), "02x") for val in item]) for item in rgb_colors]


# Plot polynomial functions
def poly0(coeffs):
return lambda x: 1.0/self.diem * (sum((coeff*x**i for i,coeff in enumerate(coeffs))) + yshift)

def poly(coeffs):
return lambda x: sum((coeff*x**i for i,coeff in enumerate(coeffs)))

for degree in degrees:
if degree == 1:
elif degree == 2:
elif degree == 3:
Labelstring=' '.join(['Degree',str(degree)])

if insetdegree==degree:
deginfo = ' '.join(['Parameters for',Labelstring,'fit'])
insetcolor = linecolors[degree-1]


ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True)
if ptitle=="default":
ptitle=' '.join(["Linear Response",self.parname,"on atom",str(self.pawujat)])
ax.set_xlabel(r"$\alpha$ (eV)")
#ylabel = r"$N(n^{\up} + n^{\down})" is U else r"$N(n^{\up} - n^{\down})"

ax.set_xlabel(' '.join([self.pert_name,"(eV)"]))

# Generate inset with numerical information on LR
if inset:
from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText
select = self.fit_df["degree"] == insetdegree
def dfvalue(keywo):
tablevalue = self.fit_df[select][keywo]
return "%.4f" % tablevalue.values[0]

X0str = ' '.join([r"$\chi_0$","=",dfvalue("Chi0"),r"$\pm$",dfvalue("rms_Chi0"),r"[eV]$^{-1}$"])
Xstr = ' '.join([r"$\chi$","=",dfvalue("Chi"),r"$\pm$",dfvalue("rms_Chi"),r"[eV]$^{-1}$"])
HPstr = ' '.join([self.parname,"=",dfvalue("HP"),r"$\pm$",dfvalue("rms_HP"),r"[eV]"])
insettxt = '\n'.join([deginfo,X0str,Xstr,HPstr])
parambox = AnchoredText(insettxt,loc=insetlocale)
return fig

class LrujAnalyzer:
Analyzes multiple sets of LRUJ files.
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