The repository is used for an introductory course to scientific programming and data visualisation with R.
The package is a GitHub-only package at this stage. To avoid the
overhead of installing the
devtools package which is
usually used for installing packages directly from GitHub (using
), I recommend using
. Indeed, devtools only re-exports the
original function of the
remotes package.
remotes::install_github("ablaette/learningR", build_vignettes = TRUE, dependencies = TRUE)
Setting arguments build_vignettes
and dependencies
- The slides included in the package are technically realized as
vignettes. We need to ensure that they are built
build_vignettes = TRUE
). - R packages used by the vignettes are suggested packages,
dependencies = TRUE
will ensure that these dependencies are installed if not yet present.
This installation mechanism works on macOS, Linux and Windows.
Experimentally, the package is also available via a “drat” (CRAN-style) repository. Install the package as follows:
install.packages(pkg = "learningR", repos = "")
The slides are designed to work online as well as locally. If the learningR package is installed, use the following command to open a browser window that will show an overview over the slides within the package.
browseVignettes(package = "learningR")
Then click on the respective HTML document to inspect one set of slides.
To explore code included in the slides, you want to have access to the original R code. Within RStudio, choose among the R Markdown files the slides are based on using the following command.
The chosen file will be opened in RStudio.
The slides are designed to work well in a classroom setting - including courses taught by video conference. In this scenario, you often want to show slides and the R console at the same time, to demonstrate how a piece of code works.
This is why we use xaringan Presentations: You can preview (show) slides within the Viewer pane of RStudio. At the same, the R console is available. To launch the ‘infinite moon reader’, ensure that the R Markdown document of the slides you want to use is the active document. The slides are launched in the RStudio Viewer pane as follows:
The package is work in progress, only a part of the slides is ready for use. The following slides are available online:
- Erste Schritte
- Installation von Paketen
- Datenstrukturen: Vektoren
- Matrizen - Listen - Tabellen
- Funktionen und Kontrollstrukturen
The package is an Open Educational Resource licensed under a Creative Commons License (CC BY 4.0). Tha package may be used, shared and modified, but it is expected that authorship is attributed.
To get a suggestion how to quote the package, use the citation()
citation(package = "learningR")
## To cite package 'learningR' in publications use:
## Blaette, Andreas (2020). learningR. R package version v0.0.2.
## A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
## @Manual{,
## title = {learningR},
## author = {Andreas Blaette},
## year = {2021},
## note = {R package version 0.0.2},
## }