Welcome to alternative Liferay Portal maven plugin repository. This maven plugin was prepared and is developed by mimacom company to streamline working with Liferay Portal.
Plugins allow to download, install and deploy needed Liferay Portal dependencies either on local or remote repository. You can build Liferay Portal and override it's internal implementations. You can build all Liferay Portal artifacts:
- Hooks,
- Themes,
- Layouts,
- Portlets,
- Services.
- Include maven patching tool integration in example project.
Please follow these steps to setup your development environment:
mvn install mimacom-liferay-dependency-maven-plugin and follow it's documentation (README and maven site)
mvn install mimacom-liferay-adapter-api
mvn install mimacom-liferay-adapter; if needed create/uncomment adapter related to Liferay Portal version that you've installed in step 1
mvn install mimacom-liferay-builder-maven-plugin and follow it's documentation (README and maven site)
Our liferay maven plugins don't work with maven version 3.1 and later.
The code is licensed with Apache License 2.0.