Ably Asset Tracking SDKs provide an easy way to track multiple assets with realtime location updates powered by Ably realtime network.
Status: this is a preview version of the SDK. That means that it contains a subset of the final SDK functionality, and the APIs are subject to change.
Ably Asset Tracking is:
- easy to integrate - comprising two complementary SDKs with easy to use APIs, available for multiple platforms:
- Asset Publishing SDK, for embedding in apps running on the courier's device
- Asset Subscribing SDK, for embedding in apps runnong on the customer's observing device
- extensible - as Ably is used as the underlying transport, you have direct access to your data and can use Ably integrations for a wide range of applications in addition to direct realtime subscriptions - examples include:
- passing to a 3rd party system
- persistence for later retrieval
- built for purpose - the APIs and underlying functionality are designed specifically to meet the requirements of a range of common asset tracking use-cases
This repository contains the Asset Subscribing SDK for Web.
This repository also contains an example app that showcases how the Ably Asset Tracking SDK can be used:
import AblyAssetTracking from 'ably-asset-tracking';
const ablyOptions = {
key: '',
clientId: '',
const trackingId: '';
const onRawLocationUpdate = (geoJsonMessage) => {
console.log(`Raw location update: ${geoJsonMessage}`);
const onEnhancedLocationUpdate = (geoJsonMessage) => {
console.log(`Enhanced location update: ${geoJsonMessage}`);
const onStatusUpdate = (isOnline) => {
console.log(`Status update: Publisher is now ${isOnline ? 'online' : 'offline'}`);
const assetSubscriber = new AblyAssetTrackingAssetSubscriber({