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Implement the ability to fetch a room
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Part of #19. References to spec are based on [1] at commit aa7455d.

I’ve decided to, for now, throw ably-cocoa’s ARTErrorInfo for
consistency with JS; created #32 to revisit this later.

We have decided (see [2]) that we’re going to try using actors as our
mechanism for concurrency-safe management of mutable state. We accept
that this will lead to more of the public API needing to be annotated as
`async` (as has happened to Rooms.get here), which in some cases might
lead to weird-looking API, and have chosen to accept this compromise in
order to get the safety checking offered to us by the compiler, and
because of developers’ aversion to writing "@unchecked Sendable". We
might not have needed to make this compromise if we had access to Swift
6 / iOS 18’s Mutex type, which allows for synchronous management of
mutable state in a way that the compiler is happy with. But, none of the
decisions here need to be final; we can see how we feel about the API as
it evolves and as our knowledge of the language grows.

[1] ably/specification#200
[2] #33 (comment)
  • Loading branch information
lawrence-forooghian committed Aug 29, 2024
1 parent eb12e07 commit 7d6acde
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Showing 6 changed files with 218 additions and 8 deletions.
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions Sources/AblyChat/Errors.swift
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@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
import Ably

The error domain used for the ``Ably.ARTErrorInfo`` error instances thrown by the Ably Chat SDK.

See ``ErrorCode`` for the possible ``ARTErrorInfo.code`` values.
public let errorDomain = "AblyChatErrorDomain"

The error codes for errors in the ``errorDomain`` error domain.
public enum ErrorCode: Int {
/// ``Rooms.get(roomID:options:)`` was called with a different set of room options than was used on a previous call. You must first release the existing room instance using ``Rooms.release(roomID:)``.
/// TODO this code is a guess, revisit in
case inconsistentRoomOptions = 1

/// The ``ARTErrorInfo.statusCode`` that should be returned for this error.
internal var statusCode: Int {
// TODO: These are currently a guess, revisit in
switch self {
case .inconsistentRoomOptions:

The errors thrown by the Chat SDK.

This type exists in addition to ``ErrorCode`` to allow us to attach metadata which can be incorporated into the error’s `localizedDescription`.
internal enum ChatError {
case inconsistentRoomOptions(requested: RoomOptions, existing: RoomOptions)

/// The ``ARTErrorInfo.code`` that should be returned for this error.
internal var code: ErrorCode {
switch self {
case .inconsistentRoomOptions:

/// The ``ARTErrorInfo.localizedDescription`` that should be returned for this error.
internal var localizedDescription: String {
switch self {
case let .inconsistentRoomOptions(requested, existing):
"Rooms.get(roomID:options:) was called with a different set of room options than was used on a previous call. You must first release the existing room instance using Rooms.release(roomID:). Requested options: \(requested), existing options: \(existing)"

internal extension ARTErrorInfo {
convenience init(chatError: ChatError) {
var userInfo: [String: Any] = [:]
// TODO: copied and pasted from implementation of -[ARTErrorInfo createWithCode:status:message:requestId:] because there’s no way to pass domain; revisit in Also the ARTErrorInfoStatusCode variable in ably-cocoa is not public.
userInfo["ARTErrorInfoStatusCode"] = chatError.code.statusCode
userInfo[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey] = chatError.localizedDescription

domain: errorDomain,
code: chatError.code.rawValue,
userInfo: userInfo
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions Sources/AblyChat/Room.swift
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@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import Ably

public protocol Room: AnyObject, Sendable {
var roomID: String { get }
var messages: any Messages { get }
Expand All @@ -14,3 +16,49 @@ public protocol Room: AnyObject, Sendable {
func detach() async throws
var options: RoomOptions { get }

internal actor DefaultRoom: Room {
internal nonisolated let roomID: String
internal nonisolated let options: RoomOptions

// Exposed for testing.
internal nonisolated let realtime: RealtimeClient

internal init(realtime: RealtimeClient, roomID: String, options: RoomOptions) {
self.realtime = realtime
self.roomID = roomID
self.options = options

public nonisolated var messages: any Messages {
fatalError("Not yet implemented")

public nonisolated var presence: any Presence {
fatalError("Not yet implemented")

public nonisolated var reactions: any RoomReactions {
fatalError("Not yet implemented")

public nonisolated var typing: any Typing {
fatalError("Not yet implemented")

public nonisolated var occupancy: any Occupancy {
fatalError("Not yet implemented")

public nonisolated var status: any RoomStatus {
fatalError("Not yet implemented")

public func attach() async throws {
fatalError("Not yet implemented")

public func detach() async throws {
fatalError("Not yet implemented")
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions Sources/AblyChat/RoomOptions.swift
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import Foundation

public struct RoomOptions: Sendable {
public struct RoomOptions: Sendable, Equatable {
public var presence: PresenceOptions?
public var typing: TypingOptions?
public var reactions: RoomReactionsOptions?
Expand All @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ public struct RoomOptions: Sendable {

public struct PresenceOptions: Sendable {
public struct PresenceOptions: Sendable, Equatable {
public var enter = true
public var subscribe = true

Expand All @@ -24,18 +24,18 @@ public struct PresenceOptions: Sendable {

public struct TypingOptions: Sendable {
public struct TypingOptions: Sendable, Equatable {
public var timeout: TimeInterval = 10

public init(timeout: TimeInterval = 10) {
self.timeout = timeout

public struct RoomReactionsOptions: Sendable {
public struct RoomReactionsOptions: Sendable, Equatable {
public init() {}

public struct OccupancyOptions: Sendable {
public struct OccupancyOptions: Sendable, Equatable {
public init() {}
22 changes: 19 additions & 3 deletions Sources/AblyChat/Rooms.swift
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import Ably

public protocol Rooms: AnyObject, Sendable {
func get(roomID: String, options: RoomOptions) throws -> any Room
func get(roomID: String, options: RoomOptions) async throws -> any Room
func release(roomID: String) async throws
var clientOptions: ClientOptions { get }
Expand All @@ -11,13 +11,29 @@ internal actor DefaultRooms: Rooms {
internal nonisolated let realtime: RealtimeClient
internal nonisolated let clientOptions: ClientOptions

/// The set of rooms, keyed by room ID.
private var rooms: [String: DefaultRoom] = [:]

internal init(realtime: RealtimeClient, clientOptions: ClientOptions) {
self.realtime = realtime
self.clientOptions = clientOptions

internal nonisolated func get(roomID _: String, options _: RoomOptions) throws -> any Room {
fatalError("Not yet implemented")
internal func get(roomID: String, options: RoomOptions) throws -> any Room {
// CHA-RC1b
if let existingRoom = rooms[roomID] {
if existingRoom.options != options {
throw ARTErrorInfo(
chatError: .inconsistentRoomOptions(requested: options, existing: existingRoom.options)

return existingRoom
} else {
let room = DefaultRoom(realtime: realtime, roomID: roomID, options: options)
rooms[roomID] = room
return room

internal func release(roomID _: String) async throws {
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64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions Tests/AblyChatTests/DefaultRoomsTests.swift
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@testable import AblyChat
import XCTest

class DefaultRoomsTests: XCTestCase {
// @spec CHA-RC1a
func test_get_returnsRoomWithGivenID() async throws {
// Given: an instance of DefaultRooms
let realtime = MockRealtime.create()
let rooms = DefaultRooms(realtime: realtime, clientOptions: .init())

// When: get(roomID:options:) is called
let roomID = "basketball"
let options = RoomOptions()
let room = try await rooms.get(roomID: roomID, options: options)

// Then: It returns a DefaultRoom instance that uses the same Realtime instance, with the given ID and options
let defaultRoom = try XCTUnwrap(room as? DefaultRoom)
XCTAssertIdentical(defaultRoom.realtime, realtime)
XCTAssertEqual(defaultRoom.roomID, roomID)
XCTAssertEqual(defaultRoom.options, options)

// @spec CHA-RC1b
func test_get_returnsExistingRoomWithGivenID() async throws {
// Given: an instance of DefaultRooms, on which get(roomID:options:) has already been called with a given ID
let realtime = MockRealtime.create()
let rooms = DefaultRooms(realtime: realtime, clientOptions: .init())

let roomID = "basketball"
let options = RoomOptions()
let firstRoom = try await rooms.get(roomID: roomID, options: options)

// When: get(roomID:options:) is called with the same room ID
let secondRoom = try await rooms.get(roomID: roomID, options: options)

// Then: It returns the same room object
XCTAssertIdentical(secondRoom, firstRoom)

// @spec CHA-RC1c
func test_get_throwsErrorWhenOptionsDoNotMatch() async throws {
// Given: an instance of DefaultRooms, on which get(roomID:options:) has already been called with a given ID and options
let realtime = MockRealtime.create()
let rooms = DefaultRooms(realtime: realtime, clientOptions: .init())

let roomID = "basketball"
let options = RoomOptions()
_ = try await rooms.get(roomID: roomID, options: options)

// When: get(roomID:options:) is called with the same ID but different options
let differentOptions = RoomOptions(presence: .init(subscribe: false))

let caughtError: Error?
do {
_ = try await rooms.get(roomID: roomID, options: differentOptions)
caughtError = nil
} catch {
caughtError = error

// Then: It throws an inconsistentRoomOptions error
try assertIsChatError(caughtError, withCode: .inconsistentRoomOptions)
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions Tests/AblyChatTests/Helpers/Helpers.swift
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import Ably
@testable import AblyChat
import XCTest

Asserts that a given optional `Error` is an `ARTErrorInfo` in the chat error domain with a given code.
func assertIsChatError(_ maybeError: (any Error)?, withCode code: AblyChat.ErrorCode, file: StaticString = #filePath, line: UInt = #line) throws {
let error = try XCTUnwrap(maybeError, "Expected an error", file: file, line: line)
let ablyError = try XCTUnwrap(error as? ARTErrorInfo, "Expected an ARTErrorInfo", file: file, line: line)

XCTAssertEqual(ablyError.domain, AblyChat.errorDomain as String, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(ablyError.code, code.rawValue, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(ablyError.statusCode, code.statusCode, file: file, line: line)

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