- Free Jira is backlog management app where users can track and visualize Epics.
- An Epic can contains Bugs, Tasks and other Epics. It can be in differet states: "confirmed", "work in progress" or "pending validation".
- Users can import a backlog (formatted as a dictionary) to populate database. The app is deployed with a test database.
- The app is built with Django and bootstrap. I choose Django because it is one of the top web development framework and has a big and supportive community. It is also fast, simple and reliable.
- The UX design is very simple since I attached more importance on backend development than frontend for this exercise.
- I use the default database shipped with Django (sqlite3) in order to manage data in a more efficient way. Django provides librairies to create models, to do efficient queries and to do testing that improves the reliability of the code.
- The database is working with three Models:
- Epic
- Title: a unique char field
- State: a char field that stores the current status of the epic. This attribute is automaticaly computed.
- Linked epic: a Foreign Key, stores the parent epic
- Bug:
- Title: a unique char field
- Epic: a Foreign Key, stores the parent epic
- Task:
- Title: a unique char field
- Epic: a Foreign Key, stores the parent epic
- Epic
- Relations between tables are Many to One since we used only Foreign Keys:
- An Epic can have many children Bugs, but a Bug can have only one parent Epic
- An Epic can have many children Tasks, but a Task can have only one parent Epic
- An Epic can have many children Epics, but an Epic can have only one parent Epic
- Top Navigation Bar:
- "Epics": link to epics list
- "Search": search engine over Bugs table
- Import backlog: upload a text file and parse a backlog formatted as a dictionary. If a backlog is already stored in database, the app wil merge them according to these rules:
- If an Epic already exists in database (based on title), then it updates it. If not, it creates it.
- If a Bug already exists (based on title), it updates its parent Epic. If not, it creates it.
- If a Task already exists (based on title), it updates its parent Epic. If not, it creates it.
- Export backlog: export the current backlog stored in database into a text file, formatted as a dictionary.
- Reset database: flush database. This function is mainly for testing purpose.
- Provides a list of all Epics and their status. Each Epic is a link to its detailed view.
- Provides different informations:
- List of children Bugs
- List of children Tasks
- List of children Epics
- List of all children Bugs linked to all children Epics
- For Bugs and Tasks lists, users can add objects to the current Epic. A Django automaticaly generated form performs all safe checks (empty title, Bug or Task title already exists). Then Epic status is refreshed.
- For Bugs and Tasks lists, user can delete objects from the current Epic. Then Epic status is refreshed.
- User can make a research on Bug title. It returns all matching bugs and list their blocked Epics (all parents Epics). The highest Epic in this tree is shown first on the list.
- For the web interface, I kept things simple. I used Bootstrap 4.1.3 default components and colors.
- My main goal was to create as few pages as possible to improve readability and to have an easy to navigate website.
- I must admit that I found this part the biggest challenge of this project, mainly because I did it at the end of it. For the future, it would definitely be better to write tests as I write the code.
- I used Django built in TestCase and test the views, forms and models associated with Epics app and Search app. The tests generally follow these patterns:
- Create a new object instance, save it, and check if the model works well
- Test the routes response status codes
- Test whether an object list is in the global context and its values
- Test if a form is delivering the correct data
- Test if a model instance saves correctly
- Test routes that receive get or post requests by simulating with self.client.post and check if the object has been created / updated / deleted
- I used Google Chrome to test app frontend, such as responsiveness, the grid and fonts.
- For import and export features, I mainly test them on browser. I wish I had time to write some stronger tests for this part.
- Full project is available on Git.
- Install requirements.txt dependancies.
- Run app by executing command:
python manage.py runserver
- The web app is hosted on by default.
- Dockerfile is provided
- Run commands from FreeJira folder:
docker build -t freejira .
docker run -p 8000:8000 -i -t freejira
- The web app is hosted on by default.
- App is shipped with a full test database. This test dataset is available in
- Clean up code
- Improve User Interface
- Add more tests, especially on import/export features
- Do not save data if the import fails
- Improve errors management by raising exceptions