We need to parse file "beeline_consent_query_stderr.txt". The file contains the output from stdout of beeline (a command line utility that sends queries to Hive SQL Engine). The logs are unstructured as you can see and they contain detailed information for the query execution and in the end (after row 80) the metrics of the execution engine for this query. We need to parse the file , collect these metrics and put them in python Dictionaries preserving the values (eg 1200) and the names (eg REDUCE_INPUT_RECORDS).
The output of the program will be 3 files. The files are expected to have the Dictionaries directly persisted and formatted as shown in the examples below, no need to create csv or any other format.
Each file will contain only the metrics of one of the three main categories listed below:
Query Execution Summary Metrics in rows 80-91 starting with header "Query Execution Summary" . The file is expected to contain a python dictionary with keys the values under the Operations column and values the ones under the Duration column , essentially 6 key-value pairs
Task Execution Summary Metrics in rows 92-101 starting with header "Task Execution Summary". For each Vertex (4 vertices for this query) we need to persist DURATION(ms), CPU_TIME(ms), GC_TIME(ms), INPUT_RECORDS ,OUTPUT_RECORDS. So here we ask for a dictionary that in the top level will contain as keys the 4 vertices and each vertex will contain as value another dictionary. The nested dictionary will contain as keys the 5 metrics (DURATION(ms), CPU_TIME(ms), GC_TIME(ms), INPUT_RECORDS ,OUTPUT_RECORDS) for each vertex eg
"Map 1" : { "DURATION(ms)" : 65013.00 , "CPU_TIME(ms)": 516890 , "GC_TIME(ms)" : 7624 , "INPUT_RECORDS" : 13119189 ,"OUTPUT_RECORDS" : 1200} ,
"Map 3" : ...
- Detailed Metrics per task Metrics in row 103-302 starting just after 100 that the table is finished and include all the groups of metrics till line 302 (eg org.apache.tez.common.counters.DAGCounter , File System Counters etc). Take advantage of the nesting and recreate a dictionary out of it that will contain all the metrics and the names respecting the grouping. { "org.apache.tez.common.counters.DAGCounter" :
"File System Counters:" : { ... } ,
The row numbers here are indicative. Please do not just parse the file and read the specific row numbers since this file is a sample. The program should be able to collect the same groups of rows from any similar file (that could potentially be anywhe file) , so please do not read the specific lines from a list.
You need to be able to identify the group of lines starting with the specified headers (defined above in points 1 , 2 and 3) anywhere in a file.