Simple algo to find convex polygon intersection and compute area of polygone with using OpenCV
####1. Prepare the OpenCV environment####
Install Opencv2.2 in Ubuntu 11.04
Install OpenCV 2.4.1 in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Install the OpenCV library on Mac OS X Lion using Homebrew
Edit CMakeLists.txt and modify the path to your opencv path line 5 for to find OpenCVConfig.cmake file.
####2. Prepare the CMake build environment####
$ sudo apt-get install cmake
####3. Clone the project to local####
$ git clone
####4. Take out-of-source CMake build####
$ mkdir release
$ cd release
$ cmake ..
$ make
####5. Run and enjoy####
$ ./main
####6. Exit####
Press 'Esc' to close window and quit
####7. Screen ####