This is a repository containing a Dotnet Microservice that I developed following the tutorial developed by Les Jackson
This project is comprised of two Microservices which communicate using a mix of sync and async messaging via gRPC and events on a RabbitMQ message bus deployed on the K8s cluster.
Platform Service
- Handles the creation and storage of "Platforms" in a SQL Server deployed in the K8s cluster and attached to a PV
- New Platform creation events are generated and sent over the wire via the RabbitMQ Message Bus
Command Service
- Handles the creation and storage of new Commands (and associated usage instructions) in an in-memory storage solution
- Newly created Platforms are mapped in-memory via a event listener configured on the RabbitMQ Message Bus channel
- On-Startup, persisted data in the SQL Server attached to Platform Service is retrieved via gRPC and seeded into the in-memory storage of Command Service
Inbound Connection Test: POST http://localhost:6201/api/c/platforms
Create Command for Platform: POST http://localhost:6201/api/c/platforms/{Platform ID}/commands
- Request Body:
{"HowTo": "Describe command use-case", "CommandLine": "Describe command syntax"}
Get All Platforms: GET http://localhost:6201/api/c/platforms
Get all Commands for Platform: GET http://localhost:6201/api/c/platforms/{Platform ID}/commands
Get Command for Platform: GET http://localhost:6201/api/c/platforms/{Platform ID}/commands/{Command ID}
Create a new platform: POST http://localhost:5051/api/platforms
- Request Body:
{"name": "Name of platform", "publisher": "Name of platform publisher", "cost": "Describe if platform is free, open-source, paid, etc."}
Get all platforms: GET http://localhost:5051/api/platforms
Get an individual platform: GET http://localhost:5051/api/platforms/{Platform ID}
Inbound Connection Test: POST
Create Command for Platform: POST{Platform ID}/commands
- Request Body:
{"HowTo": "Describe command use-case", "CommandLine": "Describe command syntax"}
Get All Platforms: GET
Get all Commands for Platform: GET{Platform ID}/commands
Get Command for Platform: GET{Platform ID}/commands/{Command ID}
Create a new platform: POST
- Request Body:
{"name": "Name of platform", "publisher": "Name of platform publisher", "cost": "Describe if platform is free, open-source, paid, etc."}
Get all platforms: GET
Get an individual platform: GET{Platform ID}