The Abstract Programming Language is a general-purpoise system programming language
made to be easy to learn, read, write and share.
The Abstract Development Environment is planned to be pretty rich, including systems
for build, debugging, unit testing and modularity.
The philosophy of a language is one of the most important points of it development. It contains all the concepts that allow the and justifies it existence.
Abstract uses as it foundation five concepts:
Controll, Readability, Security and Portability
The abstract Development Environment is made to give the user the maximum productivity and eficiency possible to the developer. It is build around 4 components, still in development:
The Abstract compiler is the foundation of the project. It is the main program that handles the raw script files, process it sintatic and semantic and control the other components to end up wwith a optimized and esay to share executable program or library.
The Abstract linker is a development too that allow the programs and libraries to be compiled into final machine or byte code in the most performatic way. It is also used to reduce dead code from libraries and merge the abstract bytecode with any necessary assembly or machine code.
The Plugins are made to give freedom to the comunity to do whatever they want with their programs. These plugins can be used to manipulate the process during compilation or extends the linker, allowing a bigger diversity of compiling targets for diferent digital devices.
The package Manager is made to allow users to build and share libraries to all purposes and compilation targets.
The Abstract Development System is still in development and it should continue for some good time. If you have some time and good knowledge, try to contribute! (it whould make me really happy :3)