If you are looking for a quick and painless way to start a React application, please look no further and head to create-react-app
. This repository is the result of my research about React, Webpack, Redux and their seamless integration with CircleCI and Heroku. create-react-app
is awesome for starting, but baking my own solution gave me deeper understanding of the technologies involved, so it might be useful to do that once you got familiar with React!
This repo can be downloaded and used as a starting point for a new single page web application with React, Redux and Webpack. It is integrated with React router and Redux Logger. Jest and Selenium web driver are available for unit and system testing. The boilerplate is designed to be continuously deployed on Heroku and CircleCI.
Get Node.js.
Download the zip package and unpack it.
Move to the project folder:
$ cd spa-boilerplate
Install dependencies:
$ npm install
Run the development server:
$ npm run dev
The development server will be listening on port 8080. It will automatically:
- detect changes to any of the modules
- repackage the application managing changes incrementally
- refresh the browser
$ npm test
Will run the specs defined in the /spec