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feat: add xml parsing code
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b1rger committed Apr 19, 2024
1 parent b96eb20 commit c2f26f7
Showing 1 changed file with 189 additions and 0 deletions.
189 changes: 189 additions & 0 deletions apis_ontology/management/commands/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
import datetime
import unidecode
import unicodedata
import json
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pathlib
from import BaseCommand

from apis_ontology.models import Person, Source, Profession, ProfessionCategory

ns = {'b': ''}

def calculate_textual_offsets(parent, field_name):
offsets = []
running_offset = 0
for node in parent.iter():
if node.tag in ["Haupttext", "Kurzdefinition"]:
if node.text is not None:
running_offset += len(unicodedata.normalize("NFC", (node.text if node.text else "")))
textlen = len(unicodedata.normalize("NFC", (node.text if node.text else "")))
{"orig_string": node.text, "start": running_offset, "end": running_offset + textlen, "text_field_name": field_name}
running_offset += textlen
running_offset += len(unicodedata.normalize("NFC", (node.tail if node.tail else "")))
return offsets

def transliterate_v1(text: str) -> str:
if text is None:
return text
text = text.strip()
return unidecode.unidecode(text)

def text_or_iter(node) -> str:
if node:
return ''.join(node.itertext())
return getattr(node, "text")

def get_b_or_d(node):
date_written = ""
year = node.get("Metadatum")
if year:
date_written += year
month = node.get("MM")
if month:
date_written = f"{month}." + date_written
day = node.get("TT")
if day:
date_written = f"{day}." + date_written
place = node.find("./Geographischer_Begriff").text
return date_written, place

def get_date_from_pubinfo_string(pubinfo):
date = None
if pubinfo.startswith("\u00d6BL 1815-1950, Bd. ") or pubinfo.startswith("\u00d6BL Online-Edition, Bd."):
close_pos = pubinfo.find(")")
date = pubinfo[close_pos-4:close_pos]
date = datetime.datetime(int(date), 1, 1)
if pubinfo.startswith("\u00d6BL Online-Edition, Lfg."):
close_pos = pubinfo.find(")")
day, month, year = pubinfo[close_pos-10:close_pos].split(".")
date = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day))
return date.isoformat()

def extractperson(file):
root = ET.parse(file).getroot()

person = {}
person["surname"] = root.find("./Lexikonartikel/Schlagwort/Hauptbezeichnung").text
person["forename"] = root.find("./Lexikonartikel/Schlagwort/Nebenbezeichnung[@Type='Vorname']").text

metadata = {
"pdf_file": root.get("pdf_file"),
"gnd": root.get("gnd"),
"doi": root.get("doi"),
"nummer": root.get("Nummer")
pubinfo = root.find("./Lexikonartikel/PubInfo")
if pubinfo is not None:
pubinfo = pubinfo.text
metadata["pubinfo"] = pubinfo
metadata["date"] = get_date_from_pubinfo_string(pubinfo)
person["metadata"] = metadata

# vita
berufsgruppe = root.find("./Lexikonartikel/Vita/Berufsgruppe")
if berufsgruppe is not None:
professions = berufsgruppe.text or ""
professions = professions.replace("und", ",")
person["profession"] = [Profession.objects.get(name=profession.strip()) for profession in professions.split(",") if profession]
person["professioncategory"] = ProfessionCategory.objects.get(name=berufsgruppe.get("Berufsgruppe"))

gebdat = root.find("./Lexikonartikel/Vita/Geburt")
if gebdat is not None:
b_date_written, b_place = get_b_or_d(gebdat)
person["start_date_written"] = b_date_written
person["metadata"]["start_date_place"] = b_place
stdat = root.find("./Lexikonartikel/Vita/Tod")
if stdat is not None:
d_date_written, d_place = get_b_or_d(stdat)
person["end_date_written"] = d_date_written
person["metadata"]["end_date_place"] = d_place

# geschlecht
gender = root.find("./Lexikonartikel/Geschlecht")
if gender is not None:
gender = gender.attrib["Type"]
match gender:
case "m":
person["gender"] = "male"
case "f":
person["gender"] = "female"
case "w":
person["gender"] = "female"
case other:
person["gender"] = other

kurzinfo = root.find("./Lexikonartikel/Kurzdefinition")
if kurzinfo is not None:
person["oebl_kurzinfo"] = text_or_iter(kurzinfo)
person["metadata"]["annnotations_kurzinfo"] = calculate_textual_offsets(kurzinfo, "oebl_kurzinfo")
haupttext = root.find("./Lexikonartikel/Haupttext")
if haupttext is not None:
person["oebl_haupttext"] = text_or_iter(haupttext)
person["metadata"]["annotations_haupttext"] = calculate_textual_offsets(haupttext, "oebl_haupttext")
werk = root.find("./Lexikonartikel/Werk")
if werk is not None:
person["oebl_werkverzeichnis"] = text_or_iter(werk)
literatur = root.find("./Lexikonartikel/Literatur")
if literatur is not None:
person["references"] = text_or_iter(literatur)
externe_verweise = root.findall("./Lexikonartikel/Externer_Verweis")
person["external_resources"] = [el.get("href") for el in externe_verweise]
bilder = root.findall("./Lexikonartikel/Medien/Bild")
person["external_resources"].extend([el.get("src") for el in bilder])

if not metadata["nummer"].endswith(".xml"):
metadata["nummer"] += ".xml"

metadata["nummer"] = metadata["nummer"].replace("_print", "")

dbperson = None
source = Source.objects.get(orig_filename=metadata["nummer"])
dbperson = source.content_object
except Source.DoesNotExist:
print(f"Does not exist {metadata['nummer']}")

if dbperson is not None:
model = dbperson.history.all().model
attributes = dict(person)
del attributes["profession"]
del attributes["metadata"]
attributes["history_date"] = metadata["date"]
attributes["history_user"] = None
attributes["history_change_reason"] = ""
attributes["history_type"] = "~"
attributes["id"] =

class Command(BaseCommand):
help = "Import data from legacy xml files"

def add_arguments(self, parser):
# point to XML_RESOLVE_IN_PROGRESS folder
parser.add_argument("--path", type=pathlib.Path, nargs="+")

def handle(self, *args, **options):
files = []
for path in options["path"]:
if path.is_dir():
for file in path.glob('**/*.xml'):

for file in sorted(files):

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