Anything to do with entities – the models central to an APIS app
(In-app) management of app: config settings, permissions, env handling etc.
Centered on relations – classes and functionality linking entities together
Changes which may cause errors/failures without prior inspection/revision of certain config or code
Something isn't working (properly, as expected, at all)
To do with project dependencies and Python/Django version updates
Improvements of or additions to documentation – project docs, docstrings, code comments
This issue or pull request already exists
Enhancement of existing functionality or new feature
Request for adaptation of existing functionality or new feature
Issue or PR in (acute) need of discussion, information, assessment by team members
Requires a decision to be made regarding design/implementation
Docstrings, comments, project docs need adding or updating (missing or insufficient info)
Related to performance of code, requests, data handling (speed, resources)
For any kind of question, whether about usage, contributing or the project in general
To do with rewriting APIS (further) for RDF compatibility
Clean-up or restructuring of code for readability/speed/simplicity
Related to writing unit tests, specific test cases, running tests
Tools, workflows, integrations etc. relevant to project maintenance, deployment, collaboration
Issue has yet to be assigned labels to clarify its purpose or focus
Appearance, coherence, usability of user-facing parts (frontend, user interface)