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.github/workflows/test.yml: switch to using the arche config branch #65

.github/workflows/test.yml: switch to using the arche config branch

.github/workflows/test.yml: switch to using the arche config branch #65

Workflow file for this run

name: phpunit
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: clone repo config
run: |
git clone --depth 1 --branch arche config
chmod +x config/run.d/
rm -f config/run.d/ config/run.d/ config/run.d/ config/run.d/ config/run.d/ config/run.d/ config/initScripts/40-updateVocabularies.php
cp .github/workflows/ config/run.d/
cp .github/workflows/ config/initScripts/
- name: run repo docker
run: |
mkdir log
docker run --name arche -p 80:80 -p 5432:5432 -v `pwd`/log:/home/www-data/log -v `pwd`/config:/home/www-data/config -e USER_UID=`id -u` -e USER_GID=`id -g` -d acdhch/arche
- name: composer update
run: |
composer update
- name: config.yaml
run: |
vendor/zozlak/yaml-merge/bin/yaml-edit.php --src config/yaml/schema.yaml --src config/yaml/local.yaml.sample --src '{"dbConnStr":{"guest":"pgsql: host=localhost port=5432 user=www-data"}}' tests/config.yaml
cat tests/config.yaml
- name: wait
run: |
while [ "`grep '# INIT SCRIPTS ENDED' log/initScripts.log | wc -l`" != "1" ]; do
tail log/initScripts.log || true
echo "Waiting until repository is ready..."
echo "-----"
sleep 10
cat log/initScripts.log
- name: test
run: |
mkdir -p build/logs
XDEBUG_MODE=coverage ./vendor/bin/phpunit
- name: coveralls
run: |
export COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN=${{ secrets.coverallsToken }}
rm -fR composer.json composer.lock vendor
composer require php-coveralls/php-coveralls
php vendor/bin/php-coveralls -v