Releases: acdh-oeaw/arche-schema
Version 1.6.3
Import script fixes.
Version 1.6
Introduced vocabulary for acdh:hasLicense
Version 1.5.0
Set path to vocabulary for hasOaiSet.
Added annotation property for language tags.
Some descriptions updated.
Fixes to import scripts.
Version 1.4.1
Published as a composer package.
Version 1.4
hasLastName recommended (instead of required) for class Person
Version 1.3
Added missing range to acdh:hasAppliedMethod
Added link to controlled vocabulary for acdh:hasRelatedDiscipline
Added link to controlled vocabulary for acdh:hasLanguage
Introduced new property acdh:hasOaiSet
Increased set of mandatory properties
Added English and German descriptions for all properties
Version 1.2
Removed hasCopyrightedDate, hasValidEndDate, hasValidStartDate, cites, compiles, isAppliedMethod, isCitedBy, isCompiledBy, isDerivedFrom, isFormat, isIdenticalTo, isLicense, isOriginalFormOf, isReferencedBy, isRelatedDiscipline, isReviewedBy, isSchema, isSubject, isSupplementTo, isSupplementedBy, isTransferMethod, isVariantFormOf, references, and reviews.
Introduced hasRestrictionRole and hasTemporalCoverageIdentifier.
Transformed further object properties into datatype properties (hasSchema, hasTransferMethod, hasSubject, hasRelatedDiscipline, hasLicense, hasFormat, hasAppliedMethod).
Renamed several properties starting with is... to is...Of to indicate direction of relation. Also renamed hasEndpoint to hasLandingPage.
Introduced Helper classes to avoid anonymous class unions. Added domains and ranges to all properties accordingly.
Introduced annotation property acdh:ordering to indicate how properties should be ordered when displayed in a form.
Introduced annotation property acdh:recommendedClass to indicate in which class a property is recommended, but not mandatory.
Version 1.1
Changed achd:language to acdh:hasLanguage.
Removed acdh:hasIssuedDate.
Introduced link to controlled vocabularies for datatype properties via annotation property acdh:vocabs.
Transformed some object properties into datatype properties (hasAccessRestriction, hasCategory, hasLifeCycleStatus) to link with controlled vocabulary.
Version 1.0
First release of the metadata schema for ACDH.