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C++20 serialization of arbitrary structs into byte arrays

  • packall is a header-only serialization library for C++20
  • No external dependencies, zero to minimal source changes required.
  • Builtin serialization to both binary and text.
  • Extensible, add new containers and custom type serialization easily
  • Supports most custom containers out of the box using concepts

Inspired by alpaca

Basic usage

#include "packall/packall.h"

struct Config {
  std::string device;
  std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> resolution;
  std::array<double, 9> K_matrix;
  std::vector<float> distortion_coeffients;
  std::map<std::string, std::variant<uint16_t, std::string, bool>> parameters;

// Construct the object
Config c{"/dev/video0", {640, 480}, 
	 {223.28249888247538, 0.0, 152.30570853111396,
	  0.0, 223.8756535707556, 124.5606000035353,
	  0.0, 0.0, 1.0},
	 {-0.44158343539568284, 0.23861463831967872, 0.0016338407443826572,
	  0.0034950038632981604, -0.05239245892096022},
	 {{"start_server", bool{true}},
	  {"max_depth", uint16_t{5}},
	  {"model_path", std::string{"foo/"}}}};

// Serialize
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes;
packall::pack(c, bytes);

// Deserialize
Config new_c;
if(packall::unpack(new_c, bytes) == packall::status::ok) {
	// ok!


packall::pack(object, container) packall::pack<options::*>(object, container) Packs object into container. container can be any type that looks like vector or an ostream

packall::unpack(object, container) packall::unpack<options::*>(object, container) Unpacks container into object and returns a status code. container can be a vector, span or istream

packall::parse(object, string) Parse the given string into object. string must be a string_view

packall::format(object, string) Convert object to a text representation.

Type system

Special types

Structs, tuple, variant and all containers are handled in a special way that allows for direct interaction with each other and certain other features like optional and deprecation.

Structs & Tuples

Structs, which must be aggregates are the primary user type.

Structs can contain any other type, including other structs. Structs are normally a logical boundary like messages in protocol buffers. Structs can be efficiently deprecated whereas multiple primitive fields cannot be.

Structs operate in one of three compatiblity modes

  • By default older structs can be loaded by new code
  • Structs can be marked immutable for a more efficient encoding that disallows changes.
  • Structs can be marked backwards compatible, to allow older code to load newer data.

std::tuple<T, U, V, ...> behaves much like a struct containing those values in sequence, except that omit<> does change the emitted # of fields for decode purposes and so may break compatibility. Additionally tuples cannot operate in fully backwards compatible decode mode like a struct can.


Concepts are used to not require specific implementations for every container type. Three containers are implemented

  • listlikes must implement resize(size_t) and provide value_type.
  • setlikes must implement emplace(T&&) and provide key_type.
  • maplikes must implement emplace(T&&, K&&) and must permit unpacking via auto& [k, v] : map and must provide key_type and mapped_type.

Additionally, all containers must implement member size(), begin() & end() and typical iterator semantics of incrementing and dereferencing. Any container that satisfies one of these will be automagically supported.

In addition, both std::array<T, N> and T[N] are supported as if they were fixed size containers. It is not an error to decode fewer values than the size (other members will be default-constructed).


char and bool are treated as if they were uint8_t. All integral and floating point types are supported.


std::optional<T> & std::unique_ptr<T>

This is used to signal a maybe-missing object. The format is capable of distinguishing between a missing and an empty object. For special types the encoding is zero-cost and may freely switch between direct-declared, unique_ptr/optional and deprecated.

Note that std::optional requires explicitly specifying the struct size.


If used with a special type this replaces the serialization with a single byte (as if it were an empty vector, empty struct, etc), it also effectively removes this member from the struct. If used with other types, it will serialize a default-constructed object.

If decoding an old buffer with a real object, the contents will be discarded.


This prevents any encoding or decoding. Additionally in structs these are wholly invisible and do not affect the emitted # of fields meaning adding, removing or moving an omitted field will never affect the serialization.


std::variant<A, B, C, ...> is supported as a type-safe union as long as each individual type is supported (or is omitted).

std::pair<K, V> is supported and encodes as if it were an immutable two element struct

enum and enum class are supported, encoding as whatever std::underlying_type_t<T> is. No validation is performed that the decoded value is in fact valid.

std::string_view is supported for encoding only. std::vector<bool> is supported as a special case.

Custom encoding

Certain things, like raw or shared_ptr are not encodable, largely because this does not handle arbitrary topologies, it's not designed to encode many references to a single object, pointers with cycles and so on.

To support arbitrary encoding, an object can implement the following

class ComplexGraph
	void pack(packall::bytebuffer& buf)
		packall::serializer_t<packall::options::none> c(buf);
	void unpack(packall::bytebuffer& buf)
		packall::serializer_t<packall::options::none> c(buf);;

	int x;

packall::serializer_t is a class that provides the following interface

	// Encode interface
	void write(PrimitiveType);
	void writebuf(const void *buf, size_t sz);
	void write_u8(uint8_t u8);
	void write_sz(size_t sz);
	size_t push();
	void pop(size_t at);

	// Decode interface
	void read(PrimitiveType&);
	void readbuf(void *buf, size_t sz);
	uint8_t peek_u8();
	uint8_t read_u8();
	size_t read_sz();
	size_t enter();
	void leave(size_t at);

It is invalid to call encode functions on decode or vice-versa.

Each function is mirrored for both encode and decode. PrimitiveType is any integer, floating point, char or bool.

Push/pop and enter/leave implement backwards compatible decoding, call push to emit a placeholder and pop to fill it in. Call enter to consume it and leave to jump to where encoding ended.

write_sz / read_sz always use variable-length integer encoding. Conversely, write_u8 / read_u8 always write one byte. Plain write and read will use whatever the toplevel options specify.

The exact type of the container (if desiring to implement this in a .cc file) is packall::container_t<Options, Type> where Options is the options passed in to the pack or unpack API (default packall::options::none) and Type is the type of the container passed to the toplevel API.

pack & unpack can in turn call the internal functions to encode or decode objects, located at packall::detail::typeinfo<T>::[un]pack(obj, container).

Finally, to integrate wholly custom encoding at the library's level you can implement

template<> struct packall::detail::typeinfo<MyType>
	template<typename Container>
	void pack(MyType&, Container&);
	template<typename Container>
	void unpack(MyType&, Container&);

but this should be unnecessary unless extending for custom containers or something similar.

Changing the schema

All older buffers are always decodable correctly by newer code as long as entries are never removed or changed incompatibally. Additionally, older code can sometimes decode newer buffers.


A struct can provide trait flags to change how it is encoded. Note that immutable is forever!

struct MyStruct
	static constexpr packall::traits Traits = packall::traits::immutable;


struct packall::detail::traits_impl<MyStruct>
	static constexpr packall::traits Traits = packall::traits::immutable;

A struct that specifies the immutable flag forfeits any compatibility options in exchange for slightly more efficient encoding. Use this for structs that will never change, for example vec3 should never have anything other than 3 entries.

A struct that specifies the backwards_compatible flag uses a larger encoding that allows the decoder to skip newer unknown fields.

By default (and with backwards_compatible) newer fields may be added to the end of any struct. backwards_compatible can be added retroactively the first time a struct definition is changed to preserve compatibility.

In addition, in any struct

  • packall::omit<T> entries may be added, moved or removed anywhere.
  • Any struct member may be replaced by packall::deprecated<T>.

If the buffer being decoded has a known size then the toplevel struct is effectively backwards_compatible by default as decoding may stop on any struct member boundary.


All non-map containers can be freely interchanged. There is no encoding level difference between a std::vector and a std::list.

A map can be changed to a non-map containing std::pair<K, V> or an immutable two entry struct.


If a buffer is using variable-length encoding, any non-8bit integer value can be extended, eg uint16_t to uint32_t but this may break older code if a too-large value is written.

If a buffer is using fixed-length encoding, any integer may change it's sign.

bool, char, int8_t and uint8_t can always be interchanged.

Deprecation of entries

Any deprecated entry may be replaced with packall::deprecated<T>. This is guaranteed to be an empty object (and can have [[no_unique_address]] applied) and will simply encode a default-initialized T and decode to a throwaway T.


std::tuple follows the same rules as structs, except that omit<T> counts as a type change and tuples cannot specify compatibility options

std::variant can add new types at will and will only cause issues if unknown types are passed to older code.

std::unique_ptr and std::optional encode identially. Additionally, if T is a struct or tuple or container it can be replaced with the same type inline.

Output containers

Acceptable containers include:

  • std::vector<uint8_t>
  • std::span<uint8_t> for decoding
  • std::ostream & std::istream Additionally other containers that look similar to a vector (having push_back, data & size) may match the concept and work automatically.

To implement a custom container, you can provide a specialization as follows

struct packall::bytebuffer_impl<MyContainer>
	// Read at least n bytes. If n is zero it is not an error to be at the end of the buffer.
	void more_data(size_t n) override;
	// Provide at least n bytes of free space in the buffer (e - p).
	void more_buffer(size_t n) override;
	// Move p to be at the specified byte offset
	void seek_to(size_t at) override;
	// Fixup the 4 bytes at offset at, write n into it
	void fix_offset(size_t at, uint32_t n) override;
	// Write any pending data
	void flush_all() override;

This may throw a packall::status value in more_data() or seek_to() to error out.


Serialization is type-safe and fuzz-tested. Invalid input sequences should never crash, but may leave objects partially-initialized or with unexpected values (eg floating point NaNs or bad enum values).

A type hash can be computed at compile time and can be manually stored to verify that the type has not changed. Integrity checking the byte buffer is out of scope for this library.


No struct, variant or tuple may contain more than 250 entries (technically some may go all the way to 255 but 250 is a safe limit). Struct decoding past 50 elements must be provided explicitly (see

Manually specifying size

If a struct uses C arrays or std::optional then you must specify an Arity member as below.

struct MyStruct
	static constexpr size_t Arity = ?;

Binary Format


Variable Integer Encoding

This uses the same scheme as protobufs, base-128 integers and zigzag encoding for signed values. Values are stored little-endian. One byte integers are directly stored always as a single byte.

The prefix value

For non-immutable structs this is the number of elements * 4 + 2 that will be omitted with an additional + 1 if this type is backwards compatible. For tuples this is the number of values stored + 1 This value is always encoded as variable length


If non-immutable and not already emitted, emit the prefix value. If backwards compatible, emit a fixed offset to end of struct (filled in at the end). This is container implemented but currently is a 32-bit fixed value everywhere. Emit every non-omitted value in order


As structs, but without the backwards compatible offset.


Emit the count + 1 as a variable length integer. If the contained type has a prefix value, emit it and bypass emitting for each value. Emit every value. If a map, emit key then value.


Integers may be stored as variable or fixed width, depending on encoding settings and usage. Floating point numbers are always fixed width.


A single byte containing the field number + 1 being encoded. Then that field.

unique_ptr & optional

If the enclosed type has a prefix value or is a container, emit a 0 if that field is not present, otherwise emit it.

Otherwise, emit a 0 if that field is not present, and a 1 if it is, then the value.


If the enclosed type has a prefix value or is a container, emit a 0. Otherwise emit a default-constructed value.

Text Format

This is simply a Lua table constructor. Keys for tables can either omit the quotes if it is a valid identifier, or be a long string, or be any value enclosed in []

Lists, tuples, nameless structs are stored as {val1, val2, val3} Variants are stored as however their current value is stored. Maps and structs are stored as {k1=v1, k2=v2, k3=v3} Maps can have complex keys - anything that can be serialized is permitted, enclosed in []. Strings can use 'single' or "double" quotes, but also [[long strings containing anything]]. Bool is either true or false Numbers follow the usual default decimal integers, 0x prefixed hexadecimal integers, standard and scientific floating point and 0x prefixed hex float.

To serialize a struct you must provide names.

struct MyStruct
	float a;
	int b;

	static constexpr kMembers[] = {"a", "b"};
struct Config {
	std::string device;
	std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> resolution;
	std::array<double, 9> K_matrix;
	std::vector<double> distortion_coeffients;
	std::map<std::string, std::variant<uint16_t, std::string, bool>> parameters;

	static constexpr const char *kMembers[] = {
	    "device", "resolution", "K_matrix", "distortion_coeffients", "parameters"};

// Construct the object
Config c{"/dev/video0", {640, 480}, 
	 {223.28249888247538, 0.0, 152.30570853111396,
	  0.0, 223.8756535707556, 124.5606000035353,
	  0.0, 0.0, 1.0},
	 {-0.44158343539568284, 0.23861463831967872, 0.0016338407443826572,
	  0.0034950038632981604, -0.05239245892096022},
	 {{"start_server", bool{true}},
	  {"max_depth", uint16_t{5}},
	  {"model_path", std::string{"foo/"}}}};

std::string text;
packall::format(c, text);

encodes to

        device = [[/dev/video0]],
        resolution = {
        K_matrix = {
        distortion_coeffients = {
        parameters = {
                max_depth = 5,
                model_path = [[foo/]],
                start_server = true,


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